I am afraid she will be suspected if she continues to insist, after all, she is just an unidentified supporter who has known each other for less than two days.

At this time, as long as you say that you were just joking, you can dispel the doubts of this deceitful adventurer.

Yes, just make the guy in front of her trust her...

"Lili just thinks Bell-sama is strong, even the 10th Floor is nothing difficult," Lili raised The head looked towards Bell's eyes, "It's really only like this..."

Ah~ what am I doing... A fat sheep who is easy to deceive finally appeared.

Bell dropped his hands and stared at Lili in silence.

Lili bit her lip and looked at Bell stubbornly.

Now you should understand! Get rid of me like those adventurers and stop giving me hope in this world!

In this case...I won't be betrayed by reality again...

"Tsk..." A brawny man hiding in the crowd gave Lili a dissatisfied look.

Even the stupidest person will notice that something is wrong when they see Lili's appearance, at least he is impossible and will enter Dungeon today, and he will call this Supporter who has a problem at first sight. Kick away.

"fine," Bell reached out and took Lili's hand, "please!"

"You..." Lili's eyes widened.


Obviously so suspicious! Are you stupid!

"Let's go! Dungeon!" Bell pulled Lili a little tough and ran.

"Wait! Bell-sama slow down!" Lili lost one's head out of fear and ran after Bell.

"Get ready to start," brawny man grinned and touched the man next to him with a shoulder.

"Well, it's rare to come across a piece of fat, how about grabbing that Supporter by the way?" The somewhat thin adventurer laughed wickedly, "I heard that guy has made a lot of money recently."

"That makes sense." brawny man clenched his fists.

Cyd stood beside brawny man, arms crossed his chest, watching Bell's back running in the sun.

[He's always like that and he'll suffer a lot sooner or later]

That's what Ryu warned him about.

In her eyes, Bell is too kind, this world is not so beautiful, weak are prey to the strong, plotting against each other, she has seen too much and experienced too much.

Cyd sighed softly.

Ryu, it's so sad to speculate about everything in this world with malice, you should understand, this world is not so desperate that only doubt can survive, this world always has something that makes you Peace of mind.

If Bell really became that way, I'd be remiss as a Sensei.

Bell only needs this, he is just pure, the world in his eyes is a bit cruel, but more beautiful, he accepts cruelty but firmly believes in beauty, if it is him One day it will make this world very warm.

He will be that hero one day.

Before that...

Black scales spilled from the scarf and covered Cyd's right arm.

I will protect you.


“Left, right.”

Bell calmly dodged the monster's attack in front of him, the right hand Hero's Blade easily cut into the monster's joints, while the monster wailed, Bell moved his left arm, and the round shield smashed the monster's head like a heavy hammer.


With a burst of black smoke, one crystal fell to the ground.

"Phew~ I'm in good shape, so I will definitely pass the Sensei test," Bell bent over to pick up the magic stone and threw it at Lili, "Please Lili."

" Ah? Alright... alright, Bell-sama!" Lili was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly caught the magic stone.

Bell scratched his face, and glanced at Lili who had put the magic stone in his bag with some complexity, "Then let's go to the 10th Floor."

"Wait... wait a moment!" Lili subconsciously grabbed Bell's clothes, "wait a moment Bell-sama!"

"What's wrong Lili?" Bell tilted his head.

"No... just... Lili suddenly thinks it's too dangerous to be just the two of us," Lili gestured in a panic, "Let's just sweep on a safe floor."


What are you doing!

Trick your hated adventurer into the 10th Floor as before, and then take the opportunity to steal his gear.

Just like you did before, don't hesitate, you did nothing wrong, this world is just so heartless, didn't you know it long ago? Those tenderness are all fake. It is precisely because of expectations that the pain of despair will go deep into the bone marrow, and no one can save you.

I don't want to feel that pain anymore.


Lili held on to Bell's clothes and wouldn't let go.

Don't regret it...

You can't look back.

Lili is really a dirty...

"Lili is actually a good girl," Bell raised his hand and rubbed Lili's head.


Bell-sama What are you talking about?

Can't see it yet?

Lili stared blankly at Bell.

"Why...are you an idiot!" Lili raised his fist and tapped Bell's chest.

"Because..." Bell smirked and scratched the back of his head, "You look like you want someone to save you."

Chapter 18 Put down your weapon and explode it enemy

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