I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 148 A school founded by early members of the Boxing Club

Since Xiaogui was also busy with the elementary school student union affairs, he left first without waiting for her brother, so the student union room still had the same number of people.

President Shirogane and Ishigami sat on one side, while Shinomiya Kaguya and Fujiwara Chika sat very close together.

The relationship between the two has returned to that of good sisters, but they seem to be getting closer.

Because this time it was rare for Shinomiya Kaguya to sit next to Fujiwara Chika, with a happy smile on her face.

For Kaguya Shinomiya, who rarely reveals her true emotions, this is already very rare.

This anomaly attracted the attention of President Shirogane. To be honest, he knew that Shinomiya Kaguya was not used to being so close to others. If Secretary Fujiwara were to stick to him like this, Shinomiya would have pushed him away a long time ago.

Therefore, the two people's happy appearance made President Shirogane a little uncomfortable. He asked Ishigami in a low voice.

"Ishigami, what's going on with the Fourth Palace..."

Ishigami's hand that was originally replying to the message paused.


He didn't want to get involved. President Bai Yin's question was really difficult to answer.

how to say

Even after witnessing it with his own eyes, Ishigami still felt it was outrageous. The one who was gnashing his teeth just a second ago and wishing to kill him with his own hands is now like the best friend.

This senior sister really turns her face around faster than turning over the pages of a book

Ishigami thought for a while and decided not to break Shinomiya-senpai's good impression in President Shirogane's mind. Then he could only use a bigger bomb to deal with this guy.

"President, Xiaogui has come to our student union."


A big question mark appeared on President Shirogane's head, who? Xiaogui!

Before he could ask, Ishigami gave more information.

"Xiaogui also made an appointment with Senior Sister Shinomiya to go out together."

President Shirogane was immediately confused by Ishigami.

"Ah, what did I miss?"

My sister actually wants to go out with Shinomiya

President Shirogane held his pants very hard. If he remembered correctly, it was the first time Xiaogui and Shinomiya met.

Why do we suddenly become so close that we want to hang out together?

Ishigami looked at the rich expression changes on President Shirogane's face and smiled.

You lucky guy, just have fun

At least, President, you don’t have to worry about the relationship between your sister-in-law and sister-in-law. They have started planning in advance.

Suddenly he remembered something and asked

"By the way, President, what was that thing you were holding in your hand just now?"

President Shirogane's thoughts were in a mess, but he still handed the envelope mixed with the documents at hand to Ishigami.

"I don't know, this seems to be an invitation from a private college."

President Bai Yin replied

"The principal handed it to me after the club joint meeting."

"What, what, an invitation?"

"Give me Kangkang."

Upon hearing the topic of interest, Chika Fujiwara immediately stood up with her hands on the table.

Shirogane Yuxing nodded and pointed at the beautifully wrapped envelope in Ishigami's hand.

"Well, Secretary Fujiwara, there is indeed an invitation letter."

"But don't worry, I just looked at Shi. It will be the same if you look at him again after he's healed."

"But I want to be the first."

But in the end Chika Fujiwara nodded and said nothing more.

Ishigami looked at Fujiwara Chika's small mouth pouting angrily, seemingly unhappy.

"Hey, you have to be the first to read a letter. It's time for you, a kid, to restrain your temper."

He chuckled softly, and took one last look at the seal on the letter, which seemed familiar to him, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Ishigami handed the unopened letter in his hand to Chika Fujiwara.

"Here you go, Senka Qianhua."

The dark clouds on Fujiwara Chika's face were swept away

"Yeah, thank you Ishigami-kun."

After she finished speaking, she did not forget to make a face to President Shirogane, looking very proud.

"President, you are a stingy guy. Even if you don't show it to me, Yu-kun will take the initiative to give it to me."

Then Fujiwara Chika ignored President Shirogane who was gnashing his teeth and went to look at the cover of the envelope.

President Shirogane had no one to stare at, so he turned to stare at Ishigami.

"Look, it's because of you that this person is so arrogant!"

But Ishigami could only read from President Shirogane's eyes, "Don't spoil her too much!", and he nodded helplessly.

It's all my fault

Chika-senpai is already like this, even if I don't get used to her, she will still be like this.

And there must be your own problems here. You are not the first and second graders in Shuchiin, so why are you always being fooled by the median?

Chika Fujiwara has really big problems. Her thinking mode has always been a mystery, making it difficult for people to figure out her routine. She is best at using intelligence and if you underestimate her, you will suffer a big loss.

Ishigami had just seen that even the furious Shinomiya-senpai wanted to kill Chika Fujiwara immediately, but she was not able to finish her off in the end.

With just one sentence, the arrogant Shinomiya senior was tamed and submissive, without any temper at all.

"Let me ask, who in this world can do it."

Ishigami now thought about whether Chika Fujiwara's intelligence was terrifying enough to crush them. Testing on the edge of madness and death, constantly breaking through the bottom line to seek excitement, and then when you can't stand it anymore, he casually makes you feel angry while everyone is having fun together, and makes you unable to hold a grudge. rise.

Use the magic of language to play tricks.

This is Chika Fujiwara

A born politician, the real head of Xiuzhiyuan's propaganda, his eloquence is more than ten times better than ordinary people like us.

The cancer of the earth is really scary.

Do you want her to do it herself if she doesn't agree to such a big devil's request?

Ishigami didn't want to be treated like a dog by Senka Qianhua without knowing it.

He looked at Chika Fujiwara who was tearing open the envelope and thought silently.

Chika Fujiwara smiled and pulled open the sealing wax of the envelope, then tore off the seal. She squinted her eyes and lowered her head to look carefully at the contents of the envelope, and carefully took out the letter inside.

She looked around and said solemnly to the other three people.

"Then I read it."

Ishigami looked at her cautious look and answered first.

"Well, I leave it to you, Senior Qianhua."

For Chika Fujiwara who becomes serious for no reason

When you read a letter, the solemn style makes you think you are reading some kind of manifesto.

After receiving Ishigami's approval, Chika Fujiwara slowly spoke this time.

"Dear members of the Shuchiin Student Union, hello."

She sounded a little embarrassed, but her words were clear

"It's the 50th anniversary of Imperial Sakura Academy, and the relationship between the two schools is very close."

"So, as the student union of Huangying College, we solemnly extend an invitation."

"Welcome everyone from Xiuzhiyuan's student union to come to our school on X, month, x, for student union exchanges and guidance."

"We're looking forward to seeing you."

"The writer is Shumi Soryuin, the president of the Student Union of the Higher Education Department of Koyo Academy."

Chika Fujiwara folded the letter and placed it on the table to indicate to everyone that she had finished reading the letter.

"Thank you for your hard work, Qianhua-senpai."

Ishigami picked up the letter on the table, looked at it, and then stuffed it into the envelope.

"Royal Cherry Academy?"

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her eyebrows

"It seems like I haven't heard of some of them."

"Since when did the relationship with our Xiuzhiyuan become so good?"

Anyway, she wasn't very interested. It was a working day and she didn't want to run around. Besides, her school was comfortable.

"I've never heard of it either."

Chika Fujiwara, who just finished reading the letter, also said

When Ishigami heard what they said, he replied

"Senior sisters, I haven't heard much about it. It's indeed normal."

"This school is quite special. It attracts and recruits students who love fitness."

No wonder Ishigami thought this school sounded familiar until he heard Chika Fujiwara say the name of the student council president of Kozakura Academy, Akemi Soryuin.

He remembered the meaning of the surname "Soryuin", which was the founder of Kozakura Academy.

This family still has an identity

At the same time, he was one of the early members of the Boxing Club. He was once a prince who dominated one area, but he gave up his career and devoted himself to education.

It's really admirable

But it seems that the effect is not obvious. After all, people are professional in boxing, but they may not be very good in education.

In recent years, the school's ranking has been lowered by other private colleges. In addition, its transportation is inconvenient and it is located in the outer suburbs of Tokyo.

It may be famous for the local area, but it is not ranked well in the private league where hundreds of flowers are blooming.

Because Shuchiyuan built a school in the downtown area with the support of the Shinomiya Group, Huangying was naturally not well-known in the corner.

For the children of powerful people, Shuchiin is always the best choice.

Therefore, as the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family and the second daughter of the Fujiwara family, she is quite unfamiliar with this school. She seems to have no idea that such a school exists.

Ishigami asked President Shirogane

"President, now they have invited us, should we go?"

He secretly winked at President Shirogane

Although President Bai Yin felt a little confused, he still gave an affirmative answer.

"The principal told us that if there is nothing special, we should go there for a walk."


Ishigami did not explain why Huang Ying was so attractive.

Since Shinomiya-senpai and Chika-senpai are not very interested, let me and the president go.

The president of the Shuchiin Student Union and the accountant of the student union will not attract the attention of those people by then.

Besides, let’s not talk about the president’s appearance for the moment. Isn’t Ishigami’s appearance enough to win over a group of eldest ladies who have never had much contact with men?

"I can't take you down, that's my problem!"

It was a pretty pure girls' school, with not a single male classmate. They are all girls. Isn’t this attractive to boys?

Normally, he was very curious about girls' schools, but Xiaobo suppressed him.

Now that we have such an opportunity, it is great to visit (and play) in a place full of warblers and swallows.

Maybe the president, who hanged himself from a tree, will have a second life.

So it was just right for the two boys to go, and it was just a matter of Ishigami's wish for the two girls not to go.

"Then just me and President Shirogane will go. The seniors won't go, right?"

Perhaps Ishigami's happy expression was too obvious, and Chika Fujiwara felt very puzzled.

She took out her phone and searched

"Imperial Sakura", what suddenly popped up was "Women's College"?


Good guy, it turns out it’s a girls’ school.

So, guys.

He really does mischief every chance he gets.

"How is it possible to get rid of us!"

Chika Fujiwara, who wanted to understand, secretly poked Kaguya Shinomiya next to her. She handed her the phone and asked her to take a look.

Shinomiya Kaguya was also confused when she took over Fujiwara Chika's mobile phone.

Until I saw the conspicuous large characters on my mobile phone

"Private Imperial Sakura Girls' Academy."

The originally soft eyes became sharp in an instant, and the gaze he looked at the boys became unkind.

"Girls' school?"

"The president wants to get rid of me and look for the vixens outside."

"Don't even think about it!"

Shinomiya Kaguya slapped the table, displaying her aura as the first sister of the Shuchiin Student Union.

"Whoever says we won't go, we will go too."

"That's right."

"Ishigami-kun, we all know."

Fujiwara Chika hides behind the angry Shinomiya Kaguya and cheers for her good sister

"To get rid of us girls, it's really cunning for boys to visit girls' schools on their own."

"Girls' school?"

When President Shirogane heard this, he looked at Ishigami in disbelief.

Good guy, it turned out that there was such a big hole waiting for him to jump out of.

Out of trust in Ishigami, President Shirogane didn't know much about the school in advance. I only knew about this school’s anniversary, so I invited them.

"President, this is what happened. Please don't act stupid."

Shinomiya Kaguya held his shoulders with both hands and looked at President Shirogane coldly.

"Shinomiya, me."

President Shirogane wanted to argue a few words, but he couldn't get the words out.

It’s really hard to express the pain

He glared at Ishigami

Ishigami shrugged and sighed.


Ishigami originally wanted to surprise President Shirogane on the opening day, but now it seems that he can't do it.

Boys will always be open-minded only when they are with boys, and they can discuss some nasty things.

Whenever Shinomiya-senpai or Chika-senpai are present, Ishigami and President Shirogane will be unable to let go when visiting the Hyakuen Garden.

But if it's exposed, there's nothing you can do.

Ishigami and President Shirogane could only apologize in the eyes of the girls.

As a result, the Shuchiin Student Council rarely unanimously passed it.

Resolution to participate in the anniversary of Koyo Women’s College

In a sense, this is also

This is the first time for Ishigami and the rest of the Shuchiin Student Union to have group activities.

"But wouldn't it be a bit too miserable to consider visiting other schools as a group activity?"

Ishigami thought so

The time came quickly, the day to reserve the time on the invitation.

Although the school had a special bus, Ishigami, who knew he was in the wrong, still chose to drive the group there himself.

Anyway, there were only four of them in his Escalade, which was quite spacious.

It was the first time for Shinomiya-senpai and Chika-senpai to sit together, so the road was quite novel.

It's Wednesday, and it's really nice to have a legitimate excuse to skip school.

Ishigami looked at this unfamiliar spacious parking lot and thought silently as he put on the handbrake.

"But, has this academy gone too far in terms of security?"

As he drove over, he sensed the aura of combatants along the way. Densely packed, although most of them are not very strong, they are better in density.

Is this the hard-core sense of security that a school founded by early Boxing Club members brings?

The security gentlemen on the road are all at the level of combatants.

However, Ishigami also noticed that there seemed to be a handsome long-haired man with a dangerous aura mixed into the crowd.

It's as obvious as a fox among the sheep.

"He is also here to attend the school anniversary?"

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