"Gray can do it," El-Melloi II said casually. "There should be ingredients in the fridge."

Cyd's eyes slowly widened, The movement of rubbing the handle starts to slow down.

He remembered!

When I first went out, in addition to wanting to help Gray correct his personality, he also thought about replenishing the empty refrigerator by the way, and as a result...meet the muscular magical girl duo.

Then I went to the forest to educate these two magical girls who didn't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth, and then...then I forgot to buy groceries.

“How about we order takeout,” Cyd said awkwardly.

PS(??benefits?) ?( ?Д`)? =????( ?dish?????)━=????(??? ????) ━(x_x;)

Chapter 14 Miyu Enrollment

The girl bathed in the moonlight hugged the pillow cautiously and looked at the white-haired youth sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"What's wrong?" Cyd tilted his head, "Can't sleep?"

"Well," Miyu whispered, "Can I sit next to you?"

"Okay, but go back to bed," Cyd chuckled and patted the empty seat beside him.

Miyu sat down next to Cyd, her delicate little face buried in the pillow, Cyd leaned back on the sofa and quietly waited for the mysterious girl beside him to open up to him.

"Are you...really Hero of Pure White?" After a while, Miyu lifted the head looked towards Cyd.

"If it's Hero of Pure White..." Cyd raised his hand and put his hand on Miyu's head, "Can it save you?"

"I...I don't I know," Miyu closed her eyes.

"Then just try to believe me," Cyd chuckled and tapped Miyu's mouth to help her make a smile, "I'll save you."

"Why...why?" Miyu pursed his lips.

"I can't ignore the people who fall in front of me, because I have the ability to lift them up," Cyd rubbed Miyu's face, "If it can be done, why not do it?"

Miyu stared blankly at Cyd.

[The hero who can save people, lead people, give people hope, the real Partner of Justice]

That person once looked up at the sky and told her his dream.

[I want to be like this! ]

It's not because of how great or powerful he is, but because of his gentleness, people can't help but want to look up to him and follow him.

It must be his words...

"Please help..."

The tense spirit that has been tense is loosened, and then it is irresistible Tired, Miyu closed his eyes uncontrollably and leaned on Cyd's body

"Your wish," Cyd hugged Miyu, "I did hear it."

Has nothing to do with being a hero or not, he just wants to save Miyu.

"I'll take back the life you deserve!"

Miyu overslept that day.

Because she was so at ease, it was like returning to her old home, and the warm feeling made her reluctant to leave.

"Miyu, it's time to get up," Cyd poked Miyu's face lightly.

"Um..." Miyu subconsciously pulled up the quilt to cover her face.

"Really, but self-will is the prerogative of a child," Cyd chuckled and pulled Miyu, who was sleeping in a daze, up and left the room with her in his arms.

"Mr. Cyd leave it to me here," Gray volunteered and stretched out his hand, "I'll help Miyu wash up."

"Then I'll trouble you," Cyd cautiously put Miyu down.

"It's alright," Gray said, picking up the toiletries and shook the head, "the Master is often dazed before leaving the house."

El-Melloi II you Guy... Could it be that he is really a waste of life.

Cyd, who was sitting at the dining table, looked deeply at El-Melloi II, who was wearing a suit and looked majestic.

"What's wrong?" El-Melloi II frowned.

"No, you should be still sleeping in bed at this time," Cyd spread his hands, took a napkin and wiped the debris from the corner of Miyu's mouth.

"Because there's still business to do today," El-Melloi II corner of mouth twitching.

"New game release?"

"It's for Miyu's enrollment!"

El-Melloi II cocked his legs in disgust.

"Do you see me as someone who only cares about new game releases?"

Cyd glanced at El-Melloi II's sticker on the wall, marking the new game release 's poster, the time happens to be today.

Since he came to Fuyuki City, he always had the illusion that El-Melloi II had left the cage and started to free himself.

Day and night were turned upside down and addicted to video games, which made him feel that the majestic El-Melloi II was gone forever.

"It's just a coincidence," El-Melloi II covered his face, "I checked last night Homurahara Elementary School is the closest to here."

"I know everything they teach. ," Miyu said earnestly after taking a sip of milk, "at least put me in college."

"But Miyu, the friends you can find are only there, they may be immature, But it can grow up with you," Cyd touched Miyu's head, "schools can get not only knowledge, but also peers."

"Partners?" Miyu tilted his head, "they Can you help me?"

"Well, definitely."

Miyu is nodded.

"We'll go when we're done eating," El-Melloi II pulled on the leather glove with a serious expression as if he was about to go to war, "to take Miyu to school."

"Okay!" Gray also responded in a very serious manner.

Are you going to tear down the school...

Cyd corner of mouth twitching.

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