"This intuition! Forget it...Although it's a bit disrespectful, I'm welcome to your magical power!" Add, who incarnates a sickle, began to devour the surging magical power of King of Knights .

Facing Add magical power to devour the King of Knights and turn the Magic Sword, the rays of light of black fill the blade in an instant.

"Gray can't eat this, quickly retreat!"

Gray shrank his scythe and jumped back, next moment a crescent-shaped rays of light swept away, The part of the bridge that didn't collapse collapsed.

King of Knights raised his sword again, but this time instead of pointing at Gray, the tip of the sword pointed behind him.


The King of Knights slammed into Gray like a cannonball with a bang.

"Add, shield!" Gray hurriedly blocked Add, who had switched to shield form, in front of him.

"clang ――――"

The pitch-black Magic Sword slashed fiercely on the shield, and Gray's start pressed down with tremendous force, and one after another crack appeared. at her feet.

King of Knights raised the Magic Sword expressionlessly and slashed at the shield, while Gray could only passively defend.

"No, even if the basic values are leveled, Gray is not the king's opponent," El-Melloi II subconsciously raised his feather fan, "Let's add some negative buffs to that King of Knights. ."

"No, because Gray she..." Cyd raised his hand and pressed it on the feather fan.

This is the final blow.

Knight ** silently raised his sword and slashed it down, but the moment he hit the shield, the shield disappeared, and Gray, who had been hiding behind the shield, grabbed Add, which turned back into a square, and rolled over. Hide aside.

"I haven't given up."


King of Knights drew his sword from the shattered ground expressionlessly, At the same time, he kicked out, fiercely holding Gray's belly.

Gray, who had no time to dodge, flew out backwards.

"This direction... will sink!" Gray's eyes shrank, but it was too late. At this moment, she had already flown to the middle of the river.


Gray closed her eyes, but the expected suffocation didn't come, she...

Gray opened her eyes He stared blankly at the water flowing under him.

Not sinking!

"Although it's not Fairy of the Lake," Cyd raised slightly at the corner of his mouth, and the crystals of cyan on his left wristband exuded faint rays of light.

"But Gray now you won't sink."

The King of Knights jumped up and landed on the water not far from Gray, ripples centered on her spread around.

The dark Magic Sword raised high, and the rays of light of black converged on the sword body.

"Tsk, is it here again?" El-Melloi II raised his eyebrows and raised his feather fan, "But this should be your final blow."

" Master! Give it to me here!" Gray held up the Add in his hand and looked firmly at the pitch-black silhouette not far away, "I will win!"

"Trust her," Cyd patted The shoulders of El-Melloi II.

"I've always trusted Gray." El-Melloi put down the feather fan.

Gray closed his eyes slowly.

She hasn't forgotten about the rays of light. It's dazzling, but not dazzling. It's probably a portrayal of him. He is obviously a person who is greater than anyone but can walk with others very naturally. What a...

gentle light...

one after another rays of light shot out of a slit in Add's body.

"The simulated personality stops, and the magical power collects the breakthrough value."

"The second restriction begins to be lifted."

"Restraints of the Round Table rescinded. "

Golden rays of light circulated around Gray, and one after another blurred silhouette appeared around her.

This is a fight for survival--recognize

This is a fight against someone stronger than oneself--recognize

Don't go against humanity- Recognition

This is a battle for the pursuit of truth-recognized

Don't be an enemy of spirits-recognized

Gray opened his eyes and slowly lifted She raised her hands, and the spiral rays of light gathered around her.

"That's... what..." Illya and the others stared blankly at the golden radiance, the holy girl still holding the golden radiance.

"That is the anchor that maintains the world inside and outside, another Holy Lance held by King Arthur that is no less than Holy Sword," El-Melloi II chuckled with his hands in his pockets, "its Name----"

"Holy Lance, removing restraints!" Gray took a step forward, the light of the spiral aimed at King of Knights not far away.

"Excalibur," the King of Knights swung down the Magic Sword held high, and the pitch-black beam of light slanted down.


Golden's beam of light and black's beam of light collided and engulfed each other. Gray gritted his teeth and pushed out his right hand. It flew away, and the gray braid was completely spread out.


Golden’s beam of light instantly engulfed the black beam of light. Strikes were behind King of Knights, and the mask that blocked King of Knights’ eyes was in the rays of The light begins to shatter, revealing pale-gold's eyes.

Watching the maiden doing her best at the end of the rays of light, the corners of King of Knights' mouth raised slightly, and then completely engulfed by the rays of light of Rhongomyniad.

Saber strategy is complete.

Gray's body fell down softly, but one hand wrapped her waist in advance and picked her up.

"Take a break for a while" Cyd lifted the beckoned, and along with the waves, Saber's Class Card slowly fell into Gray's hands.

"Thank you," Gray grabbed Saber's Class Card and slowly closed his eyes.

"Good job."

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