The white cloth slid down slowly, revealing the blade as graceful as the outline of a flame. The cape made of black scales slipped from Cyd's right shoulder and fluttered in the wind.

"Smelly brats look good!"

"The only stupid thing that a hero is good at!"

Cyd raised his left hand and inscribed Glittering with thirteen radiant bracers.

"Challenge Impossible!"

PS Syr is coming tomorrow!

PS(●°u°●)??”(???ε???)(*?`*)(*?`*)?( *?ω? )?c(* ?з`*)?

Chapter 39 Heroes Return

Monsters are running on the earth, and they have only one goal, God! No matter the adventurer with the breath of God on his body, or the person blessed by God, kill him! Kill them all! But everything related to God is to be killed.

The gigantic Floor Boss Goliath is roaring, the ground trembles with every step it takes, the fractured crystals are pulled up by its prismatic crystals and wielded by it as a weapon, and every blow creates a gust of wind .

Can humans really defeat such a monster?

Maybe the same monster LV5 and even LV6 and monster LV7 in the monster can defeat it, but what if there is a wave of beasts?

Can human beings really be able to challenge this scene like a natural disaster?

If someone could really do it...

Cyd grinned and raised the Kadzuki in his hand, the rays of light of the scarlet seemed to illuminate the entire 18th Floor, incomparable The heat makes the surrounding space begin to warp.

"That Magic Sword..." The adventurer mouth that was buried in the soil opened wide.

The imposing manner that was released surpasses the formal magic, so what kind of magic is on it!

"Kadzuki...farewell," Welf closed his eyes.

As the forge of Kadzuki, he knows exactly what kind of magic resides on it. It is a flame that is enough to burn the ocean to pieces. On the other hand, Kadzuki can only use it once!

After that, Kadzuki will disappear, the Magic Sword that he built to prove himself, and the first Magic Sword he built because he hated Magic Sword and abandoned it.

"Welf keep your eyes open!" Cyd raised his voice, "Don't forget, why did you bring her back!"

Welf was stunned. , slowly opened his eyes.

"Come on Kadzuki, come and prove to your creator," Cyd clenched the Kadzuki in his hand, "You who have only one dazzling rays of light can you unleash, You are definitely not abandoning the possessor's evil!"

As if in response to Cyd, the scarlet's rays of light became more dazzling, as if an endless sea of fire would emerge at any time.


Cyd took a step forward and waved Kadzuki in his hand, scarlet's great sword left an extremely dazzling fire mark in the space.

“ka-cha ――――”

A tiny crack appeared on the tip of Kadzuki’s sword, and a faint red light overflowed from the gap, which was just a sign that it was about to collapse , a once-in-a-lifetime chance.


The wave of flames came.

Even the forger Welf of Kadzuki also mouth opened wide, the fiery flames roared the earth as if alive, and the herds running on the earth were engulfed almost instantly.

“Roar―― ――――”

Goliath roared and waved the prism in his hand, and the hurricane pulled up by the roots of the surrounding trees, engulfing the earth's The flames even stopped under this hurricane.

"ka-cha ――"

More cracks appeared on Kadzuki's sword.

It has reached its limit.

But it's not enough!

It...has not been seen by Welf yet, to see its light.

"Then swallow the wind that can sweep the world," Cyd grinned, holding up Kadzuki again.

Small fragments keep falling, and its life is coming to an end. This cannot be changed, but isn't it still here?

"Impossible!" Welf stared in disbelief at Kadzuki, who was lifted above his head by Cyd, cracked, as if a breeze could shatter it.

The more the Magic Sword uses its power, the closer it gets to destruction. That blow just now should be the limit of Kadzuki!

"That's why I'm here to challenge..." Cyd swung down the great sword in his hand.


The crimson sword body turned into countless fragments at the moment Cyd swung down, and each piece exuded a faint brilliance.

It's coming to an end.


The wind was engulfed by the flames, and the real red flames rolled into Goliath’s body like a vortex, and Goliath’s hard skin was almost instantaneous The crystal prism that was burned and used as a weapon skipped the process of liquefaction and turned into white gas.

“Roar—— ——”

Goliath roared and waved his arms, the huge magical power began to burn, replaced by the incomparable healing ability, and the burned muscles began to regenerate , the flame is not endless and will always be exhausted, but its magical power is enough to support the flame until the flame disappears.

This fire sea that can burn everything is the nightmare that takes its life and the best barrier to protect it. No one can set foot in this world!

That's right! This is an impossible thing as it should be by rights!

But here are challengers called heroes!

I have challenged too many impossibles, defeated too many impossibles, and they are also impossibles themselves.

Cyd raised his foot and stepped into the flames.

The flames that dragged Goliath into desperation draped over Cyd like a Battle Armor, and the scales formed a cloak that merged with the flames.

“ao ――――”

Goliath roared and lunged at Cyd, smashing his huge fist into Cyd.

It can be felt, even if it has restrained a lot, the person in front of him is the person blessed by God, the breath of God in him is not completely mixed but superimposed, but it is like a god walking in the world. .

"clang ――――――"

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