Amidst the smoke, Cyd lifts the head with a chuckle, watching the little girl flying in the midair blushing and grabbing his hand.

Although he has already landed, Miyu has already...

"Isn't this done?"

PS, don't think about beating Uncle B Well, let's be moved for a while, brewing for a few days before the effect is good? ( *?ω? )?

Chapter 24 The Past Crossed

Magic Artillery get! Fly get!

The law of victory has been decided!


El-Melloi II's first reaction was when he saw the oncoming light cannon, was he a Servant? Dignity, greet you with Noble Phantasm as soon as you come in!

"This... what is this!" Illya whimpered and hugged her head.

Cyd coldly snorted blocked the light cannon, and the blood-colored lines instantly covered the sword of the great sword.


The blood-colored sword slashed heavily on the pitch-black light cannon, just like hitting a prism, the light cannon was divided into two, With two loud explosions, the street in the different dimension was blasted through.

"ka-cha ――"

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the boots stepping on the ground, the petite silhouette in black armor walked out slowly, full of unknowns. Ы8 Ship Huizhong Zongna で Small

Although the upper half of the face is covered by the mask, Gray can still be sure that it is...

"Me?" Kneeling softly on the ground, the birdcage with Add rolled out from the cloak.

It's still what she will be.

"That's...impossible! It's actually a king!" Add shouted in disbelief after seeing the petite silhouette.

"King Arthur...King of Britain, King of Knights," Cyd slung the smoking sword on his shoulders, "the noble king turned out to be like this?"

"King Arthur... p>

"Impossible, Wang shouldn't be like this...that's right," Add's voice, which should have been denied immediately, was not so firm, "Wang she clearly..."

King of Knights paused slowly raised the Magic Sword in his hand, the rays of light of black condensed on the sword body, the atmosphere was shaking, even if it fell into Magic Sword, the power would not change, Promised Victory's blow only will become more rude.

"The level of this time is too high, you take a few steps back," Cyd raised his left hand, symbolizing the crystallization of the Greek King of the Gods' blessing of power shining, [Reforged Pandora] from the great sword The stance transformed into the form of a scepter.

"Even you King of Knights are impossible to take a god-killing blow."

Cyd pointed his scepter at the King of Knights, one after another thunder strikes from the sky ground.

“wait a moment!”

King of Knights took a step forward, the cross-shaped lightsaber condensed into a bundle, the huge magical power, the strange oppression made all but Cyd Other than that, there is a feeling of being unable to breathe as if a boulder was pressed against the chest.


It was no longer a roar like an announcement, but just plainly said the name of the sword in her hand, probably after she became like this, she had already given up The things you are proud of.

"Really," Cyd aimed the scepter at the ground with his backhand, and the lightning strikes converged at the bottom of the scepter, and the lightning strikes turned into a shield on the ground.


The dark beam of light collided with the galloping lightning. Swept by black light, collapsed in rumbling sound.

"Gray," Cyd reluctantly read out the name of the girl hugging his waist.

"I'm sorry, although I know it's self-willed, but I..." For the first time, she took the initiative to lift the cloak covering the girl's appearance, and her determined look made El-Melloi II not far away for a while. In a trance, he seemed to see the noble king.

"I want to defeat that king."

This was originally impossible, but maybe it was the so-called fate, she saw the meaning she had been given, and was expected to become look, now she wants to prove it!

"Finally...said it out," Cyd moved towards unremarkable and wanted to wave his left hand in the direction of the King of Knights who fired a light cannon.

“Boom ——————”

Countless vines tore apart the earth moved towards King of Knights’ petite body and rolled away, King of Knights immediately put away the rays of light Swinging the sword cut the vines, but the vines kept attacking her as if they were inexhaustible.

"That's what your recipe says," Cyd looked towards El-Melloi II.

"Master," Gray subconsciously tried to cover his face.

"It's really a headache, but who made me your Master?" El-Melloi II sighed, a magic circle appeared at his feet, and a feather fan slowly fell. In his hands, "Don't cover it, that's you, Gray, it's not anyone, it's you."

"Master?" Gray tilted his head.

"Go, Gray, and prove that you are you," El-Melloi II raised the feather fan and aimed it at Gray, "but the other party is a Servant after all, at least the conditions must be made equal. "

A magic circle appeared on Gray's body.

Discerning Eye

Tactician's Advice

Tactician's Command

"This feeling..." Gray clenched his fist, a powerful Make her unbelievable!

"Until you play Gray," Cyd gently patted Gray's back.

"Okay! Add 1st Stage lifted!" Gray nodded the Add aloft while walking towards the impatient King of Knights who started "weeding".

"Come on, come on, I don't care what happens!" Add shouted as if he had no desire to improve.

King of Knights lifts the head violently, and the dark rays of light converge on the sword.


"You won't be able to use it," El-Melloi II raised his feather fan with a wave.

Eight stone pillars descended from the sky and nailed into the ground and water. The expanding magical power on the King of Knights sword began to twist as if it was disturbed, and finally turned into rays of light and slowly dissipated.

"It's now Gray!" shouted Add, who had turned into a sickle.

Gray's eyes narrowed as he stepped on the vines that had stopped crawling and rushed towards King of Knights, the scythe in his hand was aimed at King of Knights' neck fiercely.

"clang ―――"

black's Magic Sword slashed at the edge of the scythe at a very strange angle.

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