"Actually, Welf, don't be so reluctant."

"Ha!!! You know your Contractor is staring at other people's weapons all day long. Drooling is a thing What a humiliating thing!" Welf grabbed Bell's shoulder and shook it vigorously, "It's not a question of reluctance! It's dignity! Dignity!"

"Okay... okay!"

"Ah~ looks full of energy~" Lili sighed on her forehead, "Lili will be busy in the future."

"It sounds like it's all right."

Cyd's mouth slightly raised, but the smile disappeared when he saw the adventurers on the ground.

"But if you make me dissatisfied, I will say responsibly that you will be okay."

"Okay... okay!"

" First of all~ you are the adventurers who are always here, right," Cyd crouched down.

"Most of this place is..."

"You guys use the black price to recover the drops from the high-rise adventurers, right," Cyd narrowed his eyes." It seems that you have made a lot of money, and use the price of goblin magic stone to recycle the magic stone of Minotaur."

In fact, although we are very dark, but not so dark, the price is just for Hero's It's just Apprentice Bell... I don't dare to say it at all!

"Then...I'm here to give my opinion."

Cyd laughed.

adventurers swallowed.

That's a smile that can make people bankrupt.

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Chapter 41 this world needs hope

In order to avoid His head exploded like a watermelon. The adventurer wrote his name on a piece of white paper with a pen in his mouth. In the middle of it, a few tried to deceive Cyd, but they were caught and directly stepped into the soil by Cyd. People have become obediently and honestly.

"The signature part of this contract is done, what should I do next? How should I write such a contract?" Cyd licked his lips and showed a weird smile, "In the end? What kind of hurricane will this rotten 18th Floor set off, do you expect it~"

"Hmmmm," the adventurer who was buried in the ground nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Welf? Lili? Why are you covering my eyes, why are you covering my ears," Bell waved a little not knowing what to do.

"No...it's okay, Cyd-sama, he...is naughty once in a while," Lili, covering Bell's eyes, laughed awkwardly.

"Cough, Bell, I think you should have a good rest," Welf let go of his hand and pressed Bell's shoulder seriously, "If you're too tired, you'll have hallucinations!!!"

"What will your future life be like because of me? Look forward to it!" Cyd grabbed the blank contract with the name of adventurers in one hand, and covered his forehead with the other.

The hurricane is coming...

The most famous place on the 18th Floor is the Safety Zone, which is also a gathering place for black-hearted businessmen.

Most of the people who live here are a group of adventurers who can't continue to explore Dungeon. They stay here and set up stalls to buy adventurer loot at low prices, while selling cheap but necessary materials at high prices.

In the beginning, the price was only raised a little, but gradually, the adventurers who stayed here found that even if the price was raised, the adventurers who needed the supplies would still grit their teeth and sell it, because life only A dropped item can be picked up again.

Looking at those adventurers foul-mouthed, but still paying, some dark emotions began to grow inside these adventurers.

Look, these people have explored farther than us, and they are not only to be slaughtered by us.

It's not that no one tries to buy adventurers' drops at a fair price, but once someone does, other adventurers will start crowding him, or even deliberately making trouble so they can't do it Business.

They are greedy and want to make a fortune, but they don't want to make a small one, and they don't allow others to make it.

It's just scum...

Although the 18th Floor is overwhelmingly scum, it doesn't matter!

Cyd, who held the blank contract, raised slightly at the corner of his mouth, picked up the pen and filled in the content of the contract in a chic manner.

"I'll change this."

"Hey! You guys are sick! This is different from what we said before!" The tall adventurer's collar shook his body vigorously, "Are you crazy!"

"Unfortunately, we have signed a contract," the tall adventurer slapped away and rubbed the collar "From today onwards, we will lower the price of the product. Although it is not the original price, the price will be one or two layers higher, and the price of recycling dropped items is two layers lower than the market price."

"You're making a fool of yourself!"

"I'm not the only one who makes a fool of myself," the tall man spread his hands, although his heart was extremely bitter, but in order to cover up the people who had been buried alive Things, his appearance is very serious.

The adventurers behind him also have the same expression, a purified and disgusting noble look, the adventurer with the blindfold, but he knows very well what kind of people these guys are and what to do. the hooligan.

In order to ensure that the black price system of the 18th Floor does not collapse, they have done a lot of crowding out and making trouble.

This... purifies?

I believe you are weird!

"Anyway... we weren't good people before, but we want to be good people now," the tall adventurer passed the blindfolded adventurer and walked into the street.

If the contract is violated, Hestia Familia will be compensated 10 billion!

Did you fill out the contract like this!

If they were normal, they would have ruined the contract by all kinds of tricks, but unfortunately, they can't beat Cyd, and they will be buried alive by Cyd, plus Loki Familia who arrived later has witnessed the whole process The people, especially Sword Princess Ais, stared at them all over and over again, probably... already remembered.

"If you open your mouth, those adventurers will pay a lot of money to save their lives," Ryu, who followed Cyd, said casually, "Aren't you still in debt of 500 million?"

"That's two different things," Cyd spread his hands, "maybe those people are the worst scum, but that doesn't mean we have the right to blackmail them."

"But they You have done such an outrageous thing to Bell, as a Sensei, you should have power," Ryu was puzzled, "You were really angry at that time, I know that expression very well."

Because of the past She was like that, but the difference was that instead of being engulfed in rage, Cyd made a big mistake.

"Well, I was so angry that I wanted to trample them all to death, but it didn't work, Bell was still there watching," Cyd scratched his hair, "teach him not to take people's lives. The Sensei ruthless ended other people's lives... It really doesn't work~ A hero who can't contaminate a child in mind."

"That child is not suitable for the leader of the team," Ryu said softly, "he He's too gentle, but he's a very good person."

"For him, he wants to see people change rather than ask for compensation. It's not that he is unfit to be a leader, but This world is too cruel, how many people choose to be depraved, how many people choose to accept numbly, people need a hero, he does not need strong means, does not need cruel rule, maybe at first others will think he is stupid, very strange , but one day people will be attracted to him and follow him willingly," Cyd reached out to the sky as if to touch something.

"That day...he will become hope."

"I don't know why it sounds incredible, but the thought of it coming out of your mouth makes me feel like it should be by rights," Ryu touched his face.

"As it should be by rights...?" Cyd chuckled and put down his hand, "As a Sensei, how can I teach people if I don't have the ability and confidence."

"Then Bell will definitely be the hope to change this Dungeon," Ryu said with a face full of certainty as if he had witnessed it.

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