I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 154 Blank bullets and poison-extracting knives

(Almost 600 words were deleted from the previous chapter and I dare not make up for it. It may be due to protective blocking)

All in all, Ishigami rewarded Soryuin Zhumei, and for the time being, he got the following information.

I don’t know if it’s a loss or not.

"Wu Yaksha, 32 years old, is the oldest teacher in the Higher Education Department of Huangying College, and also serves as the head coach of Huangying Gym here."

The blush on her face was still lingering, Soryuin Akemi specially emphasized the word "older" and continued.

"I only know that this beautiful aunt's identity is unknown. About five years ago, my sister suddenly announced that she was a member of the board of directors of Huangying College. Since then, Teacher Wu has been one of the school directors."

"Although she is middle-aged, she has a gentle personality and does not look like she is menopausal. She has a good relationship with the students and teachers, and is similar to everyone's "sister" (old aunt)."

"Teacher Wu seems to have a son and a daughter. The daughter seems to be studying in Tokyo and is about the same age as us."

"But it seems that sometimes a terrifying aura appears for no apparent reason. I really feel like I will be killed immediately."

"Ishigami-kun, it's better not to get too close to Mr. Wu Yasha. I always feel like something bad will happen."

One time Soryuin Zhumei went to the office and accidentally overheard the content of Teacher Wu's phone call, which contained key words such as remuneration and task targets.

She was so frightened that she accidentally dropped the document in her hand on the ground. Then Zhu Mei was covered by Teacher Wu's murderous intent when she reacted.

She didn't dare to say this kind of thing, because after later finding out that the person was Zhumei from Soryuin, Teacher Wu came over with a smile and helped her clean up. She also said that she was playing a "killer game" with her youngest son on the phone to ask Zhumei not to do it. mind.

Although she has always been well protected by her sister, when the family business was undergoing transformation in the early days, Zhu Mei still inevitably knew a little about the other world. I don't know if the "killer game" that Teacher Wu mentioned on the phone is true or not, but the terrifying murderous intent is more ferocious than the elders in her family who fought countless battles in the early days and had scars all over their bodies. Their laughter was more terrifying than their tears.

Teacher Wu Yaksha's hands were definitely stained with blood, and there were not just a few "murderers" but hundreds of them.

So Soryuin Akemi was a little afraid of this teacher who was always smiling and regarded him as a dangerous person.

But Ishigami, who is skilled and bold, doesn't know what fear is. It's just that in the strange Soryuin Zhumei has been emphasizing Teacher Wu's identity as a middle-aged woman, as if this is the most conspicuous label on her body.

But he really didn't expect that this old aunt with narrow eyes would be unexpectedly crazy when she was young. At thirty-two years old, her daughter is actually about the same age as us. Isn't it a bit excessive? This is too much punishment.

It's equivalent to Xiaogui, who is already a qualified child, doing such outrageous things.

Maybe it's because there are few people in the Wu clan.

Anyway, if Ishigami had done something like this, his parents would really want to fuck him with real swords and guns. He shook his head, not thinking about it.

Whether this old aunt is in love, chasing love, or charging for love, it is her freedom. Ishigami just sighed.

"Senior, let's go out."

Ishigami and Soryuin Akemi have been out for a long time, but he has not forgotten Shinomiya-senpai's terrifying gaze when he and Akemi-sama left alone.

"Don't forget, I'm helping Hayasaka supervise you."

Shinomiya-senpai's eyes seemed to be looking at a scumbag, and I really couldn't stand it.

It was obvious that he was just making necessary sacrifices to collect information.

"Miss Jumei?"

Ishigami was originally replying to President Shirogane's text message asking him when he would be back. Needless to say, this was Shinomiya-senpai's request to have President Shirogane send the message on his behalf.

As a result, there was no response for a long time. Ishigami raised his head and found that Soryuin Akemi, who had been leaning against the wall, had quietly fallen to the ground for some unknown reason.

"Don't worry, this child may be too tired."

"Just let her sleep for a while."

A slightly frivolous voice came from the side. Hearing this voice, Ishigami put down the phone in his hand and said helplessly.

"So, is this the reason why you used an anesthetic needle on her, Teacher Yasha?"

When he was playing with his mobile phone just now, he suddenly saw a "shimmer" in his sight that was so weak that even if he didn't pay attention, he thought it was an illusion.

Now it seems that it is not Ishigami's problem, but that he really made some small moves.

"It's really considerate."

Facing Ishigami's ridicule, the figure's tone was devoid of any anger and he just slowly walked out of the dim shadow.

"Ara, it turns out you discovered it."

The owner of this voice was Wu Yasha, whom Ishigami and the others met for the first time before. She walked without making any sound.

And it's very strange. This lady's presence seems to be quite low. If it weren't for the sound, you wouldn't think there was someone standing there.

Wu Yaksha looked at Shi Shang with great interest.

"It seems that apart from your strength, you are pretty good in terms of insight. I'll give you another point."

Her tone seemed as simple as an elder lecturing to a younger generation.

"But, Ishigami-kun, there's something wrong with your tone of voice. It's a little too harsh and can easily offend people without realizing it."

"If you can change it a little bit, teacher, I will have a better impression of you."

Ishigami chuckled lightly

"I'm afraid a teacher who doesn't hesitate to take action against his own students would be foolish to leave a good impression on you."

"You didn't go all the way to make Miss Zhu Mei faint just to lecture me."

"So what are you doing, teacher?"

Ishigami walked towards the door as if nothing had happened. As for Soryuin Zhumei.

Her situation was safer than that of Ishigami. Trying to stay away from him, whose aura was completely locked by Wu Yaksha, was the right solution.

What's more, Sister Zhu Mei is the biological sister of the chairman of this college. Wu Yasha, who has been a teacher here for many years, will not harm her.

Therefore, Ishigami, who knew it tacitly, was not worried about this guy's safety at all, and instead started chatting with Teacher Wu Yasha.

He called up the chat history with the president and faced Wu Yaksha

"Teacher, if there's nothing wrong."

"I have to go back in a hurry. My friends are urging me."

"As for Miss Zhu Mei, I leave it to you. It's not good for a boy I just met to hug and hug her."

"Ishigami-kun, you turn out to be such a gentleman."

Wu Yasha laughed angrily when she heard Shi Shang's nonsense. If she hadn't come in through the small door of the warehouse before and peeped at their behavior, she would have truly believed it. Although it was the little girl who made the first move, is it too much for you to just let her go? It feels like a pure little white flower has been dyed with color by this hateful brat.

Shameless, he is really a scoundrel brat.

"Really? In fact, I came to see you just because of your friends' request."

Wu Yasha smiled at Shi Shang, still looking like a good teacher.

"Then now that I have found you, I can do business with your friends."

"Let's go. As for Zhu Mei, let her rest here for a while. The final exam is approaching recently."

"When students arrive at this time, they will be very busy and cannot take a break. Especially those at the top of the grade are even more stressed."

Ishigami spread his hands and nodded in agreement.

"It's true that I feel a lot of pressure as the number one in my grade."

"To tell you the truth, teacher, I am worried when I play games now, whether I will be surpassed or something."

"But then I thought about it. After all this time, my opponents still can't pass the test. I sleep in class and play games after school, so what should I worry about?"

"I slapped myself with my backhand, and I couldn't concentrate on playing the game."

Is what you hear here human language?

Wu Yaksha couldn't hold on to her smile. She almost forgot that this kid was still a top student.

But the grades of the first graders in each school are different. A person who ranks first in grade at Kozakura Academy may not necessarily be ranked first in Shuchiin. The difference between the two schools may be the difference between the number one district key school and the number one city key school.

Although Wu Yaksha still holds the position of assassin, she is also the teacher and homeroom teacher of the second-year students in the Higher Education Department. Faced with such an important matter as the national joint entrance examination rankings for each grade, it is naturally something that every teacher will be concerned about.

The top 1,000 students in the national joint entrance examination are the treasures of each school. There are more than three million high school students in Neon, and the average number for first graders to third graders is one million each.

And Ishigami ranked first in the last national joint examination, which means that he is the first-year student with the highest deviation value in Neon. The kid with blond hair and fierce eyes who came this time was also the second grader in the national entrance examination.

It is not easy to get the first place in the million-dollar exam, and it is not something that cats and dogs can get into. Not to mention, this guy also said that he always plays games and never studies.

whether it's true or not

She has already been tricked by this brat.

So Wu Yaksha was very unhappy

If this person is unhappy, he will want to cause trouble

"Oh, I'm telling you the truth."

"My little girl's grades are not so ideal, what if..."

Half of what she said was to let the listener continue what she said. But Ishigami already had a headache after catching a Fujiwara Chika. If he caught a Wu clan member, he would have to fight her before he could study.

No amount of money would be enough to compensate Shi Shang for the double damage to his spirit and energy.

"No, no, Teacher Wu, you are also a teacher in the Higher Education Department yourself. It seems that you are better at teaching."

"I can only take exams at best. I have no talent at all for studying."

Ishigami, who didn't want anything to do with this family, waved his hand directly.

"Stop talking, Teacher Wu, I'm going to meet up with my friends."

"I'll leave this to you."

Shi Shang glanced out of the corner of his eye, and Wu Yaksha, still squinting, walked quickly past her to open the door.

Soon, when the two were about to pass each other, at that moment.

With a smile on his face, Wu Yasha revealed a dark object from his sleeve at a speed invisible to the naked eye. It could be as casual as drinking water and sleeping. Without any hesitation, he directly pulled the trigger on the back of Ishigami's neck.

In an instant, the smoke from the gunpowder explosion lit up small sparks in the dim environment.

The power of close-range thermal weapons should not be underestimated. The distance between the two people was only one meter.

Wu Yasha, a professional killer, naturally expected a 100% hit and no chance of missing.

But as expected, the target losing the ability to resist is still a lot different.

Even quite different.

Because the gun was completely scrapped and unusable, the barrel was completely exposed. Scattered on the ground were scattered parts.

But the strange thing is that there should be a bullet hole in the ground, but there is not.

As the target of being shot, Ishigami still had the energy to examine the complete barrel of the gun in his hand, and he determined the model of the gun.

Ishigami took a few steps back

"Hey, hey, that's not it."

I just refused to give your daughter extra lessons, and you gave me a shot?

"Oh, teacher, look what you have done. It's such a pity that Beretta is so miserable."

However, something is a little strange.

Ishigami sniffed the smell in the air and the bullet that seemed a little weak.

"Is this a blank round?"

Wu Yaksha did not answer. She threw away the mangled pistol in her hand. Instead, two very sharp blades flashing with cold light sprang out from her sleeves in an instant, and she held them in her hands.

"You said, it would be better if you fell down just now."

Although blank bullets are non-lethal bullets, they may still cause damage at close range.

What Wu Yasha was thinking about was to use the impact of the bullet to attack Shi Shang's neck, make him unconscious, and then achieve her ulterior secret.

But this kid once again exceeded his expectations. Can he dodge a shot from this distance? Moreover, it was shot from a blind angle.

Wu Yaksha hasn't used this kind of non-lethal weapon for a long time, but this kid did it all by himself.

Just lie down and it'll be fine.

"Now you're going to have to suffer a little bit."

Wu Yasha, who narrowed his eyes, held the sharp blade in both hands, and his whole body was slightly bent. The front foot that stepped forward revealed a section of snow-white calf from the hem of the kimono.

"Just one stab."

Her knife was poisoned, and it was smeared with a coma drug that could knock down a cow. This is already the most crotch-sucking one in Wu Yaksha's collection of poisons.

She thought that this dose was quite enough to treat a high school student.

Ishigami slowly took out a pair of black gloves from his pocket and put them on.

This is the latest fiber developed from the United States, which provides maximum protection while keeping fingers soft and flexible. The gloves Ishigami is currently wearing are made of this special material and are strong enough to prevent cutting by electric saws.

"Teacher, you are pointing a weapon at me."

"There's no murderous intent, but it's boring."

Since the last time he was beaten by two people with weapons, Ishigami was ready for hand-to-hand combat.

"What about teacher?"

Ishigami whistled

"Speaking of which, I haven't beaten a female teacher yet?"

"I don't know how it feels, so I'll play with you."

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