I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 873 Strange plants in the hinterland of the island!

There was ten seconds of silence on the satellite phone, and the sound was strangely silent.

The old man thought it was because the satellite had lost signal, so he tapped the phone and fed it for a long time, but he didn't know that everyone else didn't want to talk now.

What does this mean? Their other teams were desperately trying to find a way forward on the island, encountering this danger and that danger along the way, but your team was the only one who had an unobstructed journey and reached the destination directly?

unfair! envy!

Mr. Zhou didn't expect that things would be so complicated, and he didn't expect that things could be so simple. After a while, he asked:

Have you really reached the middle of the island? Didn't you encounter anything?

Huang Yalao said: Yes, this journey has been smooth, there is nothing, oh no, Captain Jingshu said, we are also encountering some problems now, I'm afraid we can't go to the rescue.

When the other team members heard this, their eyes lit up, right? You finally encountered difficulties, right?

Jing Shu sighed: Yes, we are in big trouble. We also encountered a large swamp.

Oh, Captain Jingshu's experience is the same as ours. Remember, never enter the swamp, otherwise you won't be able to get out at all!

Yes, yes, stay away from the swamp. This swamp is really dangerous. If you fall into it again, we will be completely destroyed.

Since we have encountered a swamp, come and save us quickly! It's a swamp anyway, so we should save us first, and then we can go on the road together.

The old Taoist said something heartbreaking again: But we have now entered the swamp. The key point is that the swamp here is an ordinary swamp. There is no danger at all. Of course, this is not the point. The point is, the nest grass is weird in a way that you will never imagine. ah--

What? Your swamp is not dangerous?

Just an ordinary swamp?

I do not believe!

In comparison, the other team members were extremely sore.

Even the members buried in the swamp, whose whole bodies were submerged and could only rely on the tubes in their mouths to breathe, could not help but grunt and protested strongly! If he hadn't been buried in the swamp, he would have jumped up and given the liar a hard fight.

Mr. Zhou quickly asked: What is the swamp you encountered like? What kind of weird method is it? Is it dangerous?

Jing Shu: This huge swamp is full of all kinds of strange plants. The flowers and fruits of these plants are actually human hands, human legs, and various human organs. The similarity is about 90%. , very similar to the Latin people.

The horrified voice of the old man came: This is really fucking evil. There are countless plants with eyes in this swamp, and they are looking at us without blinking. It's so penetrating!

I always feel like if these plants grow for a while, they might grow into a human being.


After hearing this, the satellite phone was silent for a while. This kind of situation has never been seen before.

Jing Shu continued: These plants are as quiet as sleeping, so we haven't acted rashly yet, but I feel that these plants should be dark energy bodies.

Sour, extremely sour.

After hearing this, the other members were sour and envious. They were trapped in the swamp, but Captain Jingshu and his people had already reached the center of the island, and may have found dark energy.

Then what are you waiting for? Captain Jingshu, hurry up and take a look.

If it is really an energy body, our mission this time has been completed. Maybe we can be freed from being trapped in the mirror sea around us!

Jing Shu said hesitantly: These plants are sleeping now. If the harvest really disturbs them, I'm afraid of causing any abnormal movement.

What Jing Shu didn't say was that ever since she arrived on the island, she felt like something was staring at her. The smooth sailing along the way didn't make Jing Shu relax. Instead, it made her even more nervous and sent a lot of bugs to explore the way.

But even so, no matter where he went, nothing happened.

What does this mean?

This shows that there is a big problem with this island!

Everyone else encountered the swamp, but they didn't encounter anything. Even if she had hundreds of millions more bugs, which was an army of hundreds of thousands, she couldn't scare them away, right?

Furthermore, this made Jingshu realize that this swamp should be a moving swamp, or that it was originally a whole and would move according to the actual situation.

So, how big does it have to be? At least one can cover an island, so you can do whatever you want, right?

And its speed should be very fast, otherwise, Jing Shu would have no reason not to notice them, which also proves that these swamps may be hiding one of them.

Facing such a behemoth, Jing Shu had to be careful, so when she came to this strange swamp, she did not act rashly.

What's there to be hesitant about? Isn't it just a plant?

Yes, yes, how awesome can it be? Just do it quickly and then come and save us!

Mr. Zhou said: Jingshu, you are right, but what are your thoughts now?

Jing Shu pondered for a while and then said: According to my past experience, wherever dark energy gathers, there are very dangerous animals and plants, so I want to find this danger before taking action.

Mr. Zhou: Okay, your team is all that's left now. You must put safety first.

Jingshu turned off her mobile phone and said to Huang Ya Lao Dao: You stay in the ball car and pay attention to the information on your mobile phone.

The old Taoist chicken nodded like he was chewing rice. It looked very dangerous from the outside. Anyway, he would not take risks if anyone went down.

Then he turned to Xiaowei and said, Xiaowei, please stay. Wenjun, take good care of Xiaowei. Guotou, follow me.

Guotou chuckled: Hey, come on, I like to go out on adventures with Sister Jing.

Wenjun nodded. It would be better if he was in control of the situation.

Xiaowei felt a little regretful, but this place was really weird, so she had to put her life first.

Jingshu brought Guotou to this swamp. The breeze was rustling, and everything was quiet and beautiful. If you ignore the terrifying thousands of defeated hands, feet, and weird open eyes, everything It's all so beautiful.

Creaking - Walking on the road of this muddy corpse was like stepping in a mire. Jingshu, who was fully armed, squinted her eyes and released the black darkening bugs she had bred, and countless bugs the size of fingernails scattered away.

Safe, safe, everything is safe everywhere you go! These plants seem to be harmless?

Then let's go underground and see what the nutrient liquid is that can grow these plants.

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