"Hey hey hey, Bell is super worrying now," Cyd spread his hands helplessly, "Don't jump to conclusions."

"Because of his Sensei...it's you."

Chapter 42 Going Home

"It's a lot cheaper, no, it should be said that it's a lot more normal...you guys really Are you rehabilitated?" Lili put the bag with money on the counter and looked suspiciously at the adventurer that packed the health potion, "Isn't there any water in it?"

" No! I said I've changed my mind!" adventurer rolled the eyes, "You haven't noticed, the surrounding stalls have adjusted their prices."

"speaking of which..." Lili looked around , and then nodded, "It's become a lot more lively here."

"Originally they were all short of supplies, but they refused to come because of the outrageous price. Accepted," Welf spread his hands, "wouldn't be like this at first."

"ah ha ha ha...yeah," the adventurer scratched his head awkwardly.

"But there are still a lot of shops that haven't adjusted their prices," Lili coldly snorted with her arms crossed, "I see how long they can last."

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with us. ," Welf patted Lili's shoulder, "Bell is still waiting for us, time to go home."

"Hey! Send a word to Hero's Apprentice for me," the adventurer hesitated before peeling off the skin. A gold coin was taken out of the bag and the bag was thrown back.

Lili raised his hand to catch the leather bag, then stuck out his tongue, "Even if you did, Lili wouldn't help you."

"As you wish," adventurer He waved his hand and leaned back on the chair, "If it's you, you should go farther than us, don't fall down."

"Even if you say that, Lili won't forget what you did. Thing, hmph!" Lili coldly snorted left the store with a package.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness," the adventurer sighed and closed his eyes, "We're just incompetent people who don't even dare to move forward, no, we don't dare to move forward while thinking about putting others down. It's really disgusting to be dragged down together."

He hasn't forgotten that scene until now...

pulling each other and swearing at each other, just to take others as Stepping stones, just so that I am not the first to fall.

He was the first to fall to the ground, staring at the rising earth like he was lying in the depths of hell.

Are we... so ugly?

What are we...to become adventurers for?

Looking at Bell's simple but tenacious smile, it seems that I saw the beginning of myself that I dare not look directly at. In order to cover up the unbearable appearance of myself that has been corroded by reality, I tried to kneel on the ground in order not to feel inferior. Pulled Bell down, but they saw more dazzling rays of light.

It's already impossible, our limit is here, it's already impossible to move forward.

But the silhouette with the right hand held high in the fire sea deeply attracted them.

Maybe a man can't get rid of the temptation to be a hero until he dies. Looking at that silhouette, the enthusiasm that has been extinguished seems to be rekindled.

That child... The adventurer named Bell is stumbled forward, but one day he will cross all the obstacles and step into the fire sea with his chest up to the silhouette.

"We're so stupid..."

18th Floor channel.

"Ready?" Cyd snapped his fingers.

"Perfect!" Bell, who had recovered from his injury, waved his arm.

"Lili can't wait to go back," Lili patted the huge package behind him, "Today is also a bumper harvest!"

"I also want to go back now, it's a little itchy Well," Welf kept rubbing his hands together, "it feels like I can build a super awesome weapon now."

"It's been a day off work, Mama Mia It shouldn't be mad," Ryu sighed, "Syr should have done a lot of work for me."

"I said..." Cyd scratched his face and looked at Ais who walked into their team very naturally, "You Shouldn't it be going back with your Familia?"

"They have another day to fix," Ais said blankly, "but they have already agreed that I will go back with you."


"I guess...you want to go back and let me train you, right?" Cyd nodded with a headache.

"That's right!" Ais' eyes shined, "I feel like my power is increasing!"

Fighting is the fastest way to improve one's own strength, but Loki Familia is stronger than Ais She won't fight Ais seriously, Dungeon's weaker monsters are all one-shots, and the companions of the especially strong monster Familia won't allow her to go heads-up.

But Cyd is different, he has no intention of having tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex at all, as long as he can't be beaten to death, he will not be merciful at all, and Cyd not only crushes her on all aspects of basic abilities , as far as fighting experience and skills are higher than her.

There is such a person who she can't beat at all and will beat her seriously as a sparring partner. It's strange that her ability has not improved.

In addition to the comparison fee health potion.

"Girls, rest is part of training," Cyd raised his hands and patted Ais' shoulders heavily.

"I've been resting on the 18th Floor," Ais blinked.

This baby can't be saved...

Building on a tower above Dungeon, the silver-haired Goddess is holding red wine and admiring the scenery outside the window, but her eyes are somewhat Silence.

Because she couldn't see clearly...

The dazzling rays of light became a little hazy because of the distance, which made her a little crazy, who had been watching the rays of light , madly wanted to walk into Dungeon in person.

"Ottar, what would you do if I wanted to get into Dungeon," Freya asked softly.

"I'll cut through all obstacles for you," said Ottar, who was standing at the door, expressionlessly.

"Thank you, it's really reassuring to have you around," Freya chuckled and put the red wine on the table, "What news do you bring me this time?"

"It's about the Hero of Pure White, who defeated the Floor Boss," Ottar walked behind Freya.

"This is something as it should be by rights, but it's really curious that he would actually do it himself," Freya held his face, "it's that child again, probably only that child. That makes him so... impulsive, for the first time, as a god, I would envy... a child."

"Hero's Apprentice Bell was besieged by the adventurer on the 18th Floor, Hero After the Pure White defeated them all, the Floor Boss suddenly appeared on the 18th Floor," Ottar said meticulously, as if he couldn't see the envious expression on his beloved Goddess' face, "and... Recently Soma Familia and Ishtar Familia is very close."

"Soma Familia, I remember that child's supporter was Soma Familia's," Freya narrowed her eyes, "and that guy, although I never had one. Take her seriously, but if she does her own thing to sabotage my good..."

"Do you need me?" Ottar said blankly.

"No, she might be able to play the role of the clown on stage very well," Freya smiled softly, "Ottar, you have to go with me at God Fest."

"I'll go anywhere," Ottar bowed his head.

Chapter 43 Hermes Appears

Floor Boss Goliath, Hero of Pure White, who appeared on the 18th Floor, defeated Goliath by one person!

Just like in the past, Cyd is famous again without Cyd's knowledge.

It seems that after his victory over Goliath, the adventurer quickly left Dungeon.

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