I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 832 Then let’s set off and walk?

Shen Yuan, the owner of Xuwen Pier, was the one who suffered from a strange narcolepsy. After taking Jingshu's medicine, he recovered very well. He slept 22 hours a day instead of 23 hours before. Not only did his condition not get worse. , still getting better!

It shows that Jingshu’s medicine works! There is hope for improvement, and this is the only one among so many patients who can get better!

Therefore, in order to thank Jingshu, Jingshu rented two more ferries from Shen Yuan's boss. Together with the 'Red Flag' and 'Blue Moon' she had obtained before, she had a total of 4 ferries in hand.

However, the Hongqi was a passenger transport and had many rooms, making it inconvenient to carry cargo. It was just left to be used by the cigarette factory for turnover.

So Jingshu went to the Middle East to buy goods this time, bringing the freight Blue Moon and two other freight ferries with her, and she was sure to come back full of goods!

These three ferries belong to Jingshu personally. These are materials that can be used to cross the open road. They should be enough, right?

If it's really not enough, Jingshu can bring the swimming Hulk and the Mud Mermaid, so she can sneak in more supplies. If it doesn't work, she can just go to Chencang secretly.

The ferry is ready, and the next step is to take such a long journey, and coordinate the preparation of materials and manpower and resources along the way.

In order to save money and achieve zero-cost purchasing, all large ferries going to the Middle East to purchase goods this time will be loaded with carrion fuel, which is the cheapest after all.

Of course, Jingshu openly ordered the carrion fuel when she left, secretly ordered another batch of carrion fuel, and secretly put it into the Hulk's body. This way, the fuel would be used when she came back, which would save thousands of tons of fuel costs. .

If there are too many things to bring back by then, then we will see if we can use the carrion fuel to exchange for something else. Anyway, it is the Hulk who is carrying the supplies, and Jingshu is not tired, so she can save some gas if she can. chant.

What you save is what you earn.

There is a ship that the insect girl Xiaowei and her tribe are fully responsible for, so that there are no outsiders on the journey and they will be happier. Of course, this ship does not carry carrion insect fuel, but a lot of insects. Xiaowei this time They are all powerful engineer bugs with incredible combat effectiveness.

As mentioned before, one is to act as Jingshu’s visible defense force, and the other is to use these bugs as food when encountering things that cannot be robbed openly, in exchange for some Middle Eastern specialties. I heard that there is no shortage of oil there. The biggest shortage now is food.

Third, Xiaowei can bring a lot of tunnel-digging insect eggs and dig them wherever he goes. In addition to fully ensuring his own safety, he can also steal more supplies secretly to ensure that no one is aware of them.

The crews of the other two ships were transferred from the elite group of cigarette factories, the same group of elite young men from the original Wucheng special agent group. They ate everything they could, had huge appetites, and were very energetic. Ever since they learned that they were going to the Middle East From then on, Jingshu trained them every day.

Now that they have been given combat uniforms, weapons and equipment, and they have been specially trained for so long, their team's wilderness survival and sea pirate combat capabilities have been fully developed. The person in charge here is the scapegoat Zhao who is responsible for the later stage. Yu.

Anyway, just look for Zhao Yu when the time comes.

The final staffing arrangement was that Jingshu hired a medical team out of her own pocket. The person in charge was Dr. Zhang, a chainsaw madman. This doctor was super brave, and the secretary was Wang Danai, Jingshu's former secretary at the Pharmaceutical Association.

The other people who followed were Jing Shu's personal staff. There was a coordinating secretary, Zhang Yicheng, who coordinated everything from eating to defecating.

Of course, the most important person is the cooking god Liang Xingge and his apprentice.

The personnel arrangement is like this for the time being, and as for the material arrangement, Jingshu has already been fully prepared. It can be proudly said that except for the carrion insect fuel, other places on the three ferries are filled with various materials. Something to drink.

Considering that there might be a shortage of water in the Middle East, Jingshu also brought dozens of large buckets of water storage tanks, just in case something happened.

Zhang Yicheng hadn't slept a wink for several days. When he learned that Boss Jing had brought so much pure water to the Middle East, if it had been any other boss, he would have scolded him and said that his boss was out of his mind.

but! After thinking about the series of encounters he had with Boss Jing, Zhang Yicheng not only didn't scold him, but also secretly filled a few buckets of water in his house. Anyway, it was absolutely right to follow Boss Jing!

The medical team even has a large warehouse of medical supplies and some medical equipment, so it can be regarded as a small hospital.

Anyway, when Jingshu went out alone, she would be prepared to bring three years of supplies. To bring so many people out to buy goods, in Zhang Yicheng's words:

Boss, with the supplies we bring, we can live in isolation at sea for a year or two without any problem.

Boss, of course it's not me. I just think that you are so well-prepared that you are really fighting a protracted war, right? By the way, what I still don't understand is that the energetic young men and crew you led Why did you bring ticks and materials from the cigarette factory?”

What do you want to do?

Jing Shu smiled: This is called third-hand preparation. These things may be just some scarce food here, but they are absolutely rare food over there. If you can't finish it all, you can go over there to exchange for something. , and those young men are energetic every day, and they have to find something to do. When they have nothing to do, they roll cigarettes. They can also sell them to rich people when they get there. We have 8 virtual coins each, and then we can exchange them for thousands of virtual coins. Let’s divide it?”

Zhang Yicheng gave a thumbs up.

Listen! Listen!

Capitalists will cry when they hear this.

But the boys were enjoying it and were very excited! Just because this time I go to the Middle East, I can touch the weapons that I have not seen for a long time, and I can fight with real weapons!

And, most importantly, add one late-night snack every day, two more eggs per person per day, and five slices of synthetic meat per person! The boys' smiles stretched to the back of their heads.

Milk, don't give it away, don't take it anymore. We've almost run out of everything at home. I'll definitely have to bring you some supplies when I come back. Okay, I'm leaving. The boat is waiting at the dock.

Sister Sister, I just collected all the kimchi. I brought enough things this time. By the way, the purchasing department of the cigarette factory has been busy recently. Don't run around. Don't go to the canteen. You My uncle and I must take good care of the cigarette factory. The important thing is that I work as a security guard in the cigarette factory, so we must take good care of him!

Okay, don't worry. I know what's appropriate. People from Wucheng came here in droves a few days ago. The inexperienced people over there can't take command. Now that we're on the right track, I won't be needed anymore. I will definitely have to take over the purchasing department of the cigarette factory. It’s all in one piece.”

Jing Nai looked at Wang's house and found that there was nothing left to take, so she waved her hand: Go ahead, go ahead, be careful on the road!

Jingshu, we finally boarded the ferry!

The journey to the Middle East has begun!

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