I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 147 Invitation from Huang Ying

"Xiaogui, you have no problem with your calculations."

"It's just that the comma mark is not obvious. For example, the layout here is not friendly to reading."

Ishigami pointed out the problems in the document to Xiaogui

"Oh, how do you change it, Brother You?"

Xiaogui nodded in understanding.

"It's very simple, you just need to..."

Ishigami and Xiaogui are both accountants of the student union, and there is no communication barrier between them. In addition, Xiaogui is extremely smart and can understand everything at once, so it is effortless for Ishigami to teach him.

Really different

Some people have a smart brain but don't use it. They laugh and laugh all day like a little fool and don't take it seriously.

Who this person is, I won’t say.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the harmonious interaction between the siblings over there, and her eyes turned red with envy.

"It would be great if I could get along well with my sister-chan like Ishigami-kun."

She held the hem of her skirt tightly in her hands, and Shinomiya Kaguya was about to move.

"If you want to get closer to the president's sister, you must first reshuffle the distance."

But with the distance Shinomiya Kaguya is sitting on the sofa opposite them, it definitely won't work.

Too far!

Their current position is that Ishigami is sitting near the armrest of the sofa, and Xiaogui is leaning against him. The sofa, which was originally a two-seater, could only accommodate two people. But my sister-chan was very close to Ishigami, and the original two-seater sofa became a three-seater.

But this gives Shinomiya Kaguya a chance

In other words, I want to get closer to Xiaogui." Then the best answer is to be with Xiaogui.

If Shinomiya Kaguya saw this kind of intimate relationship between a man and a woman on weekdays, she would have been unhappy for a long time. After all, when she saw this situation, she would involuntarily think of the progress between herself and the president. It made my head grow bigger, and I was so worried that I couldn't sleep every day.

But it also depends on the person. For the person she approves of, Shinomiya Kaguya's bottom line can be stretched indefinitely.

So now she only thinks that Xiaogui holding Ishigami's arm in front of them in the student union room is just a little clingy.

It's not a problem

Shinomiya Kaguya had already put herself in Ishigami's perspective. She looked at Xiao Kei holding her arm and smiled proudly.

"Where's Yada, Xiaogui."

"It's not okay to be so clingy to my sister."

Shinomiya Kaguya wiped the corners of her mouth and took a deep breath to calm down her excitement. But this only made her desire to develop a close sisterly relationship with Xiaogui even more.

She looked at the seat next to Xiaogui, although she wanted to sit on it immediately.

But the last reason stopped her

"Calm down, Shinomiya Kaguya."

I know you're in a hurry, but wait.

As a member of the orthodox Shinomiya family, how could he be so vulgar and rude. When others are talking, sit next to them without permission and interrupt their conversations.

I'm not scolding you, that's just out of politeness.

So Shinomiya Kaguya must do something to make her behavior less abrupt and natural.

With the answer already in mind, she stood up and prepared to make black tea. Shinomiya Kaguya, who is very confident in her craftsmanship, is ready to win Xiao Kei in one go.

Imagine she holds three cups of black tea on the tray and says to them

"You're thirsty after talking for so long. Come drink some tea and take a rest."

Then Kaguya Shinomiya just needs to give Ishigami-kun a few winks, which is not easy. As long as he spoke a few words, she could sit next to Xiaogui naturally.

Not only can he achieve his own goals, but he can also establish an image of a "caring big sister" in front of Xiaogui.

This is only a small step for Shinomiya Kaguya, but it is a big step for defeating President Shirogane.

So Shinomiya Kaguya, who was in a pretty good mood, went to the tea room to prepare black tea.

When she returned to the student council room humming a song and holding steaming black tea, the scene she saw almost made Shinomiya Kaguya gasp for breath, and it just passed.

"Why is it happening like that!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's good mood disappeared instantly, and she felt like she wanted to kill someone.

The seat that had been reserved by her was now occupied by someone. In other words, with three people sitting on the double sofa, there was no room for Kaguya Shinomiya. .

And the two of them were talking and laughing.

Shinomiya Kaguya's hand holding the plate was trembling, she gritted her teeth

"Obviously that's my seat."

And the "shameless" guy took away the seat she had been waiting for for a long time.

It was Chika Fujiwara who was Shinomiya Kaguya's best friend and whom she temporarily ignored.

It can be said that Fujiwara Chika's performance was really stable, and her friendship with Shinomiya Kaguya went through a major test without even realizing it.

The boat of friendship can capsize easily.

Fujiwara Chika didn't notice that she had been marked as a "must kill" by the girl who came in later and was about to go crazy. She might not survive tonight.

Because she was happily playing some kind of unknown game with Xiaogui, or was this the way they had agreed to say hello before?

Anyway, Ishigami didn’t understand it at all.

Fujiwara Chika made strange gestures on the sofa, and then shouted with great momentum

"Good afternoon killing method!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiaogui also imitated Qianhua-senpai and put on the same posture with excitement on his face.

"Good afternoon killing method rebounds!"

Although both of them are cute and beautiful girls, it's really outrageous to force themselves into such a contradictory pose.

Ishigami, who was confused by Joji, was about to ask them "What the hell is this?" When he was very sensitive to murderous aura, he suddenly felt that the temperature in the air seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

When Ishigami looked around, he finally found Shinomiya-senpai with her head lowered, her hands holding the plate trembling.

The low pressure aura exuding from her body was the reason why the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

"Oops, there is no doubt that Shinomiya-senpai is completely angry."

Ishigami's face suddenly froze, he felt strange just now. Why did Shinomiya-senpai leave the empty seat next to Xiaogui instead of sitting, and the person went out instead.

I get it now

Ishigami sighed

"Senomiya Shinomiya, you have so much on your mind."

"Obviously even if you sit next to Xiaogui, senior, I don't think Xiaogui will say anything."

"It's okay now, everyone's seats must have been taken."

"Oh, this is nothing."

Ishigami stretched out his hand and shook Chika Fujiwara, who was still interacting with Xiao Kei, so as not to remind her again. Chika wasn't even called Chika, she just became Fujiwara Mareyo. Hopefully she'll notice that her behavior made someone angry.

"What's wrong?"

Chika Fujiwara turned her attention to Ishigami

Ishigami didn't speak, he just pursed his lips to signal Fujiwara Chika to look at Shinomiya Kaguya over there.

When Fujiwara Chika turned to look in the direction Ishigami was pointing, a bright smile immediately broke out on her face when she saw her favorite "Kaguya-san".

She immediately put down the strange gesture and said to Xiaogui, "Wait a minute."

Then Fujiwara Chika ran to Shinomiya Kaguya. Ishigami was very concerned about the next development there, so he listened to what was going on there.

Fujiwara Chika stretched out her hand and took the tray from Shinomiya Kaguya's hand with a bright smile.

"Oh, Kaguya-san."

"You are serious too. You can just leave the small things like serving tea and pouring water to me."


Shinomiya Kaguya, who was thinking about how to make her good sister delete her account and come back without pain, felt a light touch on her hand for no reason.

"It's okay, Kaguya-san, leave it to me!"

By the time she reacted, the black tea had already been moved away by Chika Fujiwara.

When he saw Shinomiya-senpai frozen on the spot, Ishigami patted his head in distress.

"It's really a mess"

Fujiwara Chika walked quickly with a tray in her hand.

she said cheerfully

"Here comes the black tea..."

"Kaguya-san is so considerate, she even gave us a cup each."

She placed the tray on the coffee table, with the three cups corresponding to the seats of the three of them.

Just like that, Shinomiya Kaguya, who originally wanted to save a drink for herself, now has no drink at all.

Not only had he become a loner, he had no reason to get close to the president's sister.

Shinomiya Kaguya, with all her thoughts gone, her eyes became more dangerous and flashed with red light.

"Sorry, Fujiwara-san."

"I just can't wait."

"Why don't you even postpone the evening and just wait until school is over."

Shinomiya Kaguya thought so as she looked coldly at Fujiwara Chika who was happily drinking her cup of black tea.

There are two completely different atmospheres in the student union room. On one side is the optimist group that Fujiwara Chika belongs to. This scary woman has taken Xiao Kei away from Ishigami intentionally or unintentionally, and has put Xiao Kei into her own rhythm.

Maybe even Xiaogui herself doesn't know what she is doing, she just feels happy to be with Sister Qianhua.

On the other side was Kaguya Shinomiya, who was biting her nails crazily on the sofa opposite. She kept mumbling

"Kill you", "Kill you", "Kill you"

The chilling atmosphere there stung Shi Shang's skin like needles, and the hair on his arms stood on end.

It's the most uncomfortable thing for him to be caught on both sides

Ishigami looked at the three people in the student union

No, do you really just play your own game?

If only Qianhua-senpai had been clever enough to get Shinomiya-senpai to play with Xiaogui, she wouldn't be like this.

Ishigami didn't dare to speak to the current Senior Sister Shinomiya, for fear of irritating her, he would directly attack in the student union.

To his surprise, it was Shinomiya Kaguya who resisted communication over there who spoke first.

"Fujiwara-san, do you have a good relationship with Shirogane-san?"

Shinomiya Kaguya really doesn’t understand where she lost? She had been busy for a long time, which was the extent to which Xiao Gui and she had transformed from strangers to new acquaintances.

Shinomiya Kaguya knew that Ishigami-kun had a good relationship with President Shirogane, and he often did things like going to the president's house to play, which made her crazy with envy.

We've been there a lot, so it's normal for Xiaogui to be a little affectionate towards Ishigami-kun, so I don't think it's strange at all.

But how come Fujiwara Chika, whose relationship with the president is similar to that of Shinomiya Kaguya, is so familiar with Xiao Kei that they get along well?

Where am I missing?

Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to know the answer, so that her former friend Fujiwara-san could leave with an innocent identity.

Rather than a fool

Fujiwara Chika heard Kaguya-san's words and explained with a smile

"Yes, because Xiaogui and Moeye are in the same grade."

While explaining, Chika Fujiwara touched Xiao Kei’s little head very nicely.

"Come to my house occasionally"

"Although there is a three-year age difference between us, we are just like normal friends."

After saying this, Fujiwara Chika's hand and Xiao Kei's hand patted each other.

The two of them said this last modal particle at the same time.


The two of them are like real sisters

The relationship is so good that it makes Shinomiya Kaguya jealous

"I played games before, right."

Fujiwara Chika said something, and Xiao Kei immediately joined in.

"Well, yes!" X2

Hearing the unanimous reply, Shinomiya Kaguya's face became very ugly.

"It's like this every time, Fujiwara-san."

"You actually did secret things without telling me."

Shinomiya Kaguya remembered that once upon a time, everyone had changed. But only Fujiwara Chika, this person has really performed stably until now.

She really made me cry to death

"Always taking away everything I cherish with a nonchalant expression."

After explaining her relationship with Xiao Kei, Fujiwara Chika continued to speak.

"Hahahahaha, Xiaogui, I made a "Gui Dance" for you, do you want to dance it?"

"Kyu dance? I'm so embarrassed."

"Dance, dance, didn't you skip it when you went to karaoke before?"

The cheerful atmosphere there was in sharp contrast to Shinomiya Kaguya, and she could only comfort herself

"Let them say it. Anyway, Fujiwara-san passed away as Kei-chan's friend."

"You go, today next year I will come to visit your grave as sister Xiaogui."

But Xiaogui's next words immediately broke the current Shinomiya Kaguya's defense.

"Hey, Sister Qianhua. Next time Moeha and I make an appointment to go shopping for clothes in Shinjuku. Do you want to come with us?"

"Sister Qianhua?"

Shinomiya Kaguya's whole body was about to burst. She didn't expect that she had lost so completely from the beginning.

"It hurts, it hurts too much."

"This shameless woman is really greedy!"

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't expect that someone could be so shameless. Greedy, ruthless, a parasite who only knows how to rely on others.

She looked at Chika Fujiwara with blank eyes.

"It's when there are more and more people like you that the world will be destroyed."

"The cancer of the earth is really terrible."

Xiao Kei got the consent of Fujiwara Chika. Overjoyed, she looked at Ishigami with hopeful eyes.

"Brother Yu, are you coming?"

Ishigami, who was ready to save the two of them from the mad Shinomiya-senpai, wiped the sweat from his head.

He shook his head

"No, Xiaogui. You are all girls. It's not convenient for me to go there as a boy."

Ishigami was really anxious to death, no matter who the two of them were.

Go and invite Senior Sister Shinomiya over there. The murderous intent in this guy is becoming more and more obvious.

Seemingly hearing Ishigami’s request, Chika Fujiwara finally spoke.

"Then Kaguya-san is coming?"

Kaguya Shinomiya, who had already selected the place where "Chika Fujiwara" would sleep (rest) on her mobile phone, was stunned.

The murderous intent and anger on his body disappeared in an instant like ice and snow melting.

What replaces it is a smile!

Shinomiya Kaguya floated lightly to Fujiwara Chika's side

"I'll go, I'll go."

"Really, I knew Fujiwara-san was my best friend."

Watching all this, Ishigami felt for the first time that the friendship between girls turned out to be such an outrageous thing.

After Xiaogui solved the problem, she went back.

When the president finished the club joint meeting and walked into the student union room again.

There was a beautifully wrapped envelope in his hand, which seemed to be stamped with the official seal of the private Imperial Sakura Academy.

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