
It is precisely because he understood this idea that Finn held Cyd's hand tightly for fear that he would rush out and demolish the street. Although he wanted to demolish it more than once, but That's one of Dungeon's unreasonable rules.

People who stay here can no longer, no, it should be said that they are not qualified to become adventurers, they cannot continue to explore, and they are not satisfied with the income of the lower level, they are stuck on this 18th Floor, and they use various black prices to go Swallowing the resources of adventurers with insufficient supplies at the upper level, daring to take risks but greedily staring at the harvest of others... just pure scum.

But there is no way. The people who supply supplies here are all such scumbags. If Cyd were to do them all, then those teams on the expedition would be finished.

"It's up to him here," Finn pushed Cyd's back, "you have to trust him, he'll figure it out."

"Um... ..."

Bell shrunk into a ball with his knees in his arms.

Cyd corner of mouth twitching, his eyes lost some highlights, "Now grab the heads of those guys and buckle them to the ground, and ask them to apologize to Bell, saying that their heads were just caught in the door... Bell can be happy A little?"

"What about next time?" Finn sighed, "Even if you change those people, the maliciousness still exists, can you stop him every time? But if this If he can make it through..."

Finn patted Cyd's arms turned and entered the tent.

"There is no setback in this world that can defeat his will, because he has overcome the setback called unprovoked malice, which you as Sensei can't help, and can't bear the burden for him. Practice."

Cyd stood there watching Bell's depressed back.

Bete's malice is aimed at those adventurers who don't work hard but delusional all day long. For Bell, it's an inspiration, making him find out how ridiculous it is to say that he who has not worked hard but is fantasizing about success.

That's why he was there screaming, crying, and standing up stronger.

But those adventurers are different, it is unprovoked malice, Bell doesn't even have any intersection with them, Bell is famous or not famous, they are still the same and there will be no change, their malice Just because of [why you can stand in front of us so quickly], [do you know how long we've been here]?

Poor, stupid, but more of a laugh.

Because they can't do it, they hate people who can do it, so Bell can't eliminate such maliciousness. The harder Bell works, the more jealous they become, and this jealousy turns into maliciousness.

This pure but tainted malice to the limit is far stronger than any monster Bell has encountered in the past, present and future.

"pa ――――"

Bell hugged his knees and fell to the ground, his face on the dirty ground, but Bell didn't mean to stand up at all, just body curled up.

Cyd subconsciously took a step forward, then clenched his fist and retracted it.

You should leave, your reliability will keep Bell dependent on you, isn't that something you've always wanted to avoid?

So... let's go! Do you want to be a stumbling block on the Bell Heroic Path!

"If you want to relax, there's a forest nearby," Finn stuck his head out of the tent, raised his finger and pointed in one direction.

"Thank...Thank you," Cyd> nodded, turned and moved towards the direction Finn pointed.

Ais blinked and stood up.

"Don't go over there," Finn raised his hand and held Ais, "he needs to be alone at this time, he should be teaching others for the first time, he will be strict, but he can't. Really ruthless, he should have realized that he was doting on his own students more than he expected."

Ais was silent for a while, then looked towards the sword around his waist.

"You don't want to do anything," Finn quickly grabbed Ais's sword, "The operation system of the 18th Floor is very complicated, even our Loki Familia can't interfere."

Ais lowered his head in disappointment.

Bell curled up on the ground, staring at the round shield in front of him.

"Sensei...I...want to be a hero like you."

"But can I?"

"I When will... be able to stand by your side..."

Cyd frowned, who was walking in the forest, stopped moving forward.

"The eagle will break its wings to make the child fly higher and throw it off the cliff."

Medusa walks away from Cyd's shadow and pulls Cyd up The right hand pulled him forward.

“But I’m just a stupid human being,” Cyd bitterly laughed, “I could beat him to the point of doubting life, but…”

“Can’t stand him Traumatized," Medusa clenched Cyd's right hand, "you're a little spoiled."

"There's no way, the scars on the body can be healed, and it won't be long before they'll be forgotten. , but the mind is different. Once hurt, it will never disappear. Even if the mind becomes stronger... it cannot be forgotten." Cyd raised his left hand and put it on his eyes, "I don't want Bell's mind to grow because of the cloth on it. Full of scars."

"But you can't do it... Neither the Hero of Pure White nor Cyd can protect that child's heart, because..." Medusa released Cyd's hand and turned. The circle turned to him, "That child wants to come to you, no matter how many times you fall, you want to be the one you (hero) you long for."

"Sure enough, should I let go of my hand?" Cyd hugged Medusa with a wry smile and moved on, "Watching his students get hurt, watching their pain..."

"So that one day I can watch them soar where no one can touch them. , the sky where everyone has to look up," Medusa raised his hand and stroked Cyd's brow.

"Then be proud of them."

PS( ?? ? ?? )(っ??qr??)っ(??Д?)?(?? ?`)_(??ω?? ”∠)~q( ???)??

PS will have class tomorrow from day to night(?д?;?)

Chapter 35 I'm Not Good at Laundry


Why is there a cemetery on the 18th Floor?

Cyd looked curiously at the place he had just stepped into.

“ka-cha ――――”

The sound of the branches being stomped off resounded behind Cyd, and Medusa quickly dived into Cyd's shadow.

Are you still unwilling to appear in front of others as always?

Cyd scratched his head helplessly.

"Cyd?" Ryu tilted his head, holding the flowers.

"Yeah, I accidentally walked here when I was lost in the forest," Cyd stepped aside in embarrassment.

"This is not my place," Ryu shook the head and brushed past Cyd, "It's just that my comrades are buried here."

Cyd corner of mouth twitching .

Isn't this super bad! Still hurry up.

"I'm leaving right now," Cyd took a step back.

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