I will eventually become a god

Chapter 181: The skin is shining with glazed light, flawless and leak-free, the difficulty of electr

"Oh? You can cook all of a sudden? Are you dating someone?"

Hearing this, a figure flashed in Xue Jing's mind.

For some reason, it was Senior Sister Meng.

He then remembered that he had promised Senior Sister Meng to cook a delicious meal for her.

This matter has not been fulfilled until now.

Xue Jing opened the panel and looked at the cooking skills.

[Cooking Lv6 (2320/3000)]

Since he set out for Fengcheng, he has not cooked a single dish.

He only roasted a few dragon species at the border and gained a little cooking experience.

Xue Jing himself did not attach importance to this skill that had nothing to do with combat power...It can't be said that it had nothing to do with it. The control of the heat and the skillful use of kitchen utensils really helped combat power, but the effect was not great.

Now this skill that he activated the earliest is already one of the lowest-level skills in the panel, at the same level as the latest activated [Acting].

Xue Jing touched his chin.

Well, it seems that I will be upgraded soon. When I reach Lv7, I will make a big meal for Senior Sister Meng.

Seeing that he did not deny it immediately, Nan Jiayu was stunned, and a look of disbelief appeared on her young and beautiful face:

"Hmm? You don't really have a partner, do you?"

Nan Jiayu immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket, operated on the screen quickly, and then put it to his ear, as if calling someone.

Xue Jing's mouth moved: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Nan Jiayu: "I'm calling your dad to tell him the good news."

She wiped her eyes with her well-maintained hands, as if wiping away tears, and said with a sad and relieved face:

"You have always put on a dead face in front of any girl of the same age since puberty, and only played with that guy named Li Ge all day. Finally, you have come to your senses... Mom is so happy."

"Until today, Mom was worried every day whether you would open the door to a new world... Hmm? Wait a minute, is your partner a man or a woman?"

Nan Jiayu's eyes suddenly became sharp when she said the last sentence.

Xue Jing reached out his hand speechlessly, snatched Nan Jiayu's phone without her reacting at all, and pressed the hang-up button on the dialing interface.

"I don't have a partner, and if I do, it can't be a man. Can't I learn to cook for you?"

He pouted.

When Nan Jiayu heard this, her eyes suddenly turned into crescents, "Mom loves to hear this."

She reached out and ruffled Xue Jing's hair: "You've become so talkative, and you still say you have a partner? You can't hide it from mom!"

Xue Wan, who was lying on the sofa, petting the cat, watching TV and eating potato chips, laughed: "Mom, let him do it quickly, I'm waiting to laugh at him."

Nan Jiayu turned her head and said to her with a smile: "If you add another meaningless word in front of 'Mom', I will peel your skin off."

Xue Wan trembled all over and dared not speak again.

Nan Jiayu put away her smile and said in a calm tone: "You don't know how to sit or lie down, why don't you sit down quickly."

Xue Wan immediately jumped up from the sofa, from the lazy side-lying posture to sitting upright, with his hands on his knees, as obedient as a child in a kindergarten sitting in a row waiting to eat fruit.

The cat squatting on the sofa next to him looked at this scene, and his emerald-like vertical pupils suddenly lit up.

Facing Xue Wan's eyes that almost squeezed the corners of his eyes crooked and asked for help, Xue Jing spread his hands, indicating that he could not help, and walked into the kitchen as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Is it because you studied a little in college that your heart has become wild, Xue Xiaowan?"

Nan Jiayu's young and beautiful face was expressionless. She sat on the single sofa opposite Xue Wan, with a pair of long legs folded together, looking down at Xue Wan with his head lowered.

Xue Wan muttered: "No... No, who can be wilder than you..."

Nan Jiayu raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Xue Wan quickly changed his words: "No, I mean, how dare I be wild in front of you!"


A cat's cry came from the side. The cat gently stepped on Nan Jiayu's thighs with the meat balls of its two front paws, opened its two innocent big eyes, and looked up at Nan Jiayu at the cutest angle.

In cat form, she was beautiful enough to be called a ‘beauty’. With deliberate performance, this extremely cute scene made Nan Jiayu unable to resist and smiled:

“Oh, Xiao Fengwan is so cute, much cuter than your sister. Come, let mom touch her…”

When Xue Wan heard her mother’s self-proclaimed name, the corner of her mouth twitched.

It was a mess.

While listening to the slight noise coming from the living room, Xue Jing took out the ingredients that had been prepared when he returned home from the refrigerator and began to prepare the dishes.

Now he is almost as exaggerated as those god-level chefs in food comics. All his actions are accurate and fast. The whole person is like a movie with the fast-forward button pressed. The work of cutting vegetables and seasoning can be completed in an instant.

There was a ping-pong sound in the kitchen. It sounded messy, but it was actually orderly. After a while, all the preparations were done. The prepared ingredients filled the stove, and Xue Jing began to do the final cooking.

After stir-frying, boiling, and frying, in less than an hour, six dishes and one soup with good color, aroma and flavor were born from his hands.

The panel also sent a prompt of [Cooking Experience Points +103].

Xue Wan sat at the dining table, holding a pair of chopsticks in her hands, looking at the tempting dishes on the table, swallowing, and said harshly:

"Haha, it looks pretty decent."

Xue Jing pulled out a few pieces of toilet paper next to her, wiped her freshly washed hands, and smiled:

"No, it's not as good as the instant noodles you have, Mr. Wanwan."

Xue Wan's fist suddenly became hard:

"You are humiliating me..."

Nan Jiayu sat aside and looked at the table of food with a smile, "Okay, okay, hurry up and start eating. Mom, I can't wait."

Then she glanced at Maomao, who was squatting on the dining table with a bowl of rice in front of him, and said curiously:

"Xiao Fengwan eats the same thing as us? Isn't it bad for her health?"

Xue Jing said: "It's okay. It always eats the same food as me. There has been no problem."

Nan Jiayu touched the cat's head, feeling the smooth and soft feel, and said gently: "That's it...the fur feels very healthy to the touch. It seems that all the cat-raising common sense on the Internet is all lies. "

Xue Wan used chopsticks to pick up a piece of lychee meat, put it into her mouth, chewed it for a while, and then swallowed it.

Then there was a lot of silence, and he gritted his teeth and said:


"Why is it so delicious!?"

"Damn it!!"

While cursing, Xue Wan started to eat rice frantically.

After dinner, Xue Jing was successfully elected as the family chef in the family meeting vote and was responsible for the future meals for the whole family.

Xue Jing himself voted against, but Nan Jiayu overturned the validity of his objection with a veto.

He also proposed to abolish Nan Jiayu's veto power. Although Xue Wan also expressed support, Nan Jiayu vetoed it.

Time is spent in daily fun.

The next day, Xue Jing got up in the morning, washed up, had breakfast, and then went to the Hidden Dragon Dojo.

Since it was still early, there were only a few disciples who were practicing harder in the dojo training hall, and they were all familiar with Xue Jing.

Xue Jing entered the training hall to talk to them about old times, and after teaching them a few martial arts tips, she left the training hall and came to her own training room.

In the center of the burgundy solid wood floor, Xue Jing was in a posture of shaking armor.

Then, with a thought in his mind, an electric arc suddenly flashed on his forehead, condensing two lightning-shaped silver-white dragon horns.

Silver-white thunder began to flash and crackle all over his body.

"Using electromagnetic force to push and temper the body is currently difficult to achieve. It can even be said to be far away. The difficulty is too high."

Electromagnetic force is one of the four powerful forces in the universe, and its sublimity and upper limit are almost unimaginable.

But if you want to affect the electromagnetic force in your body, you need operations down to the molecular and atomic level... push the electromagnetic force in the atoms that make up your body, drive it with electromagnetic force, and exercise your body.

Once this state is reached, the efficiency of physical training will be more than a million times higher than that of ordinary muscle training... and it will even have all kinds of incredible abilities. It is not impossible to explode a nuclear explosion with a single punch.

But this is a state that is almost impossible to achieve. What is required is control thousands of times more precise than the world's top lithography machine.

Although he currently has the ability to influence magnetism to a certain extent because the dragon horn can control the silver dragon thunder, the current limit is that it can be used to launch an electromagnetic gun.

To use dragon thunder to affect the electromagnetic force at the atomic level is beyond description.

"But it doesn't matter... Although electromagnetic drive cannot be achieved, it can still be achieved to enhance the efficiency of physical exercise."

Xue Jing whispered, with a thought in her mind.

In an instant, Long Lei's ability to affect gravity covered his whole body.

The gravity he endured all over his body increased evenly by about ten times!

"Kaka, kaka—"

The bones and muscles all over his body trembled slightly, and the solid wood floor under his feet creaked as it could not bear it.

Bearing weights is a common method of exercising the body.

Generally speaking, the so-called weight-bearing is just to tie things like sandbags to the hands, feet and body. Although it can indeed increase the effect of exercise, there are still some parts of the body that cannot receive the effect of weight-bearing exercise.

Xue Jing, on the other hand, can be like the gravity training room in Dragon Ball, covering every cell in his body with uniform gravity enhancement.

Although he currently does not look strong and is even on the thin side, his weight has reached over 120 kilograms.

Ten times the gravity is more than 1,200 kilograms.

This weight is nothing to him.

The premise is that he doesn't move, or in other words, doesn't do too strenuous exercise.

You know, once a person starts engaging in strenuous exercise such as running, the pressure on the bones will increase several times, or even ten times.

Especially the action of bending over and bending the knees.

And the intensity of the Armor Shaking Kung Fu that Xue Jing is about to practice is more than ten times that of running...

Ten times the force of gravity, which was not a big load for him originally, would turn into an extremely terrifying burden.

Xue Jing took a deep breath: "Okay, let's get started."

after an hour.

In the training room, Xue Jing stood in the center.

He was wet all over, as if he had just been fished out of the river. A large amount of crystal clear sweat spread from his feet, covering most of the floor of the training room. His whole body was faintly thinner and dehydrated. Quite serious.


He panted heavily, like a man who hadn't exercised for a long time and suddenly ran dozens of kilometers. He felt like he was about to die.

Tired, more tired than ever before.

It was as if he had fought with the real dragon in the border area again.

All the cells in his body were wailing.

"Good, very good!"

Xue Jing clenched his somewhat weak palms, looking excited.

He hadn't felt the feeling of exercising to his limit for a long time, and he was so happy!

Picking up the dozen bottles of mineral water that had been prepared next to him, Xue Jing waved his palm and cut off all the bottle mouths of all the mineral water bottles, and the bottle caps fell to the ground with a clang.

Then he picked up one of the bottles and put it in his mouth. With just one suck, 500 ml of water was directly sucked dry, and the entire plastic bottle was sucked into a shriveled appearance.

One bottle after another, soon, all twelve bottles of mineral water went into his stomach, replenishing his extremely lacking water.

Xue Jing closed his eyes, and the silver-white dragon lightning flashed all over his body and internal organs, performing electrotherapy, which made him feel numb.

At the same time, he used his mental power to stimulate the fire of life and repair the physical damage caused by this cruel training.

After his condition was completely restored, he opened his eyes, stood up, and shook his body.

All the sweat on his body was shaken into mist, and the surface of his body became dry again.

He touched the skin of his arm.

In addition to being white and delicate, it even showed a crystal clear texture, as if it was glowing.

The armor-shaking skill he practiced today was to train the skin, and it also corresponded to the training of the lungs among the five internal organs.

"The effect of this skin training is a bit good." Xue Jing sighed as he touched it.

He could clearly feel that his skin strength had increased a lot... and even seemed to have undergone some subtle changes that he could not clearly express for the time being.

"In ancient legends, the supreme human body - the treasure body, one of the manifestations is 'skin blooming glass'."

Xue Jing touched his faintly glowing skin.

"The skin is shining like a glazed glass, flawless and leak-free... It's a bit interesting."

"I wonder if the current peak of the old martial arts, the King of Extreme Martial Arts, has truly reached this level?"

Thinking about things, Xue Jing cleaned up the practice room, walked out the door, and headed for the Yangxin Room.

When he arrived at the door of the Yangxin Room, Xue Jing knocked on the door, and after receiving a "come in" response, he turned the door open and walked in.

Li Qi was sitting in a wheelchair, writing something at the desk, and Xue Jing came in without letting him look up.


Xue Jing greeted first, then asked in confusion:

"What is the trouble you mentioned yesterday that needs my help?"


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