I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 848 Everyone else has gone to fight pirates, Jingshu, what are you doing? !

I don't know if God was nervous when he saw this, or something else, but on the originally gentle sea, white waves were rising, and the ship's mast ropes made a sound as they were hit.

The wind blew so hard that people were shaking on the board of the boat, the sky quickly darkened, and the deep and dark water became even more unfathomable.

One ship after another, the ships scattered away from the huge fleet, and even passed over the pirate fleet that was following not far away.

The strange thing is that these pirate fleets did not take action. They stared at the dozens of huge cargo ferries in front of them. This was their main goal this time!

Full starboard rudder, move the buoy to port, and pay attention to the backflow. There may be a vortex or even a double vortex next. It's not a big problem. Let's move forward at full speed!

The large ship modified by Jing Shu directly turned on its furious mode after breaking away from many ships.

After the propeller rotated crazily, it moved forward crazily at an incredible speed.

The sea breeze poured into Jingshu's mouth, and the waves roared in her ears. In this extremely dark and seemingly endless black sea, she could not see anything, but Jingshu raised her head and squinted her eyes, not knowing what she was looking at. Surprisingly.

The four-eyed boy took a telescope and looked hard through the two protruding eyes above his head. He could see nothing but rough waves around him! This is due to his super long-range vision.

Where are we going? Four Eyes asked curiously, We seem to be separated from the main force. And...

The four-eyed guy was a little embarrassed, really just a little bit embarrassed: It seems like the higher-ups haven't assigned us a mission target yet.

Although he admitted that the captain looked so handsome just now that even his blood boiled, but there was no mission assigned and no intelligence from above, so where were they going? You're not just going for a ride, are you?

Hao Yunlai sighed and leaned on the deck. He was naive. His new teammates were still too naive!

The fat chicken has already sat on Tank's head, and he is doing the best to the fat chicken.

Don't ask why there is a fat chicken sitting on the head of the tank!

Because Tank is the one who cares more about the chicken than Jingshu. As long as he goes out, he strictly implements the central idea that he must take the chicken with him and never fall behind. He is afraid that if he goes out and cannot come back, the chicken will be able to lay eggs every day!

Although Jing Shu's voice was calm, there was a hint of excitement that could not be suppressed: Ahem, well, let's intercept a fleet that they didn't find. What is the meaning of us as a patrol team? That is to solve problems for our teammates. We cannot wait until this team arrives to solve the problem, otherwise it will be too late.”

Uh-huh... I believed your ghost!

Several people looked ahead intently for more than an hour.

The sea is all water.

The sky was officially dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The four-eyed boy looked through the binoculars again, but still saw nothing.

The sounds of other teams defeating each other came from the wireless ultra-long-distance satellite channel. The faster teams now began to fight the second batch of pirates.

This is Elite Team No. 10. They have wiped out all five battleships of the support force. They have activated their special abilities and destroyed one battleship on the opposite side without any casualties. Our ordinary troops have taken full control! Now we go to the 8 o'clock direction and head towards Another pirate fleet sailing!”

Report! This is Elite Team No. 15. We were surrounded and suppressed by ten ships from the opposite side. All our ships were shot down by artillery. However, we successfully wiped out all the opponent's ships and captured 6 large ships and 1 warship! Destroyed 3 warships from the opposite side!

Attention all units, the pirates have been shot down by us because many support fleets have been shot down. Now they have taken the initiative to attack our main fleet in all directions! If two of the opponent's ships are detected to have special abilities, please send Team 1 to annihilate them!

As fierce fighting situations came out one after another on the radio, everyone could clearly understand the current situation.

Even the main fleet has encountered a battle, and it's probably very lively over there.

Only the fleet belonging to Jingshu and the others is still drifting in the sea.

Longmen Zhen rubbed his hands and was a little impatient, so even if they wanted to intercept other ships, they should have already arrived, right? This big ship is running very fast. Where is it going?

But just when everyone was a little anxious, Jing Shu suddenly issued an order: Everyone, turn off the lights and turn off the engine! Just float on the sea. You guys, put on your diving suits and follow me!

Zhang Lang's mouth was already full of astonishment at this time, so he got off the boat in person? ? Is it so exciting? But he didn't say anything, he just followed the captain, and he was very confused:

With the ability of their team, it would be easy to directly let the four-eyed guy remotely destroy the opposite hull, and then get close to deal with it. There is no need to go into battle in person like this.

However, Jingshu quickly explained everyone’s doubts:

You must know that from now on, every plant, tree, and even a piece of bread of the other party is our property. We must cherish our own property. These ships have to be repaired if they are damaged, otherwise they will not be valuable.

The important thing is that there are many other properties on the ship that we don't know about that may have been taken away by the frightened captain. So we worked harder on our own, first boarded the ship and felt out the other side, then directly disintegrated them from the inside, drugged them, and knocked them all down, trying not to harm a single needle or thread on the ship.

Zhang Lang listened and swallowed his saliva. He seemed to understand a little bit what Hao Yun said about the captain's attributes of a goose plucking his hair. However, this is no longer described as a goose plucking his hair, right?

Jing Shu was talking about boarding the ship to find out the details of the other party, but in fact, everyone else felt a little strange. Their captain Jing Shu seemed to be... particularly familiar with these ships!

They lurked under the water for more than ten minutes, and then a very large boat came here, bigger than an ordinary ferry! And there are seven floors of buildings above it, which is simply a mobile fortress on the sea.

The mobile maritime fortress is huge, very slow, and has a very deep draft. It is more than ten meters high just under the water, and the hull on the sea is still more than ten meters high. Such a behemoth makes several people feel small.

This is a genuine five-star passenger ferry!

Is this really a pirate ship? What did the pirates want to do with such a ship?

However, if they want to get on the boat now, they have to dig a hole from the bottom of the boat. The water will be poured in and they will be discovered soon.

Either climb up the ship's rails covered with barbed wire and trigger the power grid or make a sound that alerts the watchman on the deck.

But Jingshu chose the third option. She prepared special tools for everyone, so that they were all stuck halfway up the boat.

Then he said to Zhang Lang: Come on, put some Zhang Lang in front of him and come out.

It's easy to eat the wood in the middle of the boat to deal with the mutated cockroach army, but it only takes three to five minutes for them to come out through a small door.

Jingshu and others came in one after another, and the location was just right...

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