“Why is Bell-sama being so nice to Lili,” Lili bit her lip.

"Because you're a cute girl!" Bell gave a thumbs up.

Lili blushed and lowered her head in a panic.

"Then... see Bell-sama tomorrow."

For the first time, I made an appointment with girl.

Bell, who was sitting in front of the bar, laughed madly.

"Hey!" Cyd raised his hand and shook it in front of Bell, "I need to train~"

"Ah! I'm sorry Sensei!" Bell instantly woke up from his fantasy .

“How are you feeling today?” Cyd asked very casually.

"The shield and the short blade are very comfortable, it feels like Sensei and Kami-sama are around, very reassuring," Bell scratched the back of his head and smirked.

"Is it gone?" Cyd raised his eyebrows, "There must be something else~"

Bell blinked, his face slightly red in the ink for a while Afterwards, he whispered, "I talked to the girl, although it was me who was talked to, but we made an appointment to play Dungeon together tomorrow."

So innocent...

Cyd rolled the eyes.

This is exactly the reaction of a pure-hearted young man who is very longing and curious about men and women, because of the approach of women...excited.

Zeus-sama Can't you... just get rid of your own personal hobby?

According to Hera's tone, it is obvious that Bell was brought up by Zeus, so it will be affected more or less, but it does not make Bell become a pile of [pregnancy is a way of complimenting women's beauty] The machine is really good.

"Then you have to protect her well," Cyd raised his hand and flicked Bell's forehead.

"en! Won't hurt her until I fall!" Bell nodded hard.

"smelly brat, don't forget the assessment later," Cyd rubbed Bell's head, "hurry up and eat."

"en! Then I'm welcome!" Bell raised his fork with a shout.

"Cyd," Ryu stood behind Cyd and pulled the clothes on his back, "Come here."

Cyd raised his eyebrows, glanced at Bell and stood up. Get up and follow Ryu to the outside of the Hostess of Fertility.

"What's the matter?" Cyd leaned against the wall with his arms around his chest, "one more person."

Syr smiled and waved, "Actually, I happened to see it. Bell said girl."

"You overheard our conversation," Cyd cocked his eyes.

"Cough, it's just a coincidence," Syr coughed a little embarrassedly, "I happened to see Bell and a girl entering Dungeon, and then overheard your conversation."

"That Supporter is the one who went down with us to Dungeon," Ryu said with a blank face, "I noticed it at the very beginning, she kept looking at your weapon, so I investigated it afterwards, that Supporter is a repeat offender, cheating adventurer, taking the opportunity to steal their gear in exchange for money, and it looks like a few adventurers have their eyes on her."

"That's right! Bell's going to be in trouble in every sense of the word," Syr continued.

"Ah~ I finally met a girl, but it turned out to be a bad plan. If my lovely student finds out, I'm afraid I'll be depressed for a long time," Cyd sighed while holding his forehead, then turned his head and looked towards him. In front of the bar seemed to be Bell who ate too hastily and choked to the point where he kept beating his chest.

"But it doesn't matter, if it's Bell, it will definitely be resolved, although he is not mature enough now, but..." Cyd chuckled and raised patted Ryu's head, "He has the ability to change others. Ability, and thank you for your concern."

Syr rubbed his eyes vigorously, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"You just think I'm nosy," Ryu passed Cyd into the store with a blank expression.

Syr's eyes widened.

Ryu's ears are... red!

PS school starts...don't do it(iωi`)

PS(??????)(?-ω?`)(~0~)┐('~ `;)┌((o(ware)o)) !! =???? =???? ?( ?Д`)?

Chapter 17 Before you become a hero, Sensei To protect you

"I'm going to ask you today, Lili!"

Bell smiled and stretched out his hand to the little girl in front of him.

If you hold this hand, the rabbit-like boy in front of him will probably give her his back.

In this case, maybe she can easily deceive his equipment.

Lili lowered her head and didn't shake Bell's hand, "Bell-sama has been waiting for a long time, it's obviously not the appointed time yet"

"Yeah~ how can it be? Let the girl wait," Bell didn't feel that something was wrong, smirking and scratching the back of his head.

"Bell-sama is still saying weird things as always," Lili lowered her head.

"Really?" Bell lowered his head in disappointment.

This is obviously a handsome word that he has been thinking about for a long time.

"By the way, Bell-sama, how about we challenge the 10th Floor today?" Lili suggested after hesitating for a while.

A lot of people have been eyeing Bell's shield, including her, of course.

Bell, who originally thought he could get top equipment, was the darling of any top Familia, but it turned out to be a Familia with only him. It is estimated that he got that shield by some luck.

What if he clearly robbed his shield? What if you kill him? Will someone give him a head start?


At least as far as she knows, more than a dozen people have been eyeing Bell. It seems that they have planned to block Bell at the position of the sixth 7th layer. If Bell resists, they will probably die in Dungeon. No, equipment How could the stolen adventurer escape from Dungeon.

Some people also approached her as a [recidivist], saying that they would distribute the money to her after the event was completed.


The humbly and hypocritical adventurer just wanted to take advantage of her and then kick her away.

There is no chance if you don't do it again!

Yes, that's what Lili thinks!

Lili clenched her fists, she didn't plan to follow Bell obediently and honestly anyway, Bell would know about her past sooner or later, what's the use of being a good person now, it will come sooner or later anyway betray.

"The 10th layer..." Bell touched the chin with some difficulty, "It won't be too dangerous for the two of us, Lili, you're a little weird today."


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