Two teams of people were harvesting the air walls above, and she had to follow behind them all the time to harvest these cut air walls and put them into the space.

The superiors were also very cruel and even allowed them to take turns opening roads 24 hours a day, so naturally she couldn't stop.

After all, every few hours, the mud strips will shrink a little. This will actually consume her spiritual spring, so naturally it cannot be wasted.

Not to mention, after Jingshu followed her behind to collect the air wall all day, the energy in the Rubik's Cube space finally loosened, and the flow rate space inside became normal, so she couldn't stop!

Jingshu can feel that these air walls can indeed fill the energy of the space, and they are upgrading and changing bit by bit. This is the opportunity for the magic space to upgrade. She has not slept for three days and three nights, and she has to follow them. Then collect all these air walls into the space without leaking!

Otherwise, next time, who can be a free laborer to cut the air wall for her?

As the huge fleet of ships rushed non-stop, everyone was in a state of anxiety.

The problem of the air wall blocking the front has been solved.

But after traveling for so long, we still haven't seen any islands. Did those who came back from the islands two years ago remember it wrong?

Another day at the regular party, everyone was half-lying on the table and eating hard, panting.

In the past few days, everyone's appetite has only increased visibly, but in the past two days, everyone has been like a starving ghost. Not only did they eat too much, but they also starved quickly. They all wanted to eat in front of the rice pail all the time.

If one person only had to eat for two people before, now everyone's food intake has increased by at least seven or eight times, and for Code Seven, it has increased by a terrifying ten times!

But the scary thing is that not only did everyone not get exhausted or gain weight, but they all lost a lot of weight! !

This is how the same thing? ?

How come the more you eat, the thinner you become? ?

What the hell is this scary place? I've lost five pounds.

You're pretty good. I've lost ten kilograms. The fat cook next door knows that. A two hundred kilogram fat man can gain two kilograms even if he drinks cold water. How much weight do you think he has lost?

How much weight have you lost?

Many people's ears pricked up, and they were also curious.

What a sin. I lost 40 pounds. I almost didn't recognize him when I saw him. The thick layer of droopy skin on my body was really scary.

It seems that the only person in the entire fleet who has not lost weight is... Mr. Zhou?

All the bodyguards looked up with reverence on their faces. Mr. Zhou is still awesome! !

Mr. Zhou coughed unnaturally.

The members of Jingshu's team unconsciously bent their bodies lower, and just immersed themselves in cooking. In fact, they were not very thin, but this matter was too hateful now, so they had better keep a low profile.

Only Jing Shu said: ??? Question marks were all over her face, why was everyone getting thinner and thinner while she was the only one who gained weight? Touching the little flesh on her belly, Jingshu felt extremely melancholy.

When everyone said that the more she ate, the thinner she became, she felt happy. Isn't this what she dreamed of? Therefore, whether I was resting or fishing for air walls under the sea, I would secretly open my arms and eat.

She had felt hungry and full in the past, but there was something weird about this place. No matter what she ate, she didn't feel full, so she started eating. Unexpectedly!

Tell me what you have discovered. Mr. Zhou had a headache again and started eating a bowl of compressed biscuits soaked in water. There was nothing he could do, in this damn place, people would be hungry if they didn't eat, and even he couldn't eat much. Became surprisingly large.

If you don't eat - the consequences will be serious! Two young men who worked all night forgot to eat while sleeping and starved to death!

When he was found, he was reduced to a ball of skin and bones, and all the flesh on his body was sunken.

This scared everyone so much that they dared not stop eating and wanted to eat more!

No, everyone now eats eight meals a day, even during meetings.

Dahuang Ya took the lead in raising his chopsticks: Even if all of us are eating like crazy, the more ordinary people lose weight faster, the more capable people are, the slower they lose weight!

Dahuang Ya is considered an ordinary person. If he hadn't eaten 13 extra meals a day, he would have been skin and bones by now. In this way, he lost ten pounds.

That makes sense. The team codename Qi has only lost one or two kilograms. The team leader and the elite members of Class B and Class A have only lost three to five kilograms.

Some people were puzzled: Didn't the islands in the South China Sea make people sleepy all the time? I thought we would fall asleep, but I didn't expect that we would starve to death!

We haven't even gone to the island yet, that's it. We don't know what will happen when we get to the island. Some people finally backed down.

Let's think about what to do, we don't have enough food!

Speaking of this, everyone who was doing it looked bad!

The sudden increase in appetite has completely wiped out the originally abundant food. Now even Mr. Zhou is eating compressed biscuits soaked in water. The next meal, everyone is probably going to eat cockroach meat!

Although cockroaches are full of protein due to their high protein content, they still can’t eat anything!

There are cockroaches in our food. Don't worry. You can eat and drink. The key is that there is not enough water now. We are afraid that we will die on the way before we find the island.

Yang Yang's eyes were all black and blue, and he hadn't slept well in the past few days. He showed the collected data: At this speed, we will be able to drive for another two or three days. Everyone, please hang on. As for water - The above has purchased 500 cubic meters of water from the boat of Team Jingshu, ensuring a basic guarantee of 10 liters of water per person per day. As for more, everyone will have to find a way to replace it from Captain Jingshu.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the large conference room turned their heads and looked at the group of five people who were busy working.

What? Captain Jingshu actually brought so much water??

Captain Jingshu, how much water do you still have? Can you give it to our team?

Yes, yes, only 10 liters of water per person is not enough. After my appetite increases, I have to drink at least ten liters of water every day.

Captain Jingshu, tell us, how much water do you have left?

Yeah, give us some, and we'll pay you back tenfold when we get to the Middle East.

By the way, aren't you curious about why everyone is out of water? Captain Jingshu not only sold 500 tons of water to the above, but there is still water. It looks like a lot of water. Captain Jingshu, where did she get it? So much water? Can you get more? Wouldn’t this mean that everyone is not short of water?

For a time, everyone was talking a lot, asking questions about everything. Of course, most of them were curious, and there were also a few who wanted to take advantage.

Jingshu coughed, asking everyone to quiet down, and then said:

Actually, I'm not afraid of your jokes...

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