I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 204 Surprise! Received the exoskeleton mecha (please vote for me)

At that time, Jing Shu looked at Zhou Papi and thought of salt water. It was just two steps short, not to mention how anxious she was. But now it's fine, and she was the one to solve the problem in the end.

But... the results are also gratifying. Jingshu clapped her hands and said, Then this can be regarded as solving the problem of difficult and complicated Gastrodia elata? I am also responsible for this batch of Gastrodia elata?

Zhou Papi gave a thumbs up: Yes, I will record it in the file for you. By the way, you can choose five collaborative assistants to help you on a daily basis.

Jingshu waved her hand and invited the fat girl, Wang...Da Nai? Then please continue to help.

It should be. The girl smiled slightly, showing her dimples.

I secretly glanced at the girl's impressive breasts and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Could it be that whatever she was named would determine what she would look like? People always envy what they don’t have. It was at this moment that Jingshu decided:

Plant 1 square meter of papaya and eat one papaya every day. It doesn't matter whether it will enlarge your breasts. The key is that the papaya tastes delicious.

He really has some information. He solved all the problems that troubled President Zhou as soon as he came.

You can tell by her dress that she is not simple. Didn't you see that President Zhou is very polite to her? Although President Zhou is a nice person, when have you ever seen him treat someone like this?

Hearing this sentence, Xiaoxiao originally wanted to argue a few words, but then she suddenly lost her temper, covered her face and turned away, We can only wait until President Tie comes back to see where this person came from.

The storm finally passed, Jingshu returned to her experimental field and began to plant astragalus. She was not afraid of what Xiaoxiao thought about the field, because in order to better manage the planting of medicinal materials, it was monitored 24 hours a day. .

As soon as they finished planting here, they called over there to say that the Yang Sheep was back! Wait for her at the door of the villa.

Good guy, these people originally said they would go there in a month or two, but now they are struggling to get there! More than two months have passed since the theft incident in the United States.

Jingshu was sent back to the villa angrily by Zhou Papi.

I won't believe anyone who says that this person has no background. Even President Zhou sent her off in person.

For this new person who made everyone watch with special attention on the first day of joining the job, everyone always had an extra layer of awe for Jingshu, and she even broke the record of working on the same shift in more than ten days. It is reported that that was given by President Zhou Special treatment for her.

Five bald heads were squatting under the big shed of the villa, each of them taking turns smoking a cigarette, while Yang Yang wrapped his hair tightly, stepped on the pool with his boots, and sucked the water in the pool with a syringe, How about you guys Let’s make a bet. Who can guess how long it will take for Jingshu to arrive? Let’s try injecting him with salt water?”

You're crazy, who wants to make this bet!

Just as he was saying this, Jingshu arrived in a car. Zhou Papi rubbed his hands and showed his big yellow teeth: Jingshu, if you have time, think of a way to save our honeysuckle. If you can cure it, that batch of honeysuckle will be cured. It’s also yours.”

Zhou Papi worked so hard to bring Jingshu in and even drew such a big pancake. Isn’t it because Jingshu can grow such good medicinal materials? He always had a hunch that Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association would really rely on Jingshu in the future. .

Okay, I'll think of a solution next time I go there, but it may not be effective. Jing Shu said modestly.

This made Zhou Bapi even more happy. Even though Jing Shu said this, he knew that Honeysuckle could be saved this time. This girl pretended not to understand anything, but she had real skills in her hands.

Zhou Papi turned around and went to find Su Mary.

Jing Shu saw several big men at the door looking at her. Jing Shu also looked at Yang Yang and others. Except for Yang Yang, he had basically remained the same. Several other people had changed a lot, but one of them had lost an arm, and the other one was now There is also a terrible scar on his face.

Hey, Miss, have you been doing well in the past six months? We all know that you robbed Wang Dazhao of a house yesterday, and it's not in vain that Wang Dazhao risked his life to get you something. Yang Yang said jokingly.

Wang Dazhao lowered his head and said: Jingshu, that is the gift of reincarnation. These are nothing. Besides, everyone brought it to Jingshu to thank her for the special medicine.

Jing Shu looked confused, What on earth is it? Is it something from the United States?

Yang Yang waved his hand and saw two people go to the pickup truck behind him and drag out a heavy guy.

Yang Yang said: If it weren't for your special medicine, the one with no hands and the other with a piece missing from his face would have died of wound infection, and our task at that stage would not have been completed at all. Later I saw this thing and thought Among the people I know, you are the only one who is strong enough to control it perfectly.

With that said, he opened it. This is simply a cool piece of mecha equipment! Just like the armored warriors in the movies who are fully armed, they look cool, right?

Jingshu's eyes lit up.

This is an incomplete exoskeleton mecha system. It is the latest product developed by the American company Lockheed Martin. It costs 800,000 yuan and weighs 70 kilograms. It uses a hydraulic booster device, a graphite selenium shell, and tritium battery power.

Whether it is extremely cold or extremely hot, the exoskeleton system with a sealed device has extremely good temperature control capabilities, ensuring that normal levels can be maintained under any extreme conditions.

It goes without saying that it is bulletproof, but missiles and nuclear bombs are definitely not good.

On the left is a mechanical claw. It's so powerful that you can use it as an excavator.

The right side is equipped with various machine gun racks and heavy weapon mounts, but we haven't grabbed all of this mecha. It has no weapons, so... you can only use it as a protective equipment, but there is a disadvantage. Yang Yang coughed hard. With.

Jingshu's eyes were already filled with stars. She was killed in her previous life and felt insecure. When she saw something good that could help her survive in the apocalypse, she couldn't help but want it. How much more would she live after wearing this thing? She is no longer afraid of the extreme cold in the last days.

This thing often appears in science fiction movies. In the doomsday film The Wandering Earth, China's first epic sci-fi, this kind of power mecha is worn, but the two are still slightly different.

What shortcomings?

This thing needs to be charged. Once fully charged, it can only be used for a few hours... As you know, science has not developed to that level yet.

Jingshu thought for a moment and realized that it was not unacceptable. At worst, her life would be in danger. Then she could just charge it in the space and keep it charged at all times.

It's okay. I like this thing. If you don't have a weapon, you don't have a weapon. It's good for defense. Thank you.

Jing Shu felt that she had another trump card. At least she could put it on instantly if there was real danger, which was much more reliable than throwing huge rocks.

Okay, I'll take them back to make arrangements first. It's my old man's eighty-eighth birthday. I'll treat you to a meal. Then we can talk to you about it together with Lao Niu.

Tomorrow’s update time: 16:00 pm with additional updates

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