Behind the light gauze tent came a lazy voice.


"Reporting to Lord Ice God, Great Elder said Lin Xuan has been brought here."

"Well, go down."


Then the girl slowly backed out and closed the door.

"Master, is Lin Xuan the same human boy who ruined your plan?"

There was a soft voice, very sweet and sweet.


The camera turns to the light gauze tent, which is simply a scene of a nosebleed.

There are three girls in total, and all of them are not too much to say. They are white and naked, and they are very clean.

A woman is lying there, she has a very good figure, she is really a devil figure. The PP is very, very white. The girl is massaged by two girls, and the two girls who massaged her are also massaged. It’s pretty naked. One is about sixteen or seventeen years old. The other looks pretty young. They are 20 years old. They are all super beautiful. Maybe they are a little bit like Ling Ying and other female Divine Grade girls. The gap, but the gap is not big, it is definitely the kind of existence above the school flower level, it is very beautiful, after all, it is the demon incarnation, the quality is super good! After all, she is also a girl who serves the Ice God, who was carefully selected by the Ice God himself, and she must have chosen very good!

Yes, this ice god is a...lily.

And she has reached this level. The girls she has played with are simply much more played than those rich men, and the quality is naturally top-notch.

What? How do girls play with girls? So how do I know.

Anyway, she chose the beautiful girls on Sky Island. There is not a man, and she has basically played them all over.

After all, it is Monster God. In the entire Monster Race, no, Myriad Monsters Alliance is one of the thirteen strongest people in the huge camp that is hostile to humans.


"Huh? Master."

The sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl quickly said a little timidly.

Then the ice god sat up.

"Go and help me bring that Lin Xuan here."

"I know... I know."

Xiao Yu lowered his head and hurried through The shirt went out.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

Another beautiful girl said softly while helping the ice god to dress.

"Well, a man, especially a human teenager in his twenties. The age is set here. There are so many things in the world that can tempt him."

Ice God She put on her clothes, then looked at the beautiful white girl sitting on the bed, and said: "This matter is up to you, call your elder sister."

"Ah...yes... Yes!"

"Go ahead, get things done."


Then Xiaolan hugged her clothes, just so naked Ran over.

Anyway, there is no need to avoid suspicion. The entire Sky Island is all girls, and all of them are girls that the ice god sees and played with. How do you play with it? What do you understand.

At this moment, Linglong Xue opened his beautiful eyes and slowly sat up from the bed.

After a while, she walked out of bed slowly and went out.

There is an inexplicable bad feeling in my heart.

"What's wrong?" Bing Lingyue saw that Linglong Xue's state was a bit wrong at a glance.

Linglong Xue shook his head and sat beside her.

"I don't know."

She took out her phone and flipped silently to Lin Xuan's friend, then clicked in, hesitated and sent a message.

On the other side, she didn’t return to her. She felt quite normal, because Lin Xuan would often return to her for a long time, but...

The inexplicable feeling in Linglong Xue’s heart It is related to Lin Xuan.

Looking at Linglong Xue's operation, Bing Lingyue probably understood something.

"Make a call and have a look."

Linglong Xue was slightly nodded, and then the call was made.

The phone is turned off.

"I'll go out and have a look."

At this point, Linglong Xue can't sit still.

"I'll be with you."

"No, I can do it by myself. You can stay at home and rest."

Linglong Xue finished silhouette Disappeared in place.

She doesn’t know where to find Lin Xuan. She will ask people around Lin Xuan, but she hasn’t heard from her. Then she learns that Lin Xuan has gone to Martial God Academy and Heavenly Flower City , There are many possibilities flashing in her heart.


Lin Xuan was lying on the bed in the room, he really exploded!

Three lottery only got a pink obedient spray, what can he do?

Now, all his cards are useless, and there is nothing to do.

The male god value is not enough to draw the next time, what can he do?

realm, Law Principle Realm seven stars, Space Attribute is not worth in front of that space powerhouse mentioning ……

If he wants to live, Lin Xuan knows that he can only rely on his brain and flexibility.

At this time, the door of the room was opened, a beautiful girl walked in, Lin Xuan looked over.

I have to say that these Monster Race girls are really high-quality! Even Lin Xuan felt that the girl system in front of her might trigger the task. Of course, she just passed the level in terms of appearance, and other Lin Xuan didn't know about it.

Xiaoyu walked up to Lin Xuan, then took a needle and stuck it directly at Lin Xuan.

"What the hell?"

Lin Xuan brows tightly knit.

"It's okay, don't worry, you just can't use any Attribute Power and spiritual power for the time being."

Xiaoyu said lightly.

Lin Xuan: "..."


It's over! Now even the Space Attribute can't be used anymore, even if he catches the opportunity to escape, it's useless now.

"Lin Xuan Young Master, follow me up." Xiao Yu said to Lin Xuan and then walked out. Lin Xuan followed her out.

Go up? Of course Lin Xuan knows where to go, it must be the Island of Heaven in the sky.

"Ah, little elder sister, what is your body?"

Lin Xuan walked behind the little rain and asked.

Xiaoyu hesitated for a while, and then said: "Linghu."

"Tiger? You are not fierce at all."

Lin Xuan said.

On the contrary, this girl looks soft, and it doesn’t match the tiger’s demonic beast. Does this tiger clan know how many branches? Some are rubbish, some bloodline is very difficult to deal with, but since it's a tiger, even a girl can't be so soft, right?

"You may die if I slap it down."

Then Xiao Yu walked in front and said softly.

May die?

Lin Xuan took a look, and just happened to be able to detect, Domain Realm two stars.

Normally, the gap between this realm is definitely going to die, but Lin Xuan is impossible.

As for why Xiaoyu is not fierce...

Maybe it was trained by the Ice God...

"Hey, why are you taking me up there?"

"Master Ice God wants to see you."

Lin Xuan; "..."


What demons and ghosts are this TM!

Lin Xuan has seen a Heavenly Dao Realm in his life, that is Linglong Xue, the second Heavenly Dao Realm that didn't expect to see is one of Monster Race's Monster God!


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