After browsing, An Xin couldn’t help exclaiming.

" nice."

"Which one of my songs is not good?"

Lin Xuan said.

"No... This song is completely different from what I gave me before, and I really want to sing this way."

Mumbled with peace of mind.

"Forget it, this kind of song is good to sing at your age, but it doesn't taste that much. Although I don't know much about it, at least she can definitely sing the charm of this song. "

An Xin nodded, then she tilted her head and looked at Lin Xuan, and said: "I think you are not only talented, but also very accurate."

"What Is it accurate?" Lin Xuan asked suspiciously.

"Sister Qiyue is very suitable for such a song. You happened to write her a song that is suitable for her. If it weren't for I know you don’t know her well, I really think you treat her. I have studied it." An Xin said.

Lin Xuan does not know Zi Qiyue, but he knows Zi Qiyue and he has seen it on TV. After all, Zi Qiyue’s reputation is very exaggerated. On the Spring Festival Gala and other programs, She is a resident guest, and every TV station competes for her every year. She is the guarantee of ratings.

This song Lin Xuan still quite likes, I think Zi Qiyue should be able to sing the flavor.

"Let's go, go shoot a MV, and try to get you a golden song award, when the time comes...hehe." Lin Xuan laughed lowly.

"When the time comes, what are you doing?"

Miao Xiaomiao blinked his eyes and asked.

"When the time comes, when the time comes again." Lin Xuan laughed.

Looking at Lin Xuan, Miao Xiaomiao always felt that this big gangster was not at ease.

Anyway, she has been with An Xin every day the past few days, and has told her to be careful of Lin Xuan, the Smelly Rogue.


In the afternoon, their group of girls had a very fulfilling life. An Xin and them also knew each other. What surprised her was that when she saw so many beautiful girls Elder sister, especially the few beautiful ones that are really outrageous, she was stunned.

After the MV was filmed, An Xin helped me cut the rest. Lin Xuan thought it was pretty good.

In the evening, Lin Xuan and Lin Ya went home together.

They had dinner with a few people, so they don’t have to have dinner when they go home, but they started dating games again. Lin Xuan really took it! Now they are more obsessed with games than him, no, in fact Lin Xuan has never been obsessed with games.

But, to be honest, none of them play games for the sake of playing games. Playing games is really just that they like everyone in a voice group, chatting while playing games, and then talk about something. This feeling cultivates feelings.

Because they both care about Lin Xuan, and because they all know that every girl and Lin Xuan are more or less good friends, maybe even closer, and they think that everyone is very good. They are good friends. They say Lin Xuan food or something, but they are actually used to Lin Xuan. Of course, Lin Xuan food is true.

Lin Ya took out the computer and sat on the sofa with a blanket on his lap. The notebook was placed on his lap while typing and chatting with everyone, while Lin Xuan’s hand reached into the blanket, Lin Ya rolled his eyes for a while.

" go take advantage of other girls."

Lin Ya said to Lin Xuan.

"I like to take advantage of you, the little fairy."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"You must pay attention to your safety in the future, have you heard that?"

Lin Ya reminded Lin Xuan uneasy again that he has experienced such great danger several times. , She was really scared.

"Don't worry, am I okay? Kiss one."

Lin Xuan then gave her a cheek.

Lin Ya pretty face is a red.

It's really...

"By the way, little fairy, here's something for you."

Lin Xuan finished speaking and took out the couple Dollar necklace.

Lin Ya turned his head and glanced, he was taken aback for a moment, then reached out and took it.

"You...are you going back?"

She held the necklace and bit her red lips and looked at Lin Xuan.

"Well, isn't this just going to the Heavenly Flower City Martial God Academy? Then I went back home and brought this to you."

Lin Ya Look at this necklace.

"Didn't expect you still remember this."

"Of course I remember. This is the only thing I gave you at that time. Fortunately, it still In."


Lin Ya nodded, and then cautiously put it away.

"By the way, I also know a lot of your little secrets."

Lin Xuan then smiled and said to Lin Ya.


Lin Ya suspiciously looked towards Lin Xuan.

She has no secrets, she really has no secrets to Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan then took out the diary of Lin Ya.

Seeing this diary, Lin Ya pretty face suddenly became red, and then he quickly grabbed it.

"I...I, I, I just write and write casually."

Lin Ya said with a red face and hesitated.

There is nothing about her secret here, but sometimes I wrote a lot of things that would be embarrassing if both of them knew about it, such as washing the sheets for Lin Xuan and discovering that it was already dry. Traces...

"Actually, I just want to explain that the dry thing on the bed sheet is milk. The milk you poured me accidentally spilled a little."

Lin Xuan gave a dry cough and explained.

Lin Ya's face turned red.


"You don't believe it yet."

"I don't believe it."

"Then look at it now, Think about it again at that time, is it the same." Lin Xuan took Lin Ya's hand and placed it somewhere.

Lin Ya trembled.

"Little Xuan, you are getting more and more rascal."

Lin Ya lightly hit Lin Xuan, the whole person blushed, so cute.

"Hehe, you are so beautiful, little fairy."

Lin Xuan puts his arms around Lin Ya, playing with her powder cheeks.

Lin Ya did not speak, she was really ashamed.

Although the difference with Lin Xuan is basically that step, but...

"We must kiss." Lin Xuan said.

Then Lin Ya didn't answer, Lin Xuan kissed him.


The more the two people are, the more affectionate they are.

On the other side of the screen, everyone is online. They are all here. Only one Lin Ya is missing. They are crazy about Lin Ya in the group, but Lin Ya is talking to Lin Xuan. .

Lin Ya came back to his senses until the phone rang, pushed Lin Xuan away, and then she quickly entered the voice.

"Here is here."

Lin Ya said.

"What is Lin Ya elder sister doing?"

Lu Yufan asked.

"I... I cleaned up the house, but I just didn't see it in the bedroom."

Lin Ya quickly explained.

"I thought the big gangster was taking advantage of you."

"Go, wherever you are talking nonsense, they are sisters, although they are not relatives, but Lin Xuan can never be a jerk Isn't that level?" Murong Qing said.


Lin Xuan rubbed the tip of his nose awkwardly next to him.

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