On the 2nd day, Lin Xuan got up and it took a few days to regain his energy.

Lin Ya has already prepared breakfast for Lin Xuan. She went to work early. Lin Xuan is also drunk. She doesn't usually sleep. Why is it ten o'clock when she wakes up now?

This Yi Renbing squeezed him a bit hard, right?

It doesn't seem to be reasonable... He is not an ordinary person, so how could he be squeezed into this way?

Think about the only possibility that Yirenbing is Heavenly Dao Realm, which may be the case.

"Hey, task, task."

Lin Xuan grabbed his hair and walked out of the bed. He was too lazy to wash, and ate the breakfast made by Lin Ya.

The missions of Ling Longyue and Bing Lingyue have passed long ago, and now they continue to use the male god value, and Murongqing’s is almost the same, and the remaining Xiao Xinyue’s time is a little bit enough, and then There is another Murong Yu, and now there is an Yirenbing...

Ma Dan!

Fortunately, this Yirenbing has contributed hundreds of millions of TM's male gods to Lin Xuan, not to mention anything else. It is very cool, at least there is no need to worry about the time.

Now for Lin Xuan, it may be the task of Xiao Xinyue that is relatively important, because the completion of this task of Xiao Xinyue can develop the Yaxuan Group unscrupulously and develop Lin Xuan’s influence. Let Yaxuan Group become the solid backing of Asura Palace. No, they are already integrated. The development of Asura Palace is equivalent to the development of Yaxuan Group.

"What do you do next?"

He has already entered Martial God Academy, but Martial God Academy has to wait until all the test takers are finished. There is about a week's time before Martial God Academy really starts. .

At this time Lin Xuan's cell phone rang.

The phone is useless, but Lin Xuan has a replacement number, so Lin Xuan's number is still the same, and the caller ID is not local!

To be honest, if a person insists on checking a person’s contact information, it is not difficult. Of course, the premise is that you have a certain background.

Lin Xuan then connected to the phone.


"Is it Mr. Lin Xuan?"

A woman's voice came from the other end.

Lin Xuan's hearing is still quite good, he has never heard this woman's voice.

"Are you?"

"I am Liang Yue from Changyu. I wonder if Mr. Lin Xuan has time to show his face and come out for a meal?"

"Changyu Company? Sorry never heard of it." Then Lin Xuan hung up the phone directly.

On the other side, Liang Yue was taken aback.

Although her Changyu Company is not a leader, she has also created a lot of superstars. She has some status in this circle, but he has not heard of it? Whatever happened, it was the person who wrote that many good songs.

But it is normal, and then she called Lin Xuan again.

"Mr. Lin Xuan, I'm here specially from Tiandu, I hope you can give me a chance to come out and talk."

"What to talk about, you say it first."

Ma Dan, if nothing is good, Lin Xuan is going out to talk about it? Might as well go to which girl to brush up the favorability.

"I hope Mr. Lin Xuan can sell me a song."


Lin Xuan said.

"Five million."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

He doesn’t know much, but the songs he wrote for An Xin before are estimated to earn tens of millions per song. It’s actually a high price for her to buy a song for 5 million. Because you don't know if this song can be popular, you won't be able to make money without it, and you will lose blood.

But five million...

Lin Xuan doesn't want to go out.

"Ten million, meet if you agree."

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Liang Yue sighed in relief.

Ten million, in fact, it’s okay. She put out 20 million for this song, and all her family properties were taken out.

"Okay, where?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Duixuan Tower, Mr. Lin Xuan, you are here and I will take you down."

"Twenty minutes."

Earn a thousand by writing a song Wan, is this uncomfortable?

Although Lin Xuan’s family property really doesn’t know how much it is, who still thinks it’s too expensive? More than ten million can do too many things, is he not good to buy a super expensive necklace for a girl?

Twenty minutes later Lin Xuan came to the downstairs of Zuixuan and made a phone call. Soon a woman wearing a red coat ran from inside. She saw Lin Xuan at a glance.

"Mr. Lin Xuan, right, hello, hello!"

Liang Yue extended the hand and Lin Xuan kept shook hands.

Lin Xuan glanced at her.

Thirty years old is not bad, but the maintenance is very good, very charming, and the appearance is not too bad, if it weren't for Lin Xuan to meet Linglong Xue and their kind of beauty, Lin Xuan can really be attracted to this kind of woman, but this woman has a fascinating sense of maturity.


Lin Xuan released his hand.

"Oh, this is my business card."

Liang Yue quickly handed Lin Xuan a business card.

"Let's go in and talk about it, it's cold outside."

"Yes, yes, sorry, I am so excited to see you, I have already ordered the dishes. "

Then they walked into a box.

The box is quite big. This Zuixuan Pavilion is a kind of place similar to a couple’s restaurant, and the boxes are also very interesting. For example, the box that Lin Xuan came in, if not a table There was a table of food on it, Lin Xuan thought it was a KTV here.

"Please sit down, I don't know what you like to eat, so I ordered some special dishes. You can try it."

"This...I just had breakfast too." , Don’t be too much trouble, just eat something, let’s talk about business."

Lin Xuan said.

"Yes, right, right, talk about business."

Lin Xuan is going to be drunk, how come this person always feels like he is a big boss in the face of him?

Lin Xuan really doesn’t think of herself as a big boss. She is still here bowing her head and bowing her waist. It’s your ability to spend money to buy songs. You spend money and the price is agreed. What are you doing? Still whispering? It feels like Lin Xuan is her leader, for fear that it will make the leader unhappy.

Liang Yue then looked towards Lin Xuan and said: "Mr. Lin Xuan is like this. I am an agent. I was trying to find a top-quality song for my artists, and then I saw it Mr. Lin Xuan, you were born and created so many good songs for Miss An Xin. You are very talented, so I want to find you."

She was also quite surprised, this person Just agreed? I thought he was a safe and secure composer. If he is not, he will write all Hongfeng's songs in the future. If he spends more money, he will spend more. It would be nice if he can become more famous.

"Actually, what I write is average." Lin Xuan laughed.

"Mr. Lin Xuan, you said and laughed, then that's a deal, ten million, but...I hope to see the lyrics and music first..."

"No problem, I just brought one. Let me show you."

Lin Xuan took out a piece of paper and handed it to Liang Yue.

Liang Yue took a puzzled look.

This song was originally written by Lin Xuan for An Xin, and then suddenly realized that it didn't seem to work well, because the quality is not as high as the others, although it is also a good song. Please Baidu about "Throwing Books." Thank you for your support!

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