"Teacher Wu Yasha."

Ishigami, who had already done five sets of 50kg bench press and was about to take a break, suddenly heard the voice of surprise from Senior Sister Saakura.

He turned his head upside down and saw Senior Sister Saakura getting off the equipment and then ran over very happily and stood next to a gentle-looking lady wearing a purple kimono and a hairpin that exuded a mature atmosphere.

Her indescribably beautiful figure is hidden under the wide kimono, and only the subtle rounded curves can be vaguely seen. Her face is actually not much different from that of a girl, and it can be seen that the years have not left many traces on her face.

A pair of eyes were closed, and the lips were slightly raised. His smiling appearance makes people feel good about him involuntarily.

But the slightly petite Reiying ruins the beauty when standing next to the huge Ozu Toshio, like a combination of "beauty" and "beast".

However, the "beast"'s eyes seemed to be a bit taboo towards the "beauty", it was as fearful as a savage beast.

Previously, "Teacher Wu" originally planned to let Ozu Toshio leave without saying goodbye, but Teacher Ozu still felt that it was not good. The most important thing is that he has a premonition that something will happen to him when he goes there, but based on Ozu Toshio's own strength, as long as he is not a veteran strong man, he can basically deal with it.

But such strong people usually have pride and will not come to the door without saying hello. Although there are occasionally unknown strong men who "do not practice martial ethics", they are in the minority after all. He also wanted to think that this was his illusion, but this bad premonition was so strong.

After thinking about it, Toshio Ozu decided that he might as well say a few words before leaving.

So when both "Teacher Yasha" and Toshio Ozu noticed Ishigami's gaze, the former looked at it and smiled kindly at him with a look of enlightenment. And Toshio Ozu waved for them to come over, as if he had something to talk about.

Ishigami immediately placed the large barbell on the stand with a "dong" sound and then straightened up, dragging Chika Fujiwara over with him. The two student council presidents who were socializing in the distance and Shinomiya Kaguya who was supervising also saw Ozu Toshio's gesture and came over.

Looking at the people gathered again, Toshio Ozu shifted his position, which made the "Yaksha" teacher on the side appear and stand in the main seat.

"Let me introduce you, this is Teacher Wu Yaksha."

"I'm very sorry, I have something to do and I can't accompany you for the time being."

"Next, this teacher will lead you from Shuchiin on a tour of this school."

After saying all this, Toshio Ozu took a step back, allowing Wu Yasha to get closer to the students.

"Hello, students of Shuchiin."

Wu Yasha's narrowed eyes were slightly bent, and he smiled and greeted Ishigami and the others.

"Teacher Ozu has already introduced me. You can call me Teacher Wu or Teacher Yasha."

"That means I will lead you on a tour of our Imperial Sakura Academy."

"Yu-kun, this teacher is so beautiful."

Chika Fujiwara whispered to Ishigami

"There seems to be no such beautiful female teacher in our school."

"Well, that seems to be the case."

Regarding Fujiwara Chika's words, Ishigami only answered perfunctorily.

Now his thoughts are all focused on the word "Wu", which means that this teacher is a member of the "Wu" family?

It's no wonder that Shi Shang immediately started to associate "Wu" and became so sensitive when he heard "Wu". The truth is that every time he meets this sick-brained family, nothing good will happen to him.

From the beginning, Wu Fengshui was involved in the rather troublesome "Hundred People", to the hooded girl who is now missing. And Wu Bei, the organization behind him is also quite troublesome. It is a global-level terrorist organization, an existential "bug" that even the intelligence agencies of various countries are unwilling to provoke.

If you really mix with the "Wu Clan", you will become unfortunate.

Ishigami had previously wondered why he felt a snake-like aura from this mature elder sister.

Like a poisonous snake hiding in the darkness, you can't see it but you can hear its voice spitting out messages, and it can launch a fatal blow at any time. If he is an elder of the "Wu" clan, that would be right.

Although I have recognized the identity of this "narrow-eyed" teacher, I still wonder whether the other person has any ill intentions toward me, or whether he might attack the people around him.

I don't know about these things.

However, this "Wu" seems to enjoy this kind of playing house between teachers and students, as you can tell by looking at the performance of Senpai Sakura.

She still prefers this "Wu", which means that she didn't apply for the job suddenly because she learned the information about Ishigami and the others coming here.

Well, let’s take a look at the situation first.

If this teacher is really tired of the life of fighting and killing, it would be okay to start teaching and educating people with peace of mind. But if I have any evil intentions, I can only say sorry.

Ishigami sighed, because even Senior Sister Qianhua came over and surrounded the dangerous person "Wu Yasha".

"Does this mean that the three views follow the five senses?"

Emmm, Chika-senpai said before that Shuchiin did not have such a good-looking teacher.

Alas, that's true.

The teachers at Shuchiin are either a bunch of old men or a bunch of old ladies, etc. The median age is 65 years old. It’s not that we can’t afford young teachers with good looks and academic ability, it’s just that the problem here is unclear.

Elsewhere, teachers are stronger. Putting Xiuzhiyuan aside, students are generally more powerful than teachers.

The teachers who are supposed to be strong are actually the weak ones, and the students in the higher education department are all very precocious. The daring bad guys might attack these sisters or brothers who are about the same age. It doesn't matter if they don't get it, they can just turn a blind eye and laugh and let them go, just for fear of causing death. The law ends.

This turned into a scandal, and the senior officials of Shuchiin didn't want to deal with such a mess. Simply solve it at the source, which leads to the fact that Shuchiin teachers are basically old men and old ladies.

As long as girls' schools like Huangying don't recruit male teachers, they won't have this problem.

There is no age limit, the female teacher is so pretty. Ishigami had noticed before when he was walking on campus that they were all female college students of the age who had just graduated.

Young and beautiful sisters

If he doesn't even sleep like this, he must study hard.

But the reality is cruel, he can only say one thing


Tears flowed from Shi Shang's mouth unsatisfactorily, but no matter how good other people's things are, they belong to other people.

The correct answer is to first obtain more information about the "enemy".

"Souryuin-senpai, right?"

He faced Soruin Akemi beside him. This guy had been staring at him absentmindedly since just now. He put his fingers to his mouth and let out a meaningless gasp.

Her face was still very red, and her eyes were moist and translucent with water dripping from her eyes.

If Soryuin Shumi himself were to answer this question, he would definitely complain with great dissatisfaction.

"You dress like that, don't you just want others to see you?"

The place Soryuin Zhumei had been looking at was actually Ishigami's lower abdomen. The places there are always revealed as the movement progresses. The neatly arranged abdominal muscles and the rhythm of exhalation attract Soruin Akemi's attention all the time.

“Isn’t this forcing people to make mistakes?”

Soryūin Zhumei thought in an excited voice.

So this senior's expression scared Ishigami.

There's something very wrong with this guy doing this to someone he's meeting for the first time, it's a bit scary. But this sister happened to be Huangying's student council president and the sister of the school's chairman.

Moreover, she was elected as the president of the student union, all based on her own efforts. According to Saakura-senpai, she has won the title of Miss Sakura for two consecutive years, and her performance is the same as that of President Shirogane, ranking first among her peers.

Such a eldest lady,

If you want to ask something, she should know it better.

So Ishigami had no choice but to start getting close to her.

"Senior, can I ask you something?"

Unexpectedly, Ishigami would take the initiative to talk to her. Soruin Akemi was stunned for a moment, and then said happily.

"Yes, Ishigami-san."

"I can answer whatever you want to ask."

"Thank you, Soryuin-senpai."

"You don't have to be so polite. By the way, just call me Miss Zhu Mei."

"Okay, Miss Jumei."

Hearing the senior sister's sincere tone that was not polite, Ishigami, who didn't know the meaning of politeness, said that it was just what I wanted, and it was a bit more direct, not so much. Tao Lu

"Then can you tell me a little bit about Teacher Wu?"

Ishigami saw the somewhat confused look in Zhu Mei's eyes and thought she didn't hear clearly.

"Yes, it's about Teacher Wu Yaksha."

"Huh? What's going on with this guy?"

The smile on Zhu Mei's face was almost unbearable. Either you came to me or you just wanted to ask for information about a girl, an "old woman".

She took a deep breath

"Professor Wu?"

Ishigami connected immediately without thinking.

"Yes, Teacher Wu."

Soryuin Zhumei opened her mouth and finally sighed.

"Okay, but Teacher Wu's information is a bit special, and I don't know much about it."

"Let's talk in another place. It doesn't seem good to talk about this in front of the person involved."

Ishigami nodded and agreed.

Just when the two were about to change places, they heard a loud "boom" and the sound of flashing sparks.

It seemed like there was a short circuit in some circuit, and even the lighting lights started to flicker on and off.

"what happened?"

Ishigami looked toward the initial rumbling sound and saw the man who had caused a large dent in the wall by relying on brute force.

"Teacher Ozu?"

Different from his gentle temperament just now, Toshio Ozu now looks like a wild beast that has been released from the cage, his eyes are bleeding red, and his originally well-dressed suit has long become fragments all over the sky.

Instead, there are ridiculously exaggerated muscles in various parts, whether it is biceps, back muscles or deltoid muscles, there is not a trace of white space in all the muscles. The whole body is covered with a pair of sports shorts for easy movement, and the violent muscles express the pride of a fitness person.

The muscles all over the body are covered with bulging blood vessels, and the veins are like dragons and they are no joke to you.

Toshio Ozu is a "brave and wise general" who is completely furious. He vented his anger and shattered the wall made of high-density special materials with one punch.

The cause of all this was a phone call, more accurately a call for help...

"Didi didi."

This was Ozu Toshio's phone ringing. He had already walked to the elevator door. for

"it's me.."


The phone was full of noise, and there were wailing and screaming everywhere. These sounds mixed together like a symphony from hell.

"Brother Ozu, help"

Quite weird

"Everyone is dead"

But before the mournful words could be finished, there was a shrill scream, and then the busy tone started.

Then nothing was heard from him.

This voice belongs to a junior whom Ozu Toshio is quite optimistic about. Even after going through his rather harsh training, he would not let out a single groan, but now he actually let out such a miserable scream.

"Everyone is dead"

Toshio Ozu, whose face was gloomy enough to drip with tears, repeated these words, clenched his fists and made a crackling sound.

The little "commotion" in the gymnasium was originally thought to be an excuse for Teacher Wu to dismiss him at will, but now it seems that this problem is quite serious.


This is the total number of combatants under the Imperial Sakura Education Group, and all the security forces deployed to protect the Shinomiya eldest daughter and the second son of the Ishigami family.

Toshio Ozu is their chief instructor and is responsible for training them to become stronger. He treats everyone as his disciple and trains everyone as his own child.

But now they are all broken.

His heart is bleeding

"Absolutely kill that guy!"

What followed was an even louder cracking sound. Ozu Toshio, who was boiling with murderous intent, smashed a window on the second floor and jumped from a height of nearly six floors.

The huge impact shattered the floor tiles underneath into broken cracks, which continued to spread out in the shape of a spider web.

Then Toshio Ozu disappeared on the road at an extremely fast speed, and the branches around him were blown to pieces.

Several people upstairs stared blankly at the place where the big hole had completely leaked air and remained silent for a long time.

How is this going?

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