Then Cyd moved towards his head and stomped several times.

After that, Cyd pulled out the buried adventurers' heads one by one like a gopher, and then buried them thickly.

Cyd patted the dust in his hands and glanced at the dozens of square-shaped heads in front of him.

"Sensei?" Bell rubbed his eyes hard, he could see clearly, Sensei was not going anywhere, just ahead of him, still standing there like his beacon.

"You're wrong about one thing," Cyd raised his foot and kicked Mord's forehead. "Bell will not fall whenever he will, and will not be you whenever he is, because..."

Cyd bent down and stared into Mord's eyes coldly, "He's proven that he's destined to be a hero, he'll look at you, but never because of you, and you... with Actions have proved that you are destined to eat dirt here."


Before Mord finished speaking, Cyd lifted his foot and kicked out some dirt gently. Buried Mord's mouth.

"You don't need me to do this, do you?" Cyd glanced at the rest of his head.

"No, no!"

Cyd coldly snorted came to Bell's side, raised his finger and poked at the few spots on Bell's face that were not puffy.

"Does it hurt?"

"This place doesn't hurt Ahhh!"

Cyd poked blankly at the bruise on Bell's face .

"You looked like you were fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth just now, look at what you look like now," Cyd touched his pocket and took out a roll of bandages, which clumsily wrapped around Bell's. head on.

"Hey...because, Sensei is not here, I have to be dependable," because Cyd's actions were a little rough, Bell gasped, " expected I'm not good enough... ..."

"Know what's wrong?" Cyd raised his hand and pinched the tip of Bell's nose, "You should be with..."

"I should have been with them all the time Yes," Bell looked up, red's eyes shining like jewels, "if I didn't flinch, if I didn't fear, if I'd been with Welf Lili, if I'd faced them, what? will not happen, it was my fault."

Cyd froze.

You should handle it with me...

You should wait for me...

Because you are immature...

I'm really arrogant.

Bell's mind can take on everything long ago, I'm the only one who thinks it's too early.

"Yeah, you shouldn't back down, because the hero backs down only when..." Cyd touched Bell's head lightly, "when he decides to be an ordinary person."


"Sensei...I'm not enough, I'm just an apprentice now, but one day I'll be a hero like Sensei," Bell stared at Cyd with sparkling eyes, "because...Sensei is The hero of the story, right?"

"Discovered?" Cyd blinked.

"Well, the hero praised by the Apollo Familia, the hero in the grandfather story, is a person, but the version I heard probably... mixed with a lot of personal thoughts," Bell scratched with a smirk. Scratching his head, "The hero that Apollo Familia sings is too far away."

"Then what are you seeing?" Cyd stood up straight.

"More human than the hero of Apollo Familia, gentler than the hero of grandfather," Bell raised his head and stared at Cyd under the rays of light, "The best Sensei, the best Hero."


The transparent crystal smashed into the 18th Floor, the huge monster opened his mouth and roared, his huge eyes scanning the entire 18th Floor , and finally looked towards Cyd's direction.

"Floor... Floor Boss!" Mord's mouth opened wide.

"It's over, it's over! Why is Goliath here!"

Adventurers were tumbling because they saw the unmatched monster, but they were powerless because they were Buried in particular Ba Shi.

"Now question~" Cyd raised a finger, "Bell, do you think you can save all the unfortunate people in this world?"

"Roar———— "

Goliath is roaring, and along with the crystals falling, there are monsters on other floors, but they did not spread out but gathered around Goliath, they are Legion, Legion for killing gods .

"No, but at least I want to save the person who can reach with both hands," Bell was sitting upright and staring at Cyd even though the Floor Boss was approaching.

"Even the scumbags behind me?" Cyd bent down and approached Bell, "You think they're worth saving."

"I don't know, "Bell said softly, "but I don't want to doubt, to doubt whether the person in front of me is worth saving, because if I hesitate, maybe the person who could have been reached will be lost."

If then He doubted Lili, then Lili was still the girl who fell between betrayal and betrayal.

If he hesitated at that time, Welf was still the decadent figure sitting in the scrap iron pile and dangling his eyes at the equipment that he had carefully built but no one recognized.

"And..." Bell looked towards a group of people who were tied up not far away. Among them, Scarface, who was beaten and bruised, was particularly conspicuous, and smiled silly, "I want to believe it, because I don't think it's wrong."

"That's stupid..." Cyd raised his finger and flicked Bell's forehead.

"Sorry," Bell bowed his head.

"Why do you want to apologize?" Cyd opened his hands, "The so-called hero..."

"Keep doing the stupidest thing in this world!"

"Salvation of the world, stepping into the endless ocean, changing the past, doing all those impossible things, that is the hero!"

"Success or failure, The moment you make a decision, you are destined to be a hero."

"Bell, do you think that monster can be defeated?" Cyd's mouth raised slightly.

"Yes!" Bell nodded hard.

"You guys stop kidding me! That's not something an adventurer can beat alone," Mord roared with his mouth open.

"Bell you're being taken for an idiot," Cyd patted Bell's head.

"Um..." Bell lowered his head in disappointment.

"Then let me prove it," Cyd chuckled. "The stupid thing a hero does best."

"Sensei..." Bell's eyes widened.

"Welf give me your Magic Sword," Cyd moved towards Welf, holding out his hand.

"This is for Bell...fine." Although he was a little reluctant, Welf still handed the Magic Sword wrapped in white cloth to Cyd, "Her name is Kadzuki."

"Nice sword," Cyd raised slightly at the corner of his mouth, carried Kadzuki on his shoulders, and moved towards Goliath, walking slowly.

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