The white-haired loli in Rin Tohsaka's hands at this moment is Cyd's neighbor, the incredible person Miyu calls Illyasviel von Einzbern.

"wú wú wú's not me, don't look at me," Illya covered her face.

“Ah, la la, this is what happened,” Ruby drilled out of Illya's hair.

"Are you... serious?" El-Melloi II's expression suddenly became very serious, "Involving the ordinary person is not as simple as breaking the school rules."


Luvia's smile begins to look unnatural.

"No way! This damn idiot staff will trick Illya into becoming a magical girl," Rin Tohsaka shrank his neck.

"Then you guys just thought about letting Illya come to help grab the Class Card, right," Cyd's mouth twitched. Come out," Luvia sold Rin Tohsaka quite simply.

"Ha!!! Don't you agree too!" Rin Tohsaka pounced on Luvia.

So, the two former magical girls scuffled together in front of their Sensei, and the solitary Illya squatted on the ground with her face covered.

“Go back and let them go,” Cyd put his arms around his chest.

I have to say that the lower limit of these two really frightened him, and he actually thought of encouraging the young girl to grab the Class Card.

"Okay, no problem," El-Melloi II nodded with deep eyes.

I have to say that Cyd won't hit a young girl very Magician, but he doesn't like it.

"There is no turning back now!" Rin Tohsaka pushed Luvia away and pointed at Cyd, "Illya, you have the power to transform into a magical girl, you have to pay the corresponding responsibilities, hurry up and go. Transform and grab the Class Card."

"Um..." Illya raised her hand tearfully and reached out to Ruby.

"Come here, real magical girl!" Ruby turned into a staff and landed in Illya's hands after spinning in the air a few times.

Cyd silently took out his phone and turned on the camera function.

Chapter 17 Natural Gas...Breakout

The flashes that look weirdly twisted on Luvia and Rin Tohsaka are so natural on Illya, just like an anime scene , the magical girl Illya appears in rays of light, although she is clutching her wand with shame.

Just think about the magical girl, it has really changed, especially in front of the neighbors...

I want to die...

<"Go, Illya, that man won't hit you," Rin Tohsaka braced oneself, who had decided to let go of himself, raised his hand to Cyd under El-Melloi II's death stare.

Cyd sighed stomped on the ground.


Cracks like cobwebs covered the ground, Illya sat on the ground with a soft leg, Rin Tohsaka's expression was a little stiff.

"It's doesn't matter! That man is just scaring you!" Rin Tohsaka is not as confident as at first, "I don't believe you can really hit Illya!"

"wū wū wū wū ..." Illya holding head let out a whimper like a small animal.

According to the formidable power just now, won't you die if you hit it!

"Indeed...I can't do it," Cyd sighed, scratching his hair in annoyance.

It's not just him, Gray and El-Melloi II are also impossible to take Illya's hand, but...

"You can't get the Class Card from me," Cyd He waved his hand.

"But undefeated is the foundation of victory, as long as you fight hard, you will win!" Rin Tohsaka declared.

Ah...appeared, super cheeky shameless speech...

Rao is Cyd who doesn't know how to react.

"Oh hoho ho~ that's it," Luvia laughed, covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry," Illya covered her face.

"If Cyd can't fight, leave it to me," Miyu stood in front of Cyd with a firm gaze, "I'll fight!"

"Eh... Miyu? "Illya blinked, because there was so much information tonight that she didn't know how to react.

“en?” Cyd tilted his head.

"Sapphire!" Miyu took a deep breath and raised his hand to the sky.

With the flash of rays of light, a blue staff fell in front of Miyu.

"I'm here, Miyu-sama."

"Huh? Sapphire why are you here!" Luvia couldn't help laughing.

"Help my master," Sapphire slowly fell into Miyu's hands.

"Oh~ Magical girls can only be fought by magical girls, is that what you mean~" Ruby waved her wing-like decoration, "didn't expect someone to fight with younger sister One day, it's really sad~"

Seeing Miyu Cyd, who is very skilled in transformation, only felt a big head.

"Sorry, the amount of information is a bit heavy right now, I want to think about it for a while," Cyd covered his head and leaned against the tree to the side.

The neighbor's daughter has become a magical girl, and the child she picked up has also become a magical girl. Now they still have to fight, although Illya seems to be running around all the time, she probably doesn't want to fight with Miyu , on the contrary, Miyu has always been serious about wanting to end up with Illya.

"Why!" Illya held her head and dodged the magic bullets from Miyu threw away.

"Stomach... it hurts," El-Melloi II twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Mystic Code made for Mr. Mao will drag the ordinary person into the magic world so casually, and he is still a child! How can he take care of it!

"That...this..." Gray looked around in confusion.

"Miyu stop, that's your friend," Cyd sighed, walking to Miyu's side and holding Sapphire.

"Yeah yeah!" Illya ran behind Cyd with her staff in hand.

"Friend? When?" Miyu tilted his head.

"Ha ahhhh! I had a great day today," Illya took a few steps back, clutching her chest as if she had been hit with a hammer.

"Is it a friend just after a few chats?"

"Please add the word "happy!"

"How do you know me Have a nice chat?"

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