Presumably infected by the serious looks of El-Melloi II and Gray, Miyu also showed serious expressions.

"I'll do my best!"

"Don't force it," Cyd sighed.

He didn't take Miyu's remarks about going straight to university at all, he just thought it was Miyu's children's words carry no harm, but...

"That..." The headmaster of Homurahara Elementary School looked a little embarrassed when he saw several perfect papers in his hand.

Although he just wanted to test the knowledge of this student who was temporarily inserted into their school to judge whether she could keep up with the progress of other students, but now he began to think about whether the students in their school could keep up. on her.

Miyu took Cyd's hand calmly.

Because she didn't want to cause trouble to Cyd, and she didn't want to embarrass him, so she took these papers seriously, although for her the difficulty of 1+1 equals 2 is only serious. Instant answer.

"About this classmate's grade... it's up to you to decide," the principal of Homurahara Elementary School simply gave Cyd and the others the choice.

This was originally against the rules, but El-Melloi II, in trouble, directly gave a few hints to the headmaster of Homurahara Elementary School, and then it was legal.

Magic is really convenient...

Cyd started to act wilfully with a sincere sigh.

Considering that Miyu should have a companion when going to and from school, Cyd directly asked the principal to place Miyu in Illya's class.

Cyd and the others, led by a teacher, came to the door of the classroom.

"Miyu should get along well with everyone." Cyd patted Miyu's shoulder.

"It's okay, it's only been a few years together, even if it really doesn't get along well, it will be over soon," Miyu calmly opened the classroom door.

"But I wish you a happy life in the future," Cyd put his hands in his pockets and stared at the no-thin back, "so don't say some dejected words, it's yours to do it for sure."

"Is this your wish?" Miyu turned and looked towards Cyd's eyes.

Cyd lightly nodded with a smile.

"Then...I will try my best!"

Chapter 15 is just a matter of as it should be by rights

I want to walk around the area...

When Cyd and the others left the school, El-Melloi II, who was at the front, unconsciously came to the back, and finally stopped completely. Under Xie's gaze, El-Melloi II hesitated for a long time.

"You want to buy the newly released game, right," Cyd glanced down the street not far away.

Faced with Cyd who has the blessing of [can't lie to him], El-Melloi II hesitated for a while and then nodded.

"Tell're a little selfish when you come to Fuyuki City this time," Cyd complained.

"It's really just a coincidence!"

This time El-Melloi II really isn't lying, he doesn't usually have time to pay attention to the game's release, but he is On the way to my current residence, I happened to see the poster released by Xinyou.

Anyway, he is idle during the day, and when he is on a mission, it is impossible to deal with those confidential documents, so... just buy a game to play...

"fine fine," Cyd spread his hands.

"Cough, then I'll cook, go and come back," El-Melloi II moved towards the street while covering his cough.

Gray subconsciously wanted to follow, but was held back by Cyd.

“Gray, men always have their own little fetishes, and if you follow through, El-Melloi II will feel tied down,” Cyd shook the head.

"Master's... petty hobby?" Gray tilted his head, puzzled.

"It's okay, it's El-Melloi II's war, we have other things to do," Cyd patted Gray's shoulder, "must restock today."

"That's true!" Gray nodded hard, and she personally was quite opposed to El-Melloi II's behavior of eating takeout directly because of the trouble.

"Then~Gray, go ahead," Cyd's eyes rolled into a smirk.

"Okay! Hey!!!"

And so Gray's grocery shopping adventure begins.

Fuyuki City is still an unfamiliar place to Gray. Usually, El-Melloi II is always standing in front of her. She just needs to wait quietly. That person's back is fine, but now she has to face it.

Because the person who could stand in front of her moved away, she had to look at this vast world.

Although it's just buying ingredients...

Looking at Gray's clumsy appearance, Cyd couldn't help laughing, but a girl with the power to subvert reality would be so enthusiastic troubled by the shopkeeper.

It's really peaceful...

Cyd would love to sigh if he could, but when he saw two sneaky guys on the glass, he started to have a headache.

“You guys are really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed,” Cyd picked up a carrot. p>"Isn't that of course? The Edelfelt Family never gives up what they want," Luvia fanned out.

“How can you give up at this point,” Rin Tohsaka stared at Cyd unwillingly.

And of course Luvia promised her a box of gems so she couldn't leave.

"Really? It looks like you haven't learned enough lessons," Cyd waved the carrot in his hand and began to look up and down Luvia and Rin Tohsaka, as if thinking about where it would hurt more.

"It doesn't matter if you want to fight now, you who are not even magical girls will be defeated, and no one will even notice."

"Oh, rough man, your opponent It's not us," Rin Tohsaka smiled confidently, "we have found a magical girl that you absolutely cannot defeat."

The two arrogant girls, one gold and one red, raised their fingers to his nose at the same time. So declared.

"Tonight we will win the Class Card from your hand! That's what they said..." Cyd raised his chin worriedly and was reading a book about medicine.

"Miss Luvia and Miss Tohsaka...that's the kind of people who won't admit defeat," Gray scratched his face.

"I just tapped their heads lightly, they were fine when they left, why are they talking nonsense now," Cyd sighed softly.

"It may be that a hidden old problem has relapsed," El-Melloi II wore a grand strategy short sleeve and rubbed the handle, his expression gradually grim, "I heard that they fought a lot before, and they all died. It's a common thing to beat them on the head a few times."

"It might be better to send them to the hospital for a check-up," Miyu rubbed the handle very indifferently and tortured El-Melloi II to death .

[game over]

Looking at the big English on the screen, El-Melloi II put down the handle, hugged his knees, and fell to the side.

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