I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 203: Fighting poison with poison

Nominate a vice-president? As mentioned above, elect another vice-president from the official staff?

It seems there are other cities. There are so many people competing for one, so it's difficult anyway.

Zhou Papi breathed heavily, I have nothing to do now. As long as you can cure it, it will definitely be included. And from now on, you will be responsible for the Gastrodia elata, even if it is something you planted.

Why, why? I have worked so hard for more than half a year to grow something. Xiaoxiao said anxiously.

Zhou Papi shrugged: Then you can only watch these batches of Gastrodia elata die. How about you go to your Chairman Tie to solve the problem? Anyway, you can now be sure that these are red threadworm eggs, which are related to the heavy rain you had at that time. Rainwater irrigation is directly related, and I will hold you fully responsible.

Xiaoxiao looked at Zhou Papi in disbelief, and after a long time she said stubbornly: Treat him, treat him. No one can do anything, but you can. Let's see how you step down after a while. You can save so many Gastrodia elata.

Xiaoxiao was really torn in her heart, hoping that there was nothing she could do, and hoping that there was a way to prevent her from being held accountable, but she was willing to let Gastrodia out.

The corners of Jingshu's mouth raised slightly, Only those who are incompetent would give a common lesson to newcomers like an old man, so that you can take good care of them.

In fact, this method is very simple, and the conclusion was reached through continuous experiments by the Chinese people. Moreover, this method was not developed by experts, but by ordinary people.

Now is the time when the red thread worm egg incident is fermenting. A few days ago, batch planting began across China, but in the past few days they will find that even with careful care: 8 hours of simulated lighting, 24 hours of temperature adjustment, sufficient There are water sources, etc., but they are covered with white larvae eggs, which look very scary, and most importantly, the insecticide does not work at all.

The whole country went into a frenzy to find ways to get rid of insect eggs. During this period, hundreds of flowers bloomed, and some people even thought of ways to filter water sources.

Jing Shu doesn't want to make this method public, because that ordinary person will use this method to get the reward he deserves in the next two days, so it's okay to use it in advance, but don't take the benefits of others.

Therefore, Jingshu was cautious this time and did not make the method public. Furthermore, this method was not universal, so it was not popularized and promoted. It could only be used as a rescue.

There is an old Chinese saying that says, every highly poisonous place must have an antidote, and red threadworm eggs must have their nemesis. Fighting poison with poison is the best way to deal with red threadworm eggs.

The man was asked in an interview how he came up with such a method. He said: I was thinking, obviously only half of the heavy rain is red worms, why can so many red worms hatch out of the water irrigated to the ground?

Experts have tried various methods, but none of them seem to work, but I think the red worm eggs must have been eaten by the red worm itself.

After careful observation and research, and many experiments, the person found that adult red worms would not eat eggs, but the big and long old red worms in the rain and the red worms that had lost the ability to mate would. Sustains life by eating insect eggs.

Especially this kind of red nematode will replenish eggs like crazy after passing through salt water.

So he spent half a day to find thousands of adult worms among tens of thousands of worms. After soaking them in salt water and putting them in a vegetable field, they would eat up all the eggs in a large vegetable field. .

Be sure not to pick adult red worms during the process, otherwise... everything will be in vain.

So it can be used for emergencies, but it cannot be used every day, because if you water it every time, dense insect eggs will grow every time. You have to pick out the old insects every day, soak them in salt water and then sprinkle them in the vegetable field.

The most important thing is that vegetables cannot withstand such torture.

This is too time-consuming and labor-intensive and cannot be popularized.

Therefore, the government wants to solve the root cause of insect eggs in irrigation water.

Help me find two big buckets, one with a net, and one with pure salt water.

Jingshu quickly picked up a bucket of filtered salt water, then Jingshu picked up another bucket and fished it out with a net, put on her raincoat and went out, Wait for me for a while.

This method may be time-consuming and laborious for others, but here at Jingshu, with the bonus of the Rubik's Cube space, you only need to put all the red worms in the rainstorm into the space and use your consciousness to identify them, as long as they are more than ten centimeters , and the one that is alone without mating is the old red worm.

It took others at least seven or eight hours to sort out the bugs, but Jingshu spent ten minutes picking out most of the bucket of red worms.

People who were indoors were very curious. When they were not in a hurry, they all came out to see what Jingshu was doing. They saw Jingshu fishing for red worms under the eaves, and shaking from time to time, as if What is the same in selecting.

To outsiders watching the fun, everyone thought Jingshu was fishing for red worms.

Tch, it takes so long to catch just a red worm, what's the point? Xiaoxiao said unbalanced in her heart.

Okay, let's go. Jingshu said, holding the red worms in the bucket that didn't seem to be very active. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, which was like burying a hole.

After arriving on the third floor, Jingshu sprinkled all the old insects into the salt water and saw that they were all curled together.

Everyone watched with their eyes open and couldn't help but wonder: What is this for? We already know the effect of salt water on red worms.

Didn't President Zhou use salt water to soak it before?

Next, Jingshu took out half a bucket of curly red nematodes and sprinkled them little by little on the gastrodia elata. Only a dozen of them were sprinkled on one place. Soon the five shelves were all covered with curly red worms. nematodes.

It’s time to witness the miracle!

These red worms, which felt like they were dead, started eating like crazy as if they smelled the delicious food in the world. The eggs on the gastrodia elata disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this speed, all the eggs would be gone in less than half an hour. The eggs are eaten.

These old insects are destined not to live long. After eating all the eggs, their lives will come to an end, and they will no longer be able to be raised in water.

Surprised boos came from all around.

Didn't expect it to be so easy!

Zhou Bapi was very excited: You are still awesome, old man, I saw you right, how did you come up with this method!

Jingshu continued to sprinkle salt water on the Gastrodia elata from time to time to speed up the speed at which the red nematodes devour the eggs. She said: This is a method that a friend used many experiments to try, but it is not as simple as you see. There are other things in it. Steps, don’t try it rashly yet, he will announce detailed methods in the next two days.”

It should be, it should be, whoever invented it has the right to say. It is a great achievement to save Gastrodia elata.

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