I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 874 These plants are treasures

Jingshu asked Xiaowei and Lao Dao to stay farther away, and then controlled the insects to swim in the underground swamp.

But the underground is still safe.

There is no danger at all in this strange place.

With a click, Guotou broke off a scary-looking plant.

Even though it looks pale and waxy, its sound is still crisp.

Jingshu stretched her hand in the air and was speechless for a long time. Guotou is really brave!

The sound was particularly harsh in this lonely place, and there seemed to be no movement in the gentle breeze.

Guotou excitedly held up the plant in his hand and shouted: Sister Jing, it seems to be safe, there is no reaction! He held the weirdly long wax figure again and drooled.

This looks delicious.

If it were anyone else, Jing Shu might have felt that there was an ambiguity in what he said, and he must have dirty thoughts. But this person is Guotou, and if he said this, he meant that it looked really delicious!

With a click, the pot head bit into it.

The juice in this leg is bursting with juice——


The next second, Guotou vomited everything out again. With a mask of pain on his face, he quickly vomited a few more mouthfuls:

Ugh~ I'm just saying, what delicious things can grow out of this pond full of fermented shit? It's so unpalatable that it will kill you. But it's sour and bitter, as if it's been fermented for a hundred years. Like the corpse of the sky.

Jingshu didn't move, and then fully explored the surroundings. After confirming that even after moving the plants, there was no other movement, she slowly walked up and observed the plants in Guotou's hand.

Guotou said with a sad face: Sister Jing, we have suffered a huge loss. If we could find an edible plant, it would be very valuable. Now the whole country is short of food, but now this plant looks inedible.

Jingshu took out a piece from the plant. There was milky yellow juice, which was very sour. She gently touched it on the tip of her tongue. Suddenly, a sour and bitter feeling rushed to her head.

However, she tasted something familiar in it.

This is- Jingshu's eyes gradually lit up, and her heart jumped.

Guotou, if I guess correctly, we have met a great treasure! Jing Shu's voice was a little excited.

Guotou scratched his head: This bitter and astringent thing, what kind of good thing can it be?

Did you know that when you were in Wucheng, the specialty there was hops? Wucheng's beer was also famous throughout the country, and how many people loved the deadly Wusu? And before hops were brewed, it was almost like this taste.

Guotou hugged his legs in disbelief and said, This thing? A wine brewer? Oh, a beer brewer?

Jingshu nodded, took a few steps forward, grabbed an eyeball that was staring at her, and scratched it open. The juice inside flowed out. Jingshu took a taste, and her eyes lit up again:

There is also a big difference in the taste of hops koji and puree. There are more than a hundred flavors among them. And the plants here have different appearances, so the taste of the puree is also different. Guotou, we are more developed this time. Got it!

Guotou was a little confused: What we found is not food, it's just plants that can brew beer. What's the point? Beer is not as valuable as food.

Idiot, food is available all over the country and is produced everywhere, but since the ban on brewing alcohol was imposed across the country a few years ago, do you know how popular alcohol is on the black market?

If we could make wine without wasting food, do you know how crazy the price would be? What do you want to buy then, and what do you want to exchange for that you can’t exchange for?

The most important thing is that Jing Shu did not say that she came with the above this time, and because she contributed dark energy to cut the air wall, she made an agreement with Mr. Zhou that all the energy on the island also belongs to her. More than half of it.

In other words, she, Jingshu, will cooperate with the country to open a factory again.

Just thinking about it made me excited again.

In the past, cigarette factories only cooperated with local town governments, but now they have to cooperate with the country. This is a big step forward!

Jingshu crushed the eyeballs into crumbs and rubbed them back and forth. This plant can not only brew beer, but also wonder if the crumbs can be used to squeeze oil or derive other foods?

If this is the case, then its development value is a bit too great. It can be said without exaggeration that it is a treasure from top to bottom, inside and out!


Jingshu's face darkened again, and she forgot an important key point.

The last time dark energy was discovered, it was in China. Even though the situation was a bit dangerous, the extraction point was close and the transportation of raw materials was quite convenient.

But this time, she was in the Mirror South China Sea. If there were few raw materials, she would just make a little fortune. If there were many raw materials, how would they move things back?

Another thing is that this plant is not dangerous, which is very unreasonable, or it has any dangers that have not been revealed now, which is a big trouble.

Guotou saw that Jingshu's face was excited for a while, deep and frowning for a while.

Sister Jing, what should we do now? This leg is quite heavy, how about I put it down first?

Jing Shu pondered for a moment: Let the insects come over and pick off all the fruits of these plants. Then I will think of a way to go deeper and take a look along the bottom of these plants.

Now, she has not found where the dark energy is. If her guess is correct, these dark energy should be underground.

Otherwise, how could these weird plants be produced?

The army of insects came to pick the fruits in an orderly manner.

There is no danger here for the time being, Xiaowei and the old Taoist priest are also here.

The old Taoist priest also checked it and his eyes shone: My dear, I didn't expect God to be so miraculous and create something so close to a finished product...

Xiaowei asked strangely: What do you mean? Isn't it just the raw material for making beer?

The old man shook his head: There is a big difference here. Little girl, I will give you some popular science. I won't talk about industrial beer. It is made from corn and rice starch and has a single taste.

Real beer is brewed from malt, hops, yeast and water after dozens of days of fermentation. It has a mellow taste. This craft beer can be used as the original juice of various beers, and other juices, spices, etc. can be added to it. Create a unique flavor beer.

As for the plant we discovered, even though it looks scary, its juice is almost as concentrated as the original juice of craft beer. It directly eliminates the need for dozens of days of complex fermentation, and then simply processes it. It becomes a beer with excellent taste.

Jing Shu pricked up her ears and listened, Then what the old Taoist said, wouldn't it mean that even raw materials like malt can be saved? This plant is a treasure.

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