Faced with Miyu's rational questioning combo, Illya...silenced...

"Ah...it's just my wishful thinking," Illya lowered in despair He nodded, "So Miyu is not happy at all... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for forcing you to chat with me."

"No...I didn't say I was unhappy," Miyu waved his hand vigorously.

"Really!!" Illya's eyes shined close to Miyu and grabbed her hands, "Can we be friends!"

"But...you can," Facing the enthusiastic Illya, Miyu is somewhat nodded in not knowing what to do.

"You and me have a good talk," Cyd pinched Ruby, who was trying to quietly take the Class Card out of his pocket.

"Ahhh! The skull is going to shatter, even though I don't have one!" Ruby whimpered as Cyd held it.

"Are we... is this a failure?" Rin Tohsaka corner of mouth twitching.

"I said from the very beginning that this wouldn't work," Luvia covered her face, "What kind of strategy for elementary school students! Such a stupid method is impossible."

"You are the best That's not how it started!" Rin Tohsaka stared wide-eyed.

She couldn't forget Luvia, who had such a great idea at that time.

"Ha?! It's not to take care of your self-esteem! Can't you see this level of pity!"

"Ha!? How about a self-protection class!" Rin Tohsaka began to slap his fingers.

"Exactly, see if I don't beat your breasts one size bigger!" Luvia ripped open her expensive skirt very simply.

"Ah!? Look, I won't push your chest flat today!"

So the two muscular girls scuffled together again.


The earth was hit hard again, no, it should be more serious than Cyd's damage.

In order to effectively smash the opponent, Rin Tohsaka and Luvia used strengthening magic. In order to cause more damage, they pulled out the surrounding swingable objects and smashed the opponent.

El-Melloi II stared blankly at the demolishing scene of the two girls.

"Ugh Ahhh! What the hell happened, what will it become! I can't understand why it's unfolding so far! Who will... Who will tell me!" Illya screamed holding head.

She was still a primary school student who liked to watch magical girls until it was dark, but she became a magical girl in the middle of the night, and now she is still watching the two-headed mother Tyrant Dragon demolished.

"Aah~ This is the fate of magical girls~" Ruby shook her body.

It's all your fault!

"Let's show you a lady's cultivation!" Luvia shouted and smashed Rin Tohsaka into the ground with a back throw.

"This is... a lady?" Miyu tilted her head.

“Miyu-sama please use them as negative teaching materials,” Sapphire put on the bow-like decoration.

"You'll have to give me an explanation later," Cyd poked Sapphire, "why Miyu turned into a magical girl."


"Why are you so kind to my younger sister, Ahhhhh to me! It hurts!"

"Go to hell!" Rin Tohsaka shouted a set of Eight Extremes Fist took Luvia to the sky.

"You...you stop fighting!" El-Melloi II shouted, if he could, he really wanted to rush up and smash them into the ground one by one, but with his ability If you rush in, you may be killed by Rin Tohsaka and Luvia.

That day...the long-lost gas explosion in Fuyuki City.

PScough, I've learned something recently, I don't know whether to laugh or cry, being able to think of Cyd as a real Greek hero will be touched, because there is nothing more satisfying than such recognition, but that... ...after all, it is a protagonist of the same person. If Cyd makes a cameo appearance, I don't mind at all. Of course, just tell me on QQ. I usually agree. I also know the popularity and so on, but I don't want to really go. When the linkage is on a whim, or... to gain popularity, the linkage must be well prepared...

PS... After all, it is a fan... If you really want to gain popularity, it is not only the name In fact, there is a better way...

Chapter 18 is called parents! ...Forget it.

What's the way to stop the two female Tyrant Dragons from pinching each other?

Punches into the ground one by one.

Although I don't know how others did it, Cyd solved it with one punch.

Fortunately, it was the middle of the night. If anyone saw a scene of a white-haired young man dragging two girls who felt like they were pulled out of the soil...they would definitely call the police.

Although these two girls were really pulled out of the soil.

But that's not the biggest problem, even an eyewitness can fool the past with El-Melloi II's almighty hints, but some things can't be fooled.

"Cancel the contract? No, no, no, I am a staff born for pure girls who love magical girls. I will never betray the dreams of children!" Mingming was glued to the turntable by transparent tape and was slaughtered by others. , but Ruby still looks like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Really?" Cyd blew the dart in his hand and threw it out.

"ka-cha ――――"

The darts are tucked into the middle of Ruby's wing-like decorations.

"Scared... scared to death..." Ruby relaxed.

Cyd throws a stack of darts in his hand.

"wait a moment!" Rin Tohsaka's righteous words extend the hand on the dart.

"Rin...are you my companion? I am moved!"

"Please share with me!"

"You have Ponytails!"


Rin Tohsaka grabbed the dart in Cyd's hand, moved towards Ruby on the turntable and threw it.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! But I'm not going to give in to the old ponytail!"

"It looks like I won't be able to convince it for a while," Cyd Scratched his head, looked towards Sapphire, who floated aside and said nothing to his elder sister who had been abused, "But you seem to be able to communicate."

"Yes," Sapphire shook.

"If possible, I hope you can cancel the contract," Cyd raised his hand and touched Miyu's head, "I hope Miyu can live without any worries."

"Is that so? I also hope Miyu-sama can be happy," Sapphire turned to Miyu after hesitating for a while, "I will cancel..."

"Don't cancel the contract," Just when Sapphire wanted to cancel the contract, Miyu stood up, "I want to keep the contract with Sapphire, I want strength."

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