However, it is too troublesome to dismantle materials such as containers. If there is such time, all other materials will be transported away.

Fuck you!

The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death.

This time, instead of going through the underground tunnel, a group of mud mermaids were allowed to carry the containers overland. Although it was a bit dangerous - Jingshu knew from the person in charge of the base warehouse that Dilla would take all the people there. It's so sexy. If you want to get back, it will take at least half a day even if you take a plane.

So Jingshu directly divided the insects into two batches, lifted out all the goods in these containers, and then carried them by the huge mud mermaid below.

However, mud mermaids are reptiles, and a dozen mud mermaids can act like wheels. They can carry these containers clumsily out at a very slow speed, and Jingshu even tied them with ropes.

However, such a team must be followed by someone, and the materials in this container are relatively good. Jingshu didn't trust others, so she asked Hao Yunlai and Zhang Lang to follow.

One is responsible for command, and the other is responsible for force protection.

The remaining supplies were transported by the insects through the tunnel. This route was relatively safe and easy to walk. The insects rushed forward and only needed to reach the coast and meet Xiaowei Wenjun and the others.

Originally, everyone planned to fight for a day or two, but they never expected that the people came in the morning and had it settled by noon.

There are so many supplies in this warehouse that I can't even finish them all. Sorry, I've never seen so many supplies. Is this what you call purchasing?

Yes, yes, you don't know. I feel a little uncomfortable when I see the materials in so many warehouses disappearing in pieces at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just as everyone was discussing intensely, new instructions suddenly came from everyone's walkie-talkies.

After receiving the news, Dila has arrived from Israel with his people, and they are a large force, even carrying nuclear bombs with super powerful firepower. We have to escape quickly!

Every team is ready to evacuate! Pay attention to the evacuation work!

While everyone was doing the finishing work, they were still in the mood to chat on the walkie-talkie.

The warehouse is almost full. When Dilla comes back and sees that her lair has been stolen, she will probably be furious.

Hahaha, I just found out from the people here that they have been waiting for us for more than ten days. We have only left for two days, and we came to catch her off guard. It's really cool.

But let’s talk about this.

Today, the members of the bodyguard team have truly seen Jing Shu's true power, and all of them are impressed by Jing Shu.

Just look at the well-trained bugs under her, who are obviously veterans at first glance, and the way they move the warehouse is simply, in one word, amazing!

That speed is so fast.

As if they were honed on the assembly line, the giant bugs were lined up in the warehouse, transporting goods like crawlers.

There are other engineer bugs that sort things into categories.

In this way, you can see that this is actually a huge bug factory. Each bug has a different division of labor, but it is extremely harmonious. Each of the goods seems to be transported on the conveyor belt. Within two minutes from the first bug, From the first stop of the logistics warehouse, passing through the hands of thousands of bugs, he was teleported onto the back of the last bug and arrived at the entrance of the dug tunnel.

Only then did the real bugs carry them through the dark tunnel.

The handling speed of this assembly line is surprisingly fast.

If Dilla's team hadn't been coming, they would have been able to evacuate the place if they had been given another hour.

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out quickly!

The bodyguards of the bodyguard team began to take cover one by one. Although everyone in the base was subdued, there was still a group of fierce pursuers behind them. Run faster now to avoid being caught up.

Then what should we do with the last few supplies left?

There is nothing we can do. We can't burn it now. Just take care of what we have in hand first. We have enough.

Seeing that there was still something wrong, Jing Shu secretly asked Mr. Zhou for permission and let the others go first. She sneaked to the scene, removed all the surveillance around them, asked the insect bodyguards to stand guard, and shot out countless ropes.

This is the fastest way to collect supplies that she has recently developed.

According to the characteristics of the Rubik's Cube space, it must be touched to enter the space, or through a medium. These countless tiny ropes that fly out are the medium.

In the blink of an eye, the contents of the warehouse hundreds of meters around were instantly emptied.

After Jingshu's space was upgraded, it was empty.

Before coming here, she had specially cleaned it up and removed items that had no expiration date. Now her space is particularly suitable for storage.

Don’t worry about what they are, just put them all into the space.

Regardless of the fact that Jingshu and everyone have produced so many supplies today, in fact, these are all distributed according to merit. In other words, so many supplies today have nothing to do with Jingshu.

However, she will get a large amount of contribution value. After all, every bug carrying materials has her contribution.

But now, what the organization can't get is her personal property.

Jingshu packed all the supply boxes she saw into the remaining space until the space was full and could no longer hold anything.

The super logistics warehouse in Dilla has also been completely evacuated.

Jingshu rubbed her hands, smiled and disappeared, and finally disappeared into the warehouse with the insects.

I was so anxious today that I haven’t seen what good things are in here.

Don't worry, wait until you escape and see again.

After everyone escaped from the tunnel, Jingshu lit the explosives that had been buried long ago and completely blew the area to the ground.

The entire tunnel collapsed with a rumble. Now, even if Dilla's people come after them, they can't find their specific whereabouts. They can only know the general direction, buying them precious time to escape.

Next, it’s an exciting game of cat and mouse, chasing and escaping.

Therefore, the Chinese who were a little bit guilty as thieves fled so fast that they did not dare to stop at all along the way.

Two hours later, a private plane, several fighter jets, and even the legendary J-type fighter jet all flew over.

But what greeted them was this ruins that had been blown up, stolen, and nothing was left.

Ahhhh! Dilla angrily stepped on the ruins under her feet, and her tongue instantly flew out a lot of blood-red flesh, making the surrounding land bang and bang. .

Chase! Even if they run to the ends of the earth, they have to be chased back by me! The supplies I have accumulated over the years!! They all have to die!!

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