Tank almost fell over as he was finishing up: Mirror, are you sure that when we pass by now, we will bring wealth to the sky, instead of losing our lives to the sky??

It would be fine if there were people with abilities like Hao Yunlai or Codename Qi in the team. The problem is that none of the people here are very capable.

Even though his tank is known as the most powerful person in China, this is no longer the era of physical attacks. If he ran over like this, he would probably be killed by the full screen of magic damage.

Jing Shu chuckled: Those people probably wanted to sneak into the big fleet quietly and catch us by surprise, so they took a shabby little submarine, but they were discovered by the four-eyed guy. The four-eyed guy must have thrown a lot of lasers into it. ——It’s a mess now. Let’s go over and clean up the mess.”

What?! There is such a good thing?

Tank couldn't even imagine that if he was sitting in the boat and was doing well, and was suddenly struck once or twice by the four-eyed guy's laser, his body might be separated directly.

In the last days, the emergence of new energy will lead to the emergence of new human beings, but no matter what, they are still individuals, and they will die even if their heads and bodies are cut off.

Jing Shu rushed to the scene with several team members.

Longmen Zhen whispered: Just say that it is right not to bring Four-Eyed Boy out.

Tank nodded: Just his laser, tsk tsk, it's really scary.

While Jingshu was driving people there, she mobilized the surrounding mud mermaids to surround them to prevent the ability users from escaping.

After all, even if Jing Shu did pass, she didn't dare to go up even if she was afraid of death. What if there was someone with some ability inside who could come and deal with her from afar?

While starting to shake people in the group.

This is Team Jingshu. We found a large number of ability users at coordinates X234 and Y-553. There are probably more than 50 of them -

This piece of news almost caused the whole group to explode.

Wucao, are you mistaken? Captain Jingshu, have you poked a hornet's nest of ability users? How come there are so many ability users?

Oh, no, our teams are trying to deal with the fleet here. I'm afraid we won't be able to get through.

How come so many ability users were not detected by radar? Did they sneak here? These are insidious villains.

One second, Jing Shu shook her head, preparing to let someone come over. The next second, Jing Shu's expression turned strange.

She shared the sight of the mud mermaid. Although the sight of the mud mermaid was black and white, she could see very clearly. Seven or eight of the more than 50 ability users were dead and floating on the sea.

There were more than thirty serious injuries left, either broken hands or broken legs, and they were all half dead.

There are still a dozen lucky ones, and there is no big problem. The only trouble is a plant vine-powered user, who has wrapped all these people with abilities and made them into small boats. At this moment, they are escaping in the other direction.


The next second, Jing Shu said in the group: This is Jing Shu's team, which has wiped out most of the opponent's combat power. At this time, we only need to send a team of transporters to transport the prisoners.

other people:???

The old Huang Ya Taoist was envious and resentful: What's going on, Captain Jingshu? Are you sure you can kill a team of more than 50 ability users?

Zhang Lan: Yes, Captain Jingshu, please don't force yourself, or let Captain Qi go.

Zhou Mengyao: Hey, hey, although Captain Jingshu is powerful, he can't wipe out so many people at once. How about you apply for dispatch and I can knock down a large area with one illusion.

Jing Shu rushed to the scene while continuing the water group: Well, there is no need to come. Just a team to hand over the prisoners will be fine. If there is none, that's fine. I will ask the team members to take the trouble to deliver them. In fact, I just forgot to say Now, has everyone forgotten about pink energy?”

After saying this, everyone remembered.

Desert Lone Wolf: Wucao, yes, this is a big killer.

Burrito said worriedly: The question is, Captain Jingshu, can you get close to them?

Lion Dancer: I'm used to fighting, but I suddenly let go of poison. I haven't even thought about it yet.

Mr. Zhou, who had been silent at this time, said: Girl Jing, you can handle it on your own. Our side has been attacked by too many fleets and there is no one to respond to it. Otherwise, the prisoners should be released to your side first. Don't take any action. Use heavy medicine and don’t leave them with the ability to resist.”

Yang Yang reminded: The contribution value of a dead person is 200, and the contribution value of a living person is 2,000.

In this comparison, when Jingshu looked at the ability users floating in the water, it was like seeing the contribution values ​​of groups of walking.

In the past, because there was no pink energy, the living ability users would basically be wiped out. But now, with pink energy, the new humans have research value.

Therefore, it was decided that it would be best to get a group of ability users and let Zhen Nantian return home with the missiles this time.

Oh, by the way, speaking of this, Jing Shu also wants to mention that Zhen Nantian has arrived in Iran and is waiting for them in a safe place. After all, the matter is serious and he, the person who transports secret weapons, cannot be exposed. .

Of course, he also came with Su Mary's mysterious gift. Yesterday, he also asked them to hurry up to the gathering point, which made Jing Shu look forward to it.

When she was trapped in the desert, Jingshu exchanged her contribution points for a lot of pink energy. Now, she could only endure the pain. When she got there, she only had to let the mud mermaids be released near the vines.

Just a little bit of this stuff and sprayed in the air can cause a person with abilities to temporarily lose their abilities, let alone someone like Jing Shu who mixes it directly into the water facing them.

Moreover, Jingshu was afraid that it was not enough, so she spread a lot around them.

I saw countless vines around them shrinking and withering rapidly, and then, there was a lot of curses coming from inside.

What is this familiar smell?

Damn it, Manna, didn't you hide the pink energy potion well? This time we are going to secretly spread it in the waters of their fleet!

Manna: They are still in my stomach. Unless I die, there is absolutely no way they will be spilled out. You see, there are at least dozens more, enough to annihilate all the ability users dozens of sea miles around. As long as we can near!

Damn it, why is my body degenerating? It's not Manna's pink energy. Is there pink energy leaking around?

Did the Chinese ability users discover us?

Impossible, Lady Dilla said that this pink energy has been extinct and only she has it.

Damn, what's going on now? All of us are incapacitated-

No, we still have a chance!!

And it was a full 3 kilometers away from those capable people.

There was no way, Jingshu would be scared if she got too close.

Others in the team: ...

Longmenzhen rubbed his hands and asked nervously: Captain, we are so far away from them, how can we know what's going on?

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