I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 841 On the first day of the game in the Middle East, I would like to mention a submarine!

The submarine was pawing hard, just like a dog pawing in the water, but it was as if someone had stopped the back of its fate. It was in the water with full firepower, but it didn't move. I can't even move!

Could it be that the carrion bugs are overflowing or the seaweed is entangled? That shouldn't be the case. It's so powerful! What seaweed

So I can only turn on the light to see what's going on.

When the light turned on, the seabed was densely packed, and the fat mud mermaids were revealed with ferocious faces. They were crowded together, making it impossible for the submarine to move at all.

The submarine's firepower was exerting all its strength in the sea, but it was just a massage for these thick-bodied mud mermaids. There was no splash at all. The mud mermaids even closed their eyes in enjoyment.

Report! Our submarine has encountered an unexpected and irreversible incident. Can we move here... The crew member driving the submarine was shocked before he finished speaking.

Nonsense, can't I fucking see it? I saw it! Now tell me directly how to escape from this damn place! And where is this damn place? Why are there these monsters under the sea?

Report, I have a solution here, that is...

After the crew member finished speaking, he turned around and killed the captain's brother with a big blow.

At the same time, several people behind him winked together, and without any hesitation, they clicked the captain's brother, and even the sister-in-law who was being brought out by the captain's brother.

In fact, what happened today is a coincidence. Logically speaking, no one should have time to drive the submarine because of the sudden situation. However, these five crew members were originally in the submarine for maintenance.

Halfway through their overhaul, the captain's brother and his wife quietly came to the submarine at the bottom of the ship's cargo hold, ready to do something they loved.

Judging from their familiarity, you can tell that they are using the submarine as their private base.

The crew members were all hiding inside with hungry wolf-like eyes, all wanting to watch a blockbuster with live love and action. After all, this opportunity is very rare!

The show is about to begin!

The captain's brother sharpens his sword and goes into battle with his gun!

The crew also swallowed and looked forward to the next crucial step!

The shrill siren sounded, frightening the captain's brother back. At that level, tsk tsk, even Stephen Chow and his mother couldn't save him if he poked her hard with a hairpin.

Let’s not talk about whether it can restore the glory of men. Anyway, there was a lot of excitement later. When a few people learned that the big ship had changed hands, they immediately ran away.

So the above scene happened.

Now, the world is quiet.

At this time, after finishing dealing with the two of them, a few people started tinkering with the submarine and preparing to load weapons. After all, there were many monsters in front of them, but if the shuttle went down, wouldn't they all burp?

A few crew members were still in the mood to chat.

I've been putting up with this guy for a really long time, and I've been gibbering all the time.

Yeah, the captain is dead anyway. We might as well become pirates together. With this submarine and killer in the sea, we can do anything! And the submarine has weapons. We can torpedo everything we encounter and keep it safe. Being a pirate for a year or two will make you eat well and drink spicy food.

No, I still think it's better to sell the submarine. With one sale, we can share a mountain of food!

Stop talking about that, let's first talk about what weapons to use to destroy these monsters. If you use torpedoes, you will be killed yourself. Moreover, there are not many torpedoes and they are too powerful. I suggest using anti-aircraft guns.

No, bullets are scarce now. We can't waste bullets here. Why don't we use motors? Hey, you didn't notice the submarine moving. Why did the submarine get pushed up?

What's happening? Where are these monsters taking us??

Quick, quick, let's fire a bunch of anti-aircraft cannons first! Get rid of these monsters!

While several people were talking, they suddenly heard a cold voice:

I'm afraid, you guys won't have a chance to use weapons.

Who? Where did the sound come from?

Who spoke?

Several crew members were shocked. In this submarine, and underwater, there are still people talking in such a closed environment. It is undoubtedly equivalent to a ghost suddenly appearing in your house. !

In the dim cabin, a young man with glasses appeared, all wet. But before he finished speaking, another crew member who was quietly preparing to take out a pistol from underneath was knocked unconscious by a stick. .

Wenjun, why are you talking nonsense to them? I, Xiaowei, have already told you that the villain died from talking too much, so he quickly got to work. Brother Liang Xing also made us a Cantonese pot of vegetables and Buddha Jumping Over the Wall as a celebration banquet! Guotou also said the same thing. He also showed up wearing a diving suit, carrying an oxygen tank on his back, and holding a big stick!

When he heard this, even Wenjun, who had always been as stable as a mountain, shed tears. He didn't expect that before the end of the world, he had only heard of dishes that he didn't dare to think of. After the end of the world, he could actually eat them. This and this... It tastes so good!

Okay, okay, hurry up, Boss Jing is still waiting for us after we finish. After Wenjun finished speaking, he waved his hand.

What? You ask why, while they were talking, these crew members were so stupid that they didn’t know how to resist?

That was naturally because the timid Wenjun had let their 36 gastropods subdue him when he appeared, otherwise, he would not dare to risk his own life for fun.

With the help of the big bug, Guotou subdued all the people, took off their clothes, underwear, shoes, etc. and collected them so that they could be worn by the people in the village. He threw the corpses out to feed the mud mermaid, and then took out a rag and wiped the entire underwater The boat was tidied up.

If Jing Shu, who was very far away, knew that this kid was so smart, she would definitely reward Guotou for knowing how to cause trouble. However, when Jingshu knew that she had already bought a submarine, she started to be silly and happy. Tank and the others asked her what was going on and laughed so happily, Jingshu just laughed and said nothing.

Sorry, sorry, I really can't help it. This is even more satisfying than winning 5 million. Jingshu comforted herself in her heart, then patted her face and returned to her normal appearance, constantly telling herself to keep a low profile. , don’t be too silly.

Along the way, by the time they caught up with Jing Shu's ship, Guotou had already packed up the submarine.

Wenjun took a video of the whole process and was still mumbling: Xiaowei, you saw that catching pirates is actually very boring. It's just such a process. When Boss Jing takes you out next time, you can do it again. Come out, be good.

Guotou clapped his hands: Come on, Wenjun, let's go to the celebration banquet. When Boss Jing sees this brand new submarine, do you think she will reward me with a roasted chicken leg?

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