"Wait...wait..." After hesitating for a while, Ryu raised his hand and grabbed the corner of Cyd's shirt, "wait a moment...you can listen to me for a few words Is it?"

Looking at Ryu's somewhat desolate expression, Cyd sighed, raised his hand to cover Ryu's hand, "It always feels like it's a sin to reject you."

"You... you can refuse," Ryu's face was slightly red, but instead of shaking Cyd's hand, he bent his fingers and touched Cyd's palm lightly, then took Cyd's hand and pulled him back. To the side sat on the stump.

"I've always been curious about your past," Cyd raised his hand and touched Ryu's head, "but... to expose other people's scars..."

"It's alright, just pretend I'm talking to myself," Ryu grabbed Cyd's hand, "It's just a confession of an ugly sinner..."

Cyd lowered his eyes, the hidden past often has Reason, to expose it is no different from hurting that person again.

Ryu tells a story softly, a story of an elves who set off on a journey because of disgust with the other group in the village.

Cyd has been listening quietly, the girl's hands have been trembling, because she opened her own past, her own scars.

She left because she hated her self-proclaimed clan, but she discovered during the journey that she... was actually no different from her self-proclaimed same group, and she still resisted contact with other people.

Here I met Goddess who could touch her. Although I still couldn't touch other people in Familia, it was really good...Even so, no one resisted her.

That period of time was her happiest life. Maybe the first half of her life was for these days. Everyone worked together to maintain fairness and justice. The beauty was like...

Bubble dream is the same.

But the dream will eventually wake up, is it oneself awakened, or is it woken up by beating?

Ryu's hands begin to tighten.

Cyd sighed softly.

The cruelty after beauty hurts more than the wounds caused by any weapon, because the wounds on the heart will not heal, but will only become solid, no matter how far you go, how invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable the heart becomes , I looked back and saw a tattered heart, except for sadness... I couldn't see anything.

I woke up from the dream...

They who maintain fairness and justice and hope to create a peaceful and friendly world have become a thorn in their side. The weak in this world yearn for such a world, but they are When helping the weak it gets in the way of the powerhouse.

Trap, frame up, assassination, encirclement and suppression, all conceivable, all despicable means greeted their Familia, they who maintained fairness and justice even destroyed Familia without any defense, she even Even the remains of the companions could not be recovered, so they could only be buried on the 18th Floor.

The home she finally got is gone...

She is resentful, but she doesn't want Goddess to see her ugly face, so she asks God to leave the city , and then retaliated.

So the way to deal with their Familia was greeted back.

There is no one to help her in this world, there is no hero in the story, she can only rely on herself.

She succeeded. Bound by hatred, she eventually destroyed Familia, the mastermind behind the scenes. She was even included in the list of dangerous people by the guild. I was actually satisfied, satisfied by destroying other Familia...

Ryu let go of Cyd's hand, holding head, and lowered his head.

"I am such a person, who clearly hates my fellow race but does the same thing, who clearly agrees to maintain fairness and justice, but is blinded by hatred, and is satisfied by destroying others, "Ryu's voice is extremely low and illusory, as if it will disappear at any time, "Now...what do you see me in your eyes?"

"A strong little girl holding back her tears."

Cyd looked at the [sky] of the 18th Floor with his hands behind him.

Ryu opened his eyes slowly, lifts the head to look at Cyd's profile in disbelief.

"Tig Qiang left because I didn't want to be an annoying person, and finally met [home] and [family] who could accept me like this, but was taken away," Cyd turned his face and looked towards Ryu , "Even if revenge is successful, she still has empty hands, a girl holding back her tears."

"Am I being underestimated?" Ryu blushed and turned his head away with a puffed face. past.

"It doesn't matter if you cry~" Cyd grabbed Ryu's hand with some force and hugged her into his arms, "You don't have to hold back if you're here."

"It's really... a disobedient guy..." Ryu buried his face in Cyd's chest, "I won't wash your clothes for you if they get dirty."

"This really makes It's a headache..."

Cyd raised his hand and patted Ryu's back lightly.

"I'm not good at washing clothes, so these are just a few pieces of clothes."

"It will be washed...so...at least now please don't let go..." Ryu muffled said sullenly.

"I'll wait until you finish crying."

Cyd smiled softly.

Ryu grabbed Cyd's clothes.

Why...she didn't meet at that time...

But...thanks, for allowing her to meet Cyd.


“I’m so pissed off! These damn adventurers!” Lili was dissatisfied He kicked the stone beside his feet, "That's clearly aimed at us?"

"Indeed..." Welf was also a little indignant, "It's not just black prices anymore."

"What else are you talking about, isn't your adventurer Hero's Apprentice anyway? Can't you just go and fight? Anyway, he's so good! Go to hell! Do they know how hard Bell-sama is working!" Lili pressed hard He scratched his head, "Fortunately, Bell didn't come here!"

"Yeah, if Bell heard it, it would probably be more sad," Welf put his arms around his chest on the tree beside him, "If To say that everyone's approval is his best reward, their malice..."

"It's the most excessive damage," Lili lowered his head.

"But the supplies have to be obtained. If it really doesn't work, I'll just use the Magic Sword..." Welf touched a Magic Sword on his waist, "The Magic Sword is sold to... eh? Lili?"

" p>

Welf blinked, Lili, who was beside him just now... is gone! All that was left was a huge package, and a note on it.


Chapter 36 What are you... doing!


Cyd, returning with Ryu, glanced dully at Loki Familia's camp.

The place where Bell was staying was empty, the equipment was gone, and the package Welf had kept the Magic Sword was gone.

If you are going to relax, there is no need to bring all the equipment...

Something happened! ! !

"Hey! Did any of you see Bell!" Cyd yelled, turning his head moved towards a passing member of the Loki Familia.

"Uh...Hero's Apprentice... just left with the Welf who didn't make Magic Sword." Although he was a little stunned, after seeing Cyd's anxious look, the Loki Familia's The members were silent for a while and then pointed in one direction.

"Thanks!" Cyd moved towards the member of the Loki Familia, bent over and rushed out.

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