I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 964 The crow-mouthed Mamahas?

Tank patted the Longmen Formation: Don't worry, we all put safety first.

After a while, Jing Shu's eyes lit up, Let's go and harvest.

There are many people floating in the sea. If she doesn't go, Jingshu is afraid that those ordinary people will drown now.

Several people drove a speedboat, searched and rushed out.

The mud mermaids were like a thick wall, surrounding all these 'ordinary people'. They were afraid that someone would trick them, so they gave each of them a few tails, whipping them until they cried for father and mother.

They really don't understand who released the pink energy on them, and who is humiliating them.

However, they will soon understand.

In short, after it was confirmed that everyone had been hit, Jing Shu led the people forward and fished them out one by one.

Before these people could realize what was going on, they were tied into rice dumplings.

The tank brought the ability users who were tied up with ropes one by one into the boat and said, Mirror, some people have broken legs and hands. How should they be repaired?

At this time, in a cabin that Jing Shu had just robbed, there were constant voices crying for father and mother, and there were all kinds of curses. Anyway, it was very noisy.

Jingshu directly drugged everyone.

Within a minute, the entire cabin fell silent.

These people are precious experimental subjects. Their lives are valuable. We must bandage them quickly.

Longmen Zhen asked: Do you need any medicine? I don't think if you don't use hemostatic medicine, you will continue to bleed and you will die. People with abilities are human beings too.

Jingshu ground the bones of the mud mermaid and handed them to Tank: Just sprinkle some of these to stop the bleeding. I'll go underwater to see if there are any alive.

After salvaging for a while, Jingshu didn't even let go of the dead bodies. She fished out seven or eight. After all, each one has 200 contribution points. Mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. She even saved two of them, earning 4,000 contribution points. .

Now that she was almost busy, Jingshu asked the Longmen Formation and the tank guards to feed her some rice porridge and water every meal, and then drug her to make her unconscious, and replenish her pink energy every eight hours.

They weren't given any chance at all.

But Jingshu didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise.

As usual, after everyone was tied up, the tank searched them and took out all their belongings.

There are techniques involved in body searches. Some people hide their family heirlooms in some dungeon, and a simple search cannot find them.

Tank is one of the best, and you can tell where it is inconsistent by touching it, looking at it, and looking at it through experience.

Tank lifted a thin woman up and said, Mirror, there is something in her stomach. She is hiding something.

Jingshu's eyes lit up, she liked things that were hidden, and they were usually good things.

Longmen Zhen looked at it and said, Is there something hidden in the belly? What can it be hiding? Is it daddy? How do you know?

Tank snorted: I knew as soon as I touched it, there was something bulging inside. I just couldn't take it out.

At this time, Manna retreated in horror, but Tank's power was too great and she couldn't resist. She didn't even know how Tank found out that there was something in her stomach.

Jingshu narrowed her eyes and snapped her fingers. The black gloves on her hands turned into a puddle of mucus and slid into Manna's mouth.

Manna grabbed her neck, originally not wanting the scary monster to enter her mouth, but they just slipped in like a loach.



Manna vomited out the contents of her stomach.

After a while, he vomited out a lot of stuff.

What's surprising is that her small stomach somehow holds so much, weighing more than ten kilograms.

The shell is filled with a fully sealed round wax pill shell. After opening it, Jingshu was pleasantly surprised to find that it was all filled with pink energy! !

There are so many of them! Jingshu took them all for her own use, and these trophies were all attributed to her.

I didn't expect that after spending so little money, I would gain so much. It was sent by the enemy. It's not bad.

Tank also patted his chest: It's really dangerous. If all these ability users are really allowed to get close to our fleet and be released within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, it will be very dangerous.

Jingshu nodded: The four-eyed guy is the first one this time.

Manna sat down dejectedly. She looked at a person in the crowd in a vague way, hoping that he could still escape and spread the news here, so that they would still have a chance to survive.

Fortunately, these Chinese people didn't seem to notice——

There is hope!

As for this special ability user, he is the hope of the entire ability group. Originally, he was not disturbed by his ability, but he never expected that the people of the Huaxia Group would be so ruthless and cautious. .

Once, he accidentally got up and wanted to observe the environment, but was knocked unconscious by a few sticks. This time, he was cured and he fell asleep completely.

A group of people with abilities, Dilla pinned her hopes on them, but they got off to a bad start and encountered the demonic characters in Haixia's team halfway.

They didn't know how long they had been sleeping. Finally, the Chinese people were no longer stunned. The terrifying female devil handed them over to another team. However, what greeted them was an old man in a white coat holding a chainsaw. He looked ferocious. Smiling: Recently, there is a lack of experimental data——

Let’s talk about this group of ability users, this is what they will end up with.

And they disrupted all Dilla's plans.

Jingshu and others can be regarded as blind cats and dead mice, and they accidentally broke the enemy's plan, but Jingshu still has no pride, and no time to be proud.

Because more and more fleets of various kinds around are biting madly.

At first, Jingshu only came out with a submarine, but within three days, she was followed by more than 30 ships.

There are boats of all sizes. Although they still don’t have the capacity to load cargo like Jingshu’s favorite ferry, there is no shortage of high and low boats. You can take as many as you can, otherwise it would be impossible to transport so many things back.

After three days of fleeing, even the slow boat was finally reaching the border with Iran.

As long as you reach the border, the people behind you won't dare to chase too much!

Everyone, hold on a little longer! There aren't many pursuers behind!

Yeah, it's coming soon!

Mamahas asked worriedly, We are about to escape from their attack range. Will they jump over the wall in a hurry and use some other special means?

As soon as he finished speaking, other people's memories seemed to be awakened by Mamahas. In the past, whenever Mamahas said anything, it would immediately come true, just like that time in the desert and the trade fair. It was simply amazing. !

Others at the scene immediately covered his mouth: Shut your bitch!!


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