I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 831 Su Marie’s big baby for Jing Shu

Seeing that everyone was about to make a move and talk at random, Su Mary waved her hand:

Don't talk for now, don't ask questions for now, listen to me first about the powerful relationship here... After all, such good treatment doesn't just come from the sky, there must be some price to pay...

Well, the content of this job is quite simple. It is to try out various new foods developed by the apocalypse every day. Some are delicious and some are unpalatable. After eating, you have to write a food report. There are no requirements for academic qualifications. It's very simple. You don't have to work overtime, you even only need to work for three hours. Sometimes you can take a break without tasting content and it will be considered as salary.

But! Let me tell you here, most of them are terrible food.

Speaking of which,

Finally, a classmate couldn't help it anymore: I'm not telling you, Mr. Su, with the salary above, I feel a little sorry for you if you don't let me eat one pound of shit every day, how about you give me 2 more pounds of shit every day?


Most of the students in the class laughed, and some said:

Yeah, it's the end of the world now, and you can talk about whether it's delicious or not, and I can do it. I want to go!

Su Mary asked everyone to calm down again: You will get what you pay for. The reason why this position is so rewarding is because you eat all kinds of weird foods that have been researched.

Even, it doesn’t have to be food.”

Forget it, no matter how much it is, it’s hard to reveal anything else, lest everyone eat it in a dark light.

Jing Shu frowned as she remembered something. It couldn't be... that... what the tyrant advocated one year ago, right? That's really not something people eat.

It is said that their cigarette factory does not have such a mandatory quota. It seems that there is some benefit to cooperating with the government to open a factory. For wealthy landowners like Sumari's family who have a lot of money, the government will definitely make a fool of them. If I guessed correctly, If so, this person is provided by Sumari and the others, and they have to pay the salary.

Sumari continued: “…You don’t need to know what it is specifically.

Anyway, it may have some bad effects on the body. So far, there is a 3% mortality rate, 10% irreversible physical damage, some permanently lose their sense of taste, and some are paralyzed, but the overall health ratio is still 80%. about.

I won’t hide it from everyone, that’s why I have such a high welfare package.

Today, while taking advantage of the class reunion, I just saw that some students are really in a bad situation. You can think about it. However, I still don’t recommend taking this job if you have the conditions. If you are really desperate, taking this job can be considered a way out.

By the way, the most important point is that the contract must be signed for at least three years. Because the trial is to see the long-term adverse effects in the future, so you can’t give up halfway. If you break the contract, you will be compensated ten times. Unless you are disabled and die, you can continue to receive subsidies. So I hope everyone will consider it carefully.

As soon as this was said, the students all actively participated, especially Nima-san. Anyway, she was neither a human nor a ghost. How could she be worse with her body already like this?

I know Mr. Su is doing it for our own good, but as you said, the health rate of 80% is already very high, and there are various subsidies. It's so worth it.

That's right, for three years, just treat me as a prisoner. I have so much money every month that I can't even rob him.

Even if I have subsidies for the rest of my life when I become disabled, it will still be worth it.

However, there are also qualified students who have been persuaded to quit after three years. After all, everyone thinks that they will stop working if there is danger, but they cannot break the contract and let it go if they see that there is no advantage. After all, these students are not at the point where they cannot survive. situation.

So Mary Su signed eighteen classmates on the spot this time, which is equivalent to half of all classmates.

I'll invite college and junior high school students later to see if we can get them all, but that's about it. Su Mary was in a good mood.

Most of Su Mary's mission was completed, and Jing Shu also asked Mu Xiaoxuan a few questions about the current situation of Shiyuan. She was relieved when she learned that everything was fine. The main battlefield of Shiyuan owner Qian Duoduo was still in Wucheng. It is believed that Wucheng has rich strategic resources. Although the current low temperature of minus 60 degrees is not suitable for living, the last days are dominated by resources, and they will have to go back sooner or later, so there are very few deployments here in the South China Sea.

Here Jing Shu has to say that the richest man in Wucheng is indeed the richest man, and he has a long-term vision.

After the classmates left, Su Mary asked the housekeeper to bring some special medicines and weapons to Jingshu.

Su Mary said: I heard that it is quite chaotic over there. The situation is not very good. It is not as stable as our great China. Although I know that you are very powerful, you still have to be careful. This is a special detoxification pill, a special adrenal hormone, and Some special life-saving things, I’m afraid some people are playing dirty tricks.”

Although these were of little use to Jing Shu, because her physique was so special that even snakes could not poison her, she still accepted them and said sincerely and pleasantly: Thank you, you are so considerate, I just happened to It can be used! You helped me a lot!

After hearing this, Su Mary felt even more satisfied and happy. She was happy because she could help her good friend, happy because she was needed, and happy because Jing Shu valued her.

Hmm, I think you have no shortage of weapons over there, so these are super-concentrated poisonous fog bombs that will kill humans and animals within a hundred meters. When the time comes, take the antidote yourself before releasing it.

Darling, you are so thoughtful, Jing Shu gave a thumbs up.

Su Mary continued to take out a bag of small balls wrapped in layers of boxes, as well as a slingshot-like launcher, and solemnly told Jing Shu: Put these in a dry place, be sure to put them away, they are very dangerous!

This is the new weapon studied above, called explosive gas projectiles.

To use it, you only need to shoot the slingshot far away, and then run away quickly.

When it is launched, it will come into contact with the air flow, release the compressed super-rich natural gas, and finally ignite, causing a strong explosion and a large-scale fire.

You know what happened in the past when the gas was not turned off or the gas exploded on TV? This is based on that. The explosion intensity is about a few hundred square meters, and the shock wave is very strong. If you feel that the range is not large, you can launch a few more at a time, but you have to run farther away.

Okay, you're so thoughtful! Your explosive gas projectile is very powerful. I like it very much. It's a life-saving skill.

I will definitely bring you more fun things when you come back. There are also a lot of delicious food over there, I will bring them all back to you. Jing Shu smiled.

I have to say that Su Marie really gave her a surprise!


After getting some good things from Su Mary, Jing Shu was really about to leave and was almost ready.

However, this has to talk about the tools that Jing Shu prepared to bring in to load the goods and pack the sacks, that is, the problem of the ferry.

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