I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 849 Oops, Jing Shu’s team is missing? ? Useless trash!

The location is right at the air conditioning vent, and right next to the central air conditioning unit!

Neither righteous nor evil nor crooked, what a coincidence you say.

If this is a normal blind box opening, maybe if you open it to the captain's room and the captain presses the alarm, wouldn't it be over? It didn't open into people's dining rooms, toilets and other strange places.

A layer of dust has accumulated at the air-conditioning vents. It can be seen that the air-conditioning has not been turned on at all in these last few years.

Cough cough cough!

When several people walked in, they all coughed violently due to the dust raised.

Shh, keep your voice down! Jingshu had already been armed with a gas mask, and like Doraemon, she took out the gas masks and handed them out.

Zhang Lang muttered: With this amount of dust, I don't need a gas mask. It's too luxurious.

Tank obediently and quickly put on the gas mask, fearing that he would be attacked by poisonous gas if he was a step too late. Jing Shu would not do anything in vain.

After a few people climbed down, they fell into the huge pipes.

Longmen Zhen said excitedly: Captain, what are we going to do next? Should we follow the ventilation ducts and eliminate the enemies one by one?! Should we spread them out and defeat them one by one, or should we capture the thieves first and capture the king first?

Jingshu clapped her hands: Why bother? Come on, follow me. This happens to be the air-conditioning control room. Turn on all the central air-conditioning. Let's put poison in the vents and wait for half an hour to go out and collect people directly. That’s right.”

Zhang Lang opened his mouth: Ah? That's it? That's it?

Jingshu patted Zhang Lang and said, Of course it doesn't stop. You think it's so easy to be beautiful. There are still a lot of things waiting for you to do later. For example, what if someone is immune to the poison? What if all the crew members fall down and no one is there? What should we do if we hit something while sailing? Okay, now turn off all communication equipment and super long-distance intercoms, and turn on our own intercoms!

Let's get down to business! Next, I will assign three mission plans and what you are going to do now.

Jingshu and his team shut down all the equipment and took advantage of this time to make detailed plans.

But they didn't know that just after they turned off the device, an anxious voice suddenly came from inside:

Report, this is Elite Group No. 1. We came out to intercept and kill more than a dozen ships and captured many pirates. However, the ability users not mentioned are all ordinary people!

This is Elite Group 18, and we haven't found anyone with abilities here either!

Elite Team No. 6, everything is normal here. They have captured 3 ships, but no ability users have been found.

Yang Yang's voice came from the radio again: Emergency notice, emergency notice, we have received reliable news that the pirates this time are not just simple pirate organizations, but also have shadows behind them from other countries, so they dispatched Many people with special abilities have changed their original plans.”

After a pause, the broadcast continued: According to the latest news, in order to catch them all and acquire more than a hundred of our ships, the other side decided to dispatch high-level ability users, and they also dispatched thousands of ship sailing professionals to make sufficient preparations to take over. The plan of our ships, so everyone, everyone, must find the ships of high-level ability users!! They should go there by big ship or ferry and finish the last thing, so everyone, cast the net and expand the search distance!!

On the official ship, the ship was almost finished, but a ship of ability users was missing, so an emergency plan was issued.

In the last days, people with special abilities are very rare. There are only a few thousand in a country, but their abilities are very terrifying. Therefore, Yang Yang and the others must pay attention to them.

Now redistribute the tasks. Listen to my instructions. Team 1 will continue to the 1 o'clock direction and search the surrounding 10 kilometers vertically and 100 kilometers horizontally!

Received on the 1st!

Received on the 2nd!

As tasks are assigned, everyone receives information and responds one by one.

But when Jingshu's team was called, there was no response.

Yangyang barked a few more times and then gave up. Where did Jingshu go? Mingming had left him a message five minutes ago, saying that he had encountered a big fish and was going to dig for it, but now there was no response.

The other elite teams began to whisper.

Is that the S-level team? Why is there no response?

This team didn't have any mission before. I heard it was just a patrol mission.

I have an unforgettable memory. During this round of missions, their team didn't say a word or report once. In other words, they didn't kill a single pirate.

The Black Dragon of Team 1 frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help cursing in the channel: I told that idiot a long time ago not to take Zhang Lang out. Now, I'm afraid I'm in danger, right? Anyway, I'm on my own. try to find!

Why don't we go find this team?

When Yang Yang heard these words, he coughed and said in the channel: You don't need to worry about this team. They reported five minutes ago that they were going to carry out a secret mission. They were afraid of being exposed and all members turned off the communication equipment. Now the maximum The key is to quickly find the ability users in this ship, otherwise it will be too dangerous!



Main ship.

Lao Zhou burped with satisfaction, then grabbed a large handful of wolfberry and red dates and put them into the cup. Not only that, he also put some Tieguanyin in the cup. He smashed it in his mouth and sighed with satisfaction:

Oh, that little girl is so rich. I finally don't have to pick out a wolfberry and soak it twenty times. I'm so happy.

Lao Zhou was in an incomparably good mood. This little girl Jingshu was so good. He just showed a little bit that he liked tea, but people insisted on honoring him. There were so many Tieguanyin, Dahongpao, etc. Longjing is absolutely out of production.

Are we really not going to help Yang Yang and those guys from the elite team? They seem to be in trouble. Although the face of codename Qi was cold, there was a little movement.

Lao Zhou glared at the codename Qi: What kind of help? Remember, we are examiners! When we encounter big things, we are also examiners, not executors. In what capacity are you helping? If you help them, whose score will be counted? Besides, after finally taking a vacation, can you please let me calm down for a while??

Shadow also burped and nodded: Yeah, yeah, let's control the general direction, don't get lost, and successfully reach the destination. The rest is left to the young people. They must learn to let go, understand? Hiccup Son~ This rice is really delicious, so delicious, why don’t I go and see that girl Jingshu, can’t we let people die??”

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