Lin Xuan then said, "Speaking of you being so beautiful, you must have been taken by your ice god?"

Lin Xuan doesn't panic at all, since this ice god wants to see him , That really means something is happening.

Xiaoyu: "..."

Anyway, Lin Xuan feels that if a person stands at such a high position, these women are not just beckons with the hand, they have to come in well. In his arms?

"There is no need to answer you."

Xiao Yu said.

"That must have been done."

Lin Xuan murmured.

Xiaoyu did not answer.

In the next instant, they disappeared in place, and Lin Xuan also came to the Island of Heaven above!

Lin Xuan was surprised to see the above scene!

So beautiful.

Besides, many girls, all of them are so beautiful.

"Lin Xuan Young Master, please follow us."

That Xiaolan walked to Lin Xuan and gave a salute slightly.

Lin Xuan followed her all the way into a beautiful great hall!

"Lin Xuan Young Master......"

When Lin Xuan walked in, the two rows of MMs screamed out, really scared Lin Xuan. , Trembling all over.

What's going on with this TM?

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose, looking towards that Xiaolan.

"Lin Xuan Young Master, please sit down."

Xiaolan faced Lin Xuan's respectful give a salute, and then took Lin Xuan to a seat to do a good job.

"Come here, serve food."

A row of MM carried a dish and placed it in front of Lin Xuan.

Then Xiaolan poured wine for Lin Xuan and said, "This is the Baihua ferment that our Ice God adults like most. It is brewed by the elves, and only the elves can brew it. "

As the wine was poured out, Lin Xuan really seemed to smell the fragrance of potpourri.

No...what are these people doing?

At this time, a few girls came over. Two rubbed Lin Xuan's shoulders on both sides, and two knelt on both sides of Lin Xuan, rubbing their legs for Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan: "..."

That Xiaolan knelt in front of Lin Xuan, extend the hand and untie Lin Xuan's belt.

Lin Xuan; "..."

Really, shivered all over, Lin Xuan stood up directly.

"What are you doing!"

Paralysis! I have to take off my pants when I come up! A group of female hooligans!

"Master Bingshen said, we must serve Lin Xuan Young Master well."

Xiaolan stood up and said to Lin Xuan slightly.

"No, let him talk to him face-to-face if there is something," Lin Xuan said.

"Please wait a moment, please eat first."

Lin Xuan, don’t worry about anything. If you want to kill him, you don’t need to use poison to kill him, so this meal is definitely It is not poisonous.

You Xiaolan went out.


She knelt before the ice god.


"Then Lin Xuan wants to see you directly."


He raised his eyebrows and took a sip of Baihua Stuff.

"Then take it directly to the room."


On the other side, Lin Xuan took a sip of the Baihua Stuffed Rice.

I'm good, it's delicious.

Brewed by the elves, Lin Xuan, the elves, has never seen it before. It is said that the elves are an indisputable race, a very beautiful race, and they will not participate in any wars. , Belongs to a neutral race. To be honest, since the human age entered the technological age, no one has ever seen an elf.

However, Lin Xuan really has an endless aftertaste of this Baihuanian. The bottles of human wine that are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, feel like rubbish.

Lin Xuan probably knows the intention of the ice god, he wants to use these things to win himself.

Xiaolan came over.

"Lin Xuan Young Master, please follow me."

Lin Xuan stood up and followed her upstairs.

Xiaolan opened a room.

"That's it."

Lin Xuan walked in afterwards!

The whole room was full of pink hazy feeling, Lin Xuan's eyes saw a silhouette of a mu bathing behind a layer of veil.

Lin Xuan: "..."


Xiaolan walked in, closed the door slowly, and stood beside Lin Xuan Just like that, tui went directly to the qunzi on the body.

Lin Xuan: "..."

At this time, the light veil was slowly lifted by a white arm, and then a protruding, white and beautiful super The beauty is just like that, with drops of water ticking all over her body, this kind of picture, especially a woman with a good figure and a very good appearance, a special you person!

Han Chuxue really doesn't lose her appearance.

And this woman's expression is that kind of cold, this is a cold beauty, in this case, it will be even more you.

gu lu ——

Lin Xuan swallowed.

What kind of trouble is this fucking guy?

The woman walked in front of Lin Xuan with her jade foot naked, and wrapped her arms around Lin Xuan's bosom.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Calm down! Be calm!

What if TM is sick?

"Elder sister...I'm going to take a bath."

Xiao Lan said softly and walked away.

"Let me serve you with Xiaolan."

The woman stretched out her tongue and licked Lin Xuan's neck.

"Farewell, I like men."

Lin Xuan said.

Woman: "..."

Her movements suddenly stopped.

Lin Xuan then sat on the bed next to her, looked towards her naked, and said, "Don’t waste your thoughts, I said, there’s something for your boss to come to me and me in person Just say it, none of these are necessary!" Suddenly at this time, Lin Xuan’s pupils suddenly emitted a pink light. You can see that the woman just kissed Lin Xuan’s neck. At that time, she was lightly bitten in a place, and now it even bleeds.


In the next instant, Lin Xuan directly extended the hand and grabbed her xiong, with unusually strong strength.

That pretty woman's face suddenly showed that kind of pain.

At the moment, in front of the ice god, the fragrant scene in the room was broadcast live.

"Do you think this deity wants to negotiate terms with you?"

The corner of Bing Shen's mouth slightly raised.

From the very beginning, she didn’t plan to have a good chat with Lin Xuan. She only needs to control Lin Xuan, and Xue Bingxin, who is Lin Xuan, is now rough and cold The cold and beautiful girl is her favorite and beloved one. I have been with her for a long time. That Xiaolan, Xuebinglan, is her biological younger sister. Both of them are from the Celestial Spirit Fox family. The most powerful thing about Linghu is control. She knows that Lin Xuan may not be easily controlled, but with Xue Bingxin's ability, as long as there is a relationship, it is definitely appropriate to control him!

So she would rather sacrifice her favorite sister Xue Bingxin.

Because she hates Human Race very much, Human Race has absolutely irreconcilable hatred with her, she is willing to do so.

It’s just that her eyebrows are slightly frowned. Is this woman really that comfortable doing things like that with men?

Lin Xuan is really under control now. He really didn't expect this to happen. Anyway, he is irrational now, and he doesn't know if he is unhappy.

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