I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 867 Is this the condition? ? That's it? ?

At this time, Jingshu poured water on everyone, and she said calmly: However, every time I use it for a while, my energy crystals will be reduced, so my contribution is not in vain, I have the conditions -

With conditions?

What are the conditions?

Isn't this mud rope a free contribution? There are still conditions?

Are you stupid? Dahuangya said before that the mud rope is made of energy crystals. How many virtual coins are each drop worth? Since it is an energy chemical reaction, then this is just burning money.

Dahuangya took another sip of wolfberry water, and while talking, he spurted saliva from between his teeth, spraying water all over the faces of those who just wanted to use other people's energy crystals without paying any price:

Oh my god, it's already this time. If we don't find a way out quickly, we're going to die. Some people actually want to have sex for free? If you want to not pay the price, please find a way out by yourself. Anyway, I don't want to be thirsty. I'll starve to death. Dahuangya couldn't stand being hungry and not being able to drink water.

If he can't drink more water and produce more body fluids, he won't be able to feed the entire zombie team. By then, the entire zombie team will completely turn into stone. Where can he cry?

Mr. Zhou coughed and asked everyone to quiet down. He turned to Jingshu and asked, Girl Jing, feel free to ask for anything. I can't let you pay such a high price alone.

Jing Shu saw that the preparation was almost done. Just when everyone thought she wanted the lion to open her mouth and acquiesce to her conditions, she smiled and made everyone's heart sink:

“I paid such a high price because I wanted everyone’s contribution——”

Many bodyguards thought, if everyone's contribution is really required, wouldn't their work be in vain? But if you don’t give it, you will lose your life?

Nannan showed a secretly gloating smile. This request was too much. Jingshu was dead!

As soon as the thought flashed through her mind, Jing Shu continued: Or maybe we can simply take all the new apocalyptic energy found in the sea -

Another pause.

This time it was Mr. Zhou's turn to take a breath. Did this girl know what she was going to say? How dare she make such an exorbitant request?

Then he saw Jingshu and said:

Of course, I, Jingshu, am not that extreme. And based on my previous experiences, no matter what the six-dimensional space is, the new energy generated is very huge, and it must be mined by a huge mining team. But this time the mirror sea area It is very strange that it can only be entered but not exited. After entering once, the subsequent troops are not sure whether they can continue to enter, so this time it is likely to be a one-time entry.

So if new energy is really discovered this time, and it is the kind that no one can exploit, can I have the right to freely exploit it? As long as the energy my own fleet can take away, it belongs to me. After all, I have to invest a lot to open a road with four-in-one energy this time. Of course, if the energy above is not enough for the country to mine, I will not want it at all. After all, the country is now in a state of poverty and I cannot rob the country of its resources.

That's it?

That's it?

So simple??

Mr. Zhou, who is in charge, feels that this condition is simply too much to be called a condition!

Even Nannan felt that this was it. Jingshu wanted such conditions? It doesn’t look like her! !

The other members of the bodyguard breathed a sigh of relief. As long as their contribution is not taken, they can take anything! After all, even if energy is discovered, as employees, they do not have the right to exploit it.

Some bodyguards even felt that Jingshu's conditions were too few, and some of them had a hard time with their conscience: Captain Jing, you have paid so much and we can't let you suffer. You have saved our lives by doing this. Otherwise, you should take some of our money. contribute.

Yeah yeah!

Jingshu quickly refused: No, no, I want some mining rights.

Zhou Laoting also nodded happily. He knew that Jing Yatou was sensible: I can't let you suffer. If there is a lot of new energy up there, you can't take it with you anyway. How much you can mine is your own. If there is less new energy, I make the decision. I’ll give you 50% of the mining rights!”

Nannan lowered her head to hide the envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart. If Jingshu had mining rights, how much energy would her boat, oh no, several ferries carry away, and how much would it be worth! She was going crazy, crazy with jealousy.

In fact, what Nannan doesn’t know is that Jingshu has more than just a few ferries. She also has thousands of mud mermaids. She can even spend some white energy to cultivate more mud mermaids to use as free transportation. . Otherwise, Jingshu would not have been so aggressive about just asking for the mining rights.

The others also nodded, very approving of it, and they were not allowed to pay. They were happy to be good people, and it would be fine if they were not asked to pay anyway.

Of course, if Jingshu had proposed this condition from the beginning, some people might feel unbalanced. No one has the right to mine or own it, but you can! Why?

But Jingshu made a big start at first, making everyone think that this time their work was going to be in vain. But in the blink of an eye, hey, Jingshu didn’t want it anymore, and the mentality of regaining it made everyone feel that Jingshu’s request was simply unacceptable. Call for a request!

This is why you want your parents to take you to ZB for a barbecue, but you can’t directly say that you first want your parents to buy you an Apple worth 15,000 yuan. When your parents don’t agree, you take the opportunity to be pitiful. Let’s have a barbecue then.

Spending tens of thousands or hundreds of dollars, your parents will probably be able to afford it, and you might as well add a day trip to an amusement park to make up for it.

Yang Yang lowered his head and smiled imperceptibly. Jingshu had already mastered this trick. She must have wanted the mining rights from the beginning.

So the matter was settled.

Jing Shu also rubbed her hands with a smile. She was full of energy and energy. Whatever she found in the mirror sea, she could put it into the mud mermaid's belly.

This time, she is equivalent to giving the seven-dimensional space energy a clear path, and it will not be rude to bring out any good things when the time comes.

Several teams continued to make humanoid coordinates, and two teams began to clear the way ahead, especially using a few speedboats to directly destroy the air wall, which was much faster.

The fastest speed originally expected was 20 knots, but after a reasonable division of labor, it has almost reached normal driving speed.

Everyone exhaled.

Even on the official ship, everyone felt much more relaxed.

Mr. Zhou drank the eight-treasure tea with red dates and wolfberry given to her by Jingshu again, and then realized that Jingshu's team had gone somewhere.

Jingshu is as tired as a dog at the moment, no, even more tired than a dog. This is simply not a job for humans, but in order for the Rubik's Cube space to be upgraded smoothly, she, Niu Gulu, Straw Hat Luffy, and Ili Baisha Baishi·Jingshu fought hard! ! !

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