I will eventually become a god

Chapter 180 The existence of superstrings, the true face of ‘God’, and the mother returning home (4K

"In that case, then I will take over the task of being an examiner."

Xue Jing said.

Wu Youqing hummed and said, "However, after all, it will take more than a month for you to officially have the status of an examiner. Before that, you should be more careful."

Xue Jing nodded: "I understand."

After the two chatted for a while about various things during this period, Xue Jing inadvertently asked:

"By the way, good sister, since you are the one chosen by God...then which god is the one who has been bestowed upon you?"

Hearing this, Wu Youqing glanced at Xue Jing, drank the last of the tea in the teacup, then picked up the teapot and poured another cup.

Then he said in a leisurely tone:

"You want to know what this does?"

Xue Jing smiled and just said: "Curious."

Wu Youqing's lavender eyes revealed a look of thought, she pondered for a moment, and then said:

"Although it's still early for you to come into contact with these...but it doesn't hurt to listen."

"Well, in this case, I have to tell you about the composition and origin of the universe first..."

The corners of Xue Jing's mouth moved: "...No way."

Wu Youqing looked serious: "That's it."

Do we really have to start with the creation of Pangu? Xue Jing scratched his head.

Wu Youqing stood up, walked to the wall, and tapped the wall with the plastic fork in her hand - just like a teacher in class tapping chalk on the blackboard.

Seeing that she started to play teaching with great interest, Xue Jing sat up straight and pretended to be sitting upright and taking the class seriously.

The rich boss nodded with satisfaction, a smile appearing in his gorgeous purple eyes.

"Let me ask you, what is the smallest unit that makes up everything in the world, and even the universe itself?"

She asked in a teacher-like tone.

Hearing this, Xue Jing thought for a while and said uncertainly: "Quark? Quantum?"

Wu Youqing stretched out an index finger and shook it.

"No, the smallest unit of the universe, its name is - 'string'."

"Xian?" Xue Jing was stunned for a moment, then asked:

"Is it the 'string' in "String Theory"? Has this theory been proven to be true?"

String theory is a unified field theory that describes the universe.

The basic point is that the basic unit of the universe is not various point-shaped particles, but various linear 'strings'.

Everything in this world, from constellations, Milky Way galaxy clusters, to electrons, protons, quarks... everything is produced by the movement and vibration of 'strings'.

In Xue Jing's previous life on Earth, this theory was considered the most promising grand unified theory that could explain all problems in physics.

"Plausible." Wu Youqing said.

"The 'strings' I'm talking about do exist, but they are similar to the strings mentioned in "String Theory", not the same thing... Just think of the 'strings' I'm talking about as a brand new thing. Don’t tie it to String Theory.”

Xue Jing nodded: "I understand."

Wu Youqing began to narrate:

“The world and the universe we live in are all made up of this kind of ‘cosmic string’, including various so-called absolute laws of physics, which are all determined by ‘cosmic string’.”

"Therefore, cosmic strings are the laws of the universe."

"And the so-called 'god', in the eyes of a group of scholars at the top of mankind, has a more accurate name - 'superstring existence'."

Xue Jing's eyes narrowed slightly: "Super strings exist?"

He felt that he was beginning to come into contact with the deepest secrets of the world.

Wu Youqing nodded: "That's right... Superstring existence, as the name suggests, you should understand that it is an existence that transcends the constraints of the 'cosmic string'... They have jumped up their own status and woven themselves into the cosmic string." In it, become part of the string, and even start to play with the 'cosmic string' itself."

"One plus one equals two... This is the absolute truth, the most basic setting of the universe, but these 'superstring existences' can fiddle with the cosmic strings and forcibly modify this theorem."

Wu Youqing said quietly: "Guess what will happen if 1+1=2 changes?"

Xue Jing shook his head and said he didn't know.

Wu Youqing walked to the wooden chair, picked up the small bag on the wooden chair, opened it, searched for a while, took out two one-yuan coins, and placed them on the table.

"Here are two coins."

She placed the two coins together.

"1+1=2... Two one-yuan coins put together become two."

"And if there is a 'superstring being' that plucks the cosmic string and turns it into 1+1=3..."

Wu Youqing's tone was calm.

"Two coins will just turn into three...don't you think so?"

Although Xue Jing had already guessed something about what would happen, she still nodded in cooperation with Wu Youqing.

"It's not that simple."

Wu Youqing took out another coin and placed it on the table.

"If 1+1=3, then two dollars put together will become three dollars, and two bombs put together will become three bombs."

"Then...two units of energy put together become three units of energy."

"That's enough to cause horrific consequences, but it's more than that."

"The extra '1' because it is equal to 3 is not included in other theorems of the universe, but it does exist. Therefore, this 1 will also react and superpose with the two 1's at the beginning. There is one more 1+1=3, and the extra 1 continues to overlap with the previous 1..."

"In this way, everything in the universe will expand infinitely in an instant, and the energy will accumulate infinitely."

"Eventually, the universe will have no combination of particles that can guarantee stable existence, and will turn into an infinitely expanding but dead energy block, leading to the direct collapse of the universe."

"Similarly, if 1+1=2 is modified to 1+1=1, the same effect can be achieved, but it will be the other way around. The universe will collapse infinitely and eventually turn into a point...a point without size or density. , but it does exist.”

Wu Youqing told a terrifying fact in an understatement.

In front of the 'superstring existence'...that is, God, the so-called universe is so fragile.

Hearing this kind of words can easily lead to a sense of emptiness that everything you have done so far is insignificant and has no meaning.

Xue Jing sighed softly, and a trace of this feeling inevitably emerged in him.

No wonder Wu Youqing said it was too early for him to be exposed to these things.

"Of course, you can just listen to these and don't need to think too much."

Wu Youqing smiled when she saw that he was a little silent.

"We have known hundreds of years ago that the Earth star is just a tiny dust in the universe, and that to the Earth star, humans are just some parasites that grow on their bodies during their long lives... The principle is the same, we don't need to To think about this grand narrative, just look at what’s in front of you.”

"Although superstring beings can fiddle with cosmic strings, they are not omnipotent in an absolute sense. At least they cannot change the number of 1+1 equals. They are definitely not able to do it casually."

"In the world we currently live in, although the original superstring exists... that is, 'God' has died, so far, no other gods have entered our world, which is enough to show that it is difficult for them to exert influence on our world. ”

"For a long time...even until we die, we don't need to think about how to face the 'superstring existence'."

"Just take care of everything in front of you first." Wu Youqing said word by word.

Xue Jing nodded, and his powerful spiritual consciousness turned into Tsukuyomi Slash, directly cutting off this feeling of emptiness and returning to normal.

He opened his mouth and asked doubtfully: "Teacher Wu, having said so much, what is the power god you have been blessed with?"

Wu Youqing picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then used a plastic fork as a pointer to hit his head:

"What's the rush? We haven't talked about it yet."

After a pause, she continued:

"Now that you understand what cosmic strings and superstrings exist, you can move on to the next level..."

Xue Jing said helplessly: "...There is actually something higher?"

He was beginning to regret asking the question.

I feel like even Aban can’t handle what Wu Youqing said.

Originally, he thought that with Ban's presence, he would eventually become an absolutely invincible being... Now he felt a little hard to explain.

Wu Youqing smiled and said: "In addition to our world, there are so many supernatural gods outside. How can there be no higher things in so many worlds?"

Xue Jing sighed softly: "...Teacher, please continue."

Wu Youqing did not continue to explain immediately, but pondered for a moment and said:

"What I'm going to say next is something that even the current cutting-edge anthropologists don't know...probably only those of us who are chosen by God to have some communication with 'gods' know about it."

Xue Jing tapped her fingers on the table: "Is it okay to tell me?"

Wu Youqing hummed, nodded and said: "It should be no problem...I have said before, your nature...is more special than the divine choice."

Xue Jing: "..."

I really don’t know what she found...or rather, what did she take A-Ban for?

Before he could think too much, Wu Youqing continued to talk.

"Just like the earth and the star are just one planet in the universe, all the planets are included in the universe... And if you zoom in and treat each universe as a planet, there must be another one that can encompass all the universes." Big Universe'.

"And this 'big universe' also has the smallest basic building blocks."

Wu Youqing said.

"Let me call it - 'Big String'."

Xue Jing murmured: "Da Xian..."

"I don't know exactly what the big string is and what it does."

Wu Youqing shook her head.

"I only know that the alien god who was given to me was the one who once entered the 'Da Xian', but was eventually expelled from the 'Da Xian'."

"The name of his god, translated in Chinese, is - Yin Hong Mist."

After coming out of the library, Xue Jing was still in a daze.

He heard too many things that he shouldn't hear when he was still little Calami.

Cosmic strings, the existence of superstrings, big strings...

It feels like a frog being forcibly pulled out from the bottom of a well to see the real world.

Fortunately, as Wu Youqing said, until the death of God, no superstring existence has been able to enter the world.

Human beings do not need to consider how to face these real gods now, or even for a long time in the future.

"Take care of everything in front of you first."

Xue Jing came back to his senses and walked out of the school.

He and Wu Youqing chatted for a long time. It was already past six in the afternoon and the sky was getting dark.

He stopped a taxi and went to his home.

On the way, Xue Jing sat in the car, his eyes showing deep thought.

Wu Youqing is the son of God.

And all the sons of God will experience the "god disappearance phenomenon" at some point in the future and disappear without a trace.

The reason why Wu Youqing took care of him so much was that she wanted to use him to solve the "god disappearance phenomenon"?

Xue Jing touched his chin: "If the "god disappearance" is related to divinity, I can really solve it..."

However, the rich boss didn't say it yet, so he didn't ask.

While thinking, the car drove for more than half an hour, and Xue Jing got off the car on the street at the entrance of his community and walked back to his home.

Xue Jing took out the key, opened the door and walked in, and was hugged by a figure who was already waiting at the door.


"Long time no see, you've grown taller again!"

Xue's mother Nan Jiayu smiled and held her son, whom she hadn't seen for nearly half a year, in her arms, rubbing his head.

"Mom, you're back... Let me change my shoes first."

Xue Jing's voice was a little dull and muffled, with his head stuffed into his mother's arms.

Nan Jiayu let him go after hearing this.

Xue Jing freed himself from his mother's great bosom, put on indoor shoes, and looked at his mother.

She was dressed in a rather mature burgundy OL outfit, with light makeup on her face, and looked like she had just returned not long ago.

The person who could give birth to Xue Jing and Xue Wan must have excellent genes. Nan Jiayu was quite beautiful, with long black hair without a single strand of white hair, and she didn't look like the mother of two grown-up children at all. Even though her temperament was quite mature, people felt that she was only about 30 years old at most, and was a mature and beautiful woman who was well maintained.

Xue Jing smiled and hugged her, and asked:

"Where's Dad? Why don't I see him?"

Nan Jiayu touched Xue Jing's face and hair with both hands, observing his growth and changes, and smiled:

"Your dad still has some work to do and won't be back until tomorrow. I was anxious to see you and Wanwan, so I came back first."

"Hey, you are worthy of being my son. You are getting more and more handsome and taller... But it's best now. Don't grow taller, otherwise it will make my future daughter-in-law feel stressed..."

As she said, she began to touch Xue Jing's body.

"Wow, this muscle..."

Xue Jing quickly held her hand and said:

"Mom, you work so hard, I will cook to reward you tonight!"

Most of Xue Wan's lively personality is inherited from his mother Nan Jiayu.

Xue Jing knows this very well.

His mother has always regarded him as a child who has not grown up. If she keeps touching him like this, she might find out that he has a developmental check.

Goodbye, although it shouldn't be that outrageous, Xue Jing felt it was necessary to be on guard.

Nan Jiayu was stunned, then smiled and said:

"Oh? You can cook all of a sudden? Don't you have a partner?"


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