I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 957 Set sail again!

Dilla was really wronged. She led a large army and waited in this warehouse for more than ten days, waiting for the Chinese to surrender. However, she never expected that the Chinese disappeared.

After playing missing, the troops cannot be kept here all the time, and Dilla also acted as a back-up.

That is to say, sentries are placed wherever there are roads around. As long as the Chinese appear, she can immediately dispatch troops.

Since they are missing, their people first checked the nearby 100 kilometers to ensure that there was no living person within these 100 kilometers. When the time comes, whenever the Chinese appear from anywhere 100 kilometers away, the people of Dila will I can fly back to support.

This is truly a foolproof method.

And normally speaking, if the Chinese really want to come out from somewhere else, Dila's support time will definitely be fast enough.

But who the hell would have thought that after these Chinese people disappeared, they would not take the main road or even the small road. They would just come out from under the nose, giving people no time to react, and steal the house directly!

You don’t follow martial ethics!

So at this moment, Dila was so angry that he vomited blood, and it was easy for him to get angry. Originally, Dila wanted to disrupt the forces in the Middle East, but at this time, he also withdrew them all and sniped all these Chinese people.

Dilla even purchased all traces and information of the Chinese people in the black market killer circle, and even spread words in the circle so that the Chinese people would never be able to leave the Middle East!

All of a sudden, all the forces in the Middle East surged, and a big news came out. The Chinese team actually took away Dila's material lair, and the person who helped them take down the lair turned out to be Hans's previous powerful figure!

Some people are really envious, some are jealous, and some are laughing at it.

Just now, in just a few hours, not only capable people were dispatched, but also mercenary teams and armed teams from more than a dozen of Dila's power points in the Middle East were dispatched to completely strangle the Chinese team.

At this time, Jingshu and others certainly couldn't take a breath.

Instead, they finally divided the entire material into two batches. One batch has taken a long way to the land and is relatively safe at the moment. The other batch has just been transported to the ship.

As mentioned before, Yang Yang's plan has two batches of ships. One batch of ships is the fast ship loaded with various supplies and comes here first, while the other batch of slow ships is waiting to transport these full supplies on the coast.

Now the two fleets have all gathered together, received the order, and have been waiting on the coast to load supplies.

The shortcomings of the Huaxia team are also revealed, that is, they go out to take too few people, and they are all top-notch combat forces. If they had brought more people, during the ten days that Jingshu team was trapped, the ships outside were filled with supplies. You can arrive at the brother country first, unload the supplies and then pick them up.

But no matter what, the fighting forces were trapped in those days. These ships were protected by the fighting forces of Code Seven and Black Shadow. They did not dare to make any changes. Otherwise, something would happen on the road and Mr. Zhou would be trapped and die again. That would be terrible. It means stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

Therefore, if there are few people, we can only form groups and cannot divide too much.

When a large amount of supplies were transported to the ship, the ships were all filled with cargo. Even several cargo ships and the ships that Jing Shu had brought in these days were filled to the brim.

Not to mention loading, even the more than twenty official battleships, the kind with fighter planes and cannons parked on their decks, were all stuffed with cargo at this time.

The crew members even filled their own sleeping quarters, which were all places where things could be stored, and where they couldn't be.

The boats that were originally shallow-drafted now had deep drafts, and the whole boat sank a lot. This shows how much Jingshu and the others had brought in this time.

The personal boats of the bodyguard team were also stuffed with things. Someone from the God of Death tied the escape boats and rafts from that boat to his own boat and packed them with more things.

What's more, they brought back unfermented carrion worms from the mirror sea, and also loaded them on many ships. They had been used to ferment beer for these days. At this time, there was no room to pack them, so what? Just stuff all these supplies into the carrion insect's boat. There is no other way, so many things can't be left here.

but! !

Even so, the Huaxia team has so many ships that they can't even fit into the large warehouse obtained by this purchase. It’s really a fruitful experience.

Seeing that time was running out, the ship originally carried a lot of things, so it was destined to not be able to run fast. If we waste more time, we would really not be able to run away.

At this time, Jing Shu snapped her fingers and said, Pick out the supplies that are not afraid of flooding and put them directly into the water and let the bugs transport them. How about that? You can't leave them here.

So, I spent another half an hour dragging the large boxes of supplies that could be soaked in water, such as daily necessities, into the sea water. Then I pulled a rope and followed slowly.

Finally, after working for a long time, all the fleets hurriedly set sail.

The sky has officially darkened, and it will soon become impossible to see even one's fingers.

The sounds in the darkness and the lights on the ship were particularly dazzling. We can only hope that there are not a large number of drones or tracking aircraft in Dilla's tracking team. Otherwise, it will be a matter of time before such a huge team is discovered.

All the ships were working hard at full power and driving hard into the reef waters. However, maybe because there were too many supplies, the ships that usually ran fast were running slowly at this time.

Behind the dozens of official ships with the most powerful power, countless ropes were dragged, pulling dense insects and various large boxes of cargo, which looked very funny.


Come to think of it, Captain Jingshu is the most awesome.

To be honest this time, Captain Jingshu deserves the most credit. You can tell us that we are all fighting madmen and our fighting ability is strong, but what's the use of being strong? We can't move so many things.

Yes, yes, Jingshu still has the means, otherwise it would really hurt my heart to waste so many things.

Even at this time, everyone has set sail again with the ship's supplies, but everyone still dare not rest assured.

Instead, he returned to the official ship conference room for an emergency meeting, and Yang Yang also asked four teams to go out directly and guard the surroundings. After all, the other party also had abilities. If they were tracked here, what kind of weird things would be released? Ability, that's not capsizing in the gutter.

Jingshu really didn't feel safe at this time. When she didn't feel safe, it was easy to arm herself. Therefore, during the meeting, she brought several Hulks with her, and also spread all kinds of mud mermaids around the official ship. She was afraid that the other party would come and attack her.

When others saw Jing Shu’s dress: “…”

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