In front of Bai Haojun , Bai Xuanxuan is a good girl, but don’t forget, she will never be easy!

At a young age, a force like Asura Palace was established, and it has a force no less than Eight Great Families, which she created by herself!

If Lin Xuan knows that the master of Shura is such a beautiful and very young girl, he must be shocked!

Lin Xuan wants to develop his own power, but it is too difficult! It hasn't even started yet! There is even a large fund bank like Yaxuan Group, he doesn't know how to start! Have a rough outline!

But she can develop into such a force by one person. If you say that she has nothing, it must be impossible.

A few minutes later, she received an email on her phone, and then she took a close look.

"It turns out that he is the younger brother of Lin Ya from Yaxuan Group, and his background is quite huge. The first place in the Heavenly Flower City Heavenly Martial Conference is the four attributes of space, thunder, ice and poison......"

The more I look at her, the more surprised she is!

Lin Xuan would be surprised if he knew that the exposure of the poison attribute was only exposed when Tiandu was fighting Xiao Yun, and she could also find this...

This Asura Palace's intelligence network seems to be quite impressive.


Then she suddenly saw a news that there was hatred between the Gongsun Family in Lin'an City and him.

But this is not clear. It just says that Lin Xuan and the Gongsun Family have an antagonism. She doesn't know who is right or who is wrong.

But she is interested.


Early in the morning of 2nd day, Lin Xuan got up early.

"It's another tiring day playing with girls, hey."

Lin Xuan sighed.

If someone else knows Lin Xuan's thoughts, he will probably be killed! This TM!

"Little Xuan, I made breakfast, remember to eat, I went to the company."

I saw Lin Ya wearing shoes at the door as soon as I got out of the room.

"Well, don't be too tired."

"I see."

Then Lin Ya went out.

Lin Xuan went to Han Chuxue's house after breakfast!

Ling Ying is also at Han Chuxue's house. They slept together last night. During the day they went to the demonic beast area to improve realm. Ling Ying didn't bother to go home, so she slept at Han Chuxue's place by the way.

"Oh, isn't this a talented Lin?"

Seeing Lin Xuan coming in, Ling Ying sitting on the sofa habitually said.

Han Chuxue cleverly poured a glass of water for Lin Xuan.

"Don't make trouble, what a talented Lin, I am your husband."

Lin Xuan walked over and took both girls in his arms!

Oh my god!


Lin Xuan is very familiar with them. He has slept together several times, so he is very comfortable.

"go! ”

Ling Ying pushed Lin Xuan away.

"Lin Xuan when did you learn piano?"

Han Chuxue asked with interest.

"I have no other strengths. I am easy to learn. I usually learn something when I have nothing to do, plus I am smarter, so I don't need a long time to learn."

"I really like the two songs you sang at the Anxin concert. Unfortunately, the sound quality you listened to online is very poor. Can you sing it again?"

Han Chuxue asked.

I was very curious. I used to think I knew Lin Xuan quite well, but now I suddenly realized that I still don't know him particularly well.

Ling Ying is also very curious and looks at Lin Xuan expectantly.

"It just so happens that Chuxue also has a piano here, let's have a chant."

Ling Ying said.

"Okay, but I can't sing to you for nothing, what can you guys give me?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"You say it."

Lin Xuan then whispered in Ling Ying's ear, and Ling Ying's small face suddenly turned red.


She then hammered Lin Xuan's chest with a small fist.

"Cough cough …click."

Han Chuxue didn't hear what Lin Xuan said, but seeing Ling Ying's expressions and actions, he probably guessed what Lin Xuan was going to do Well, it's probably because they want them to be with him.

"If I don't agree, I won't sing."

Lin Xuan then said.

"Hurry up and sing... Hurry up."

Ling Ying then hugged Lin Xuan's arm and coquettishly.

"Wow! Why have you changed after a year?"

Lin Xuan cried out in surprise.

"This Miss was originally a babbling lady, okay? Hurry up."


Lin Xuan then pulled it away The sleeves are sitting on the piano chair.

Then a sunny day of playing and singing was dedicated to Ling Ying and Han Chuxue.

The two girls listened very engrossedly. This song is really good, and it would be better if it were produced.

"You wrote it yourself?"

"Nonsense! You didn't even notice your husband is so talented."

Lin Xuan rolled the eyes.

"I really feel like I can be a star."

Han Chuxue said slightly.

"No way, no way."

Ling Ying shook her head.


Han Chuxue asked.

"Too ugly."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Looking for a fight."

Lin Xuan then rushed Past!


"Hey, I heard that no, Three Great Influences has set up a Martial God Academy."

The three were tired and spread out on the sofa. Above, Ling Ying's foot lifted Lin Xuan's arm and said.

Lin Xuan grabbed Ling Ying's jade foot and scratched it.

"gē gē gē ...Don't scratch."

Ling Ying laughed heartily, and kicked it around.

"What Martial God Academy? It sounds like a big deal."

Lin Xuan let go of her and asked.

Han Chuxue said: "It’s a full-continent cream of the crop Academy that has only recently been launched. It is a few higher grades than the Tiansheng Academy in the capital city. It’s a grade from ancient times to the present. The highest Academy."

"Well, yes, there are two ways to enter, first. Those who can enter this Academy have to go through heavy screening and assessment. It is said that even if you may be the Heavenly Martial Conference The top ten in the city district may not have the chance to pass the assessment and enter the Academy." Ling Ying then continued; "Second is some of the default people. As far as I know, the Tiandu’s Xiao Yun and the others are the default, theirs Innate talent, attribute, and strength is recognized by Three Great Influences. Three days ago, those who had already been appointed have already gone to Martial God Academy."

"Also, this is Five Great Empires." Within the scope, other Four Great Empires also have a lot of default people already in Martial God Academy. The students in Martial God Academy cover five Great Empire geniuses. There, time and Martial Artist of Space Attribute, double attribute, Three attribute Martial Artists will be very common! Ling Ying and I are going to go, how about you?"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Damn! What is this going to do? ?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but said in surprise.

"The latest policy of Three Great Influences, Three Great Influences will gather tens of thousands of geniuses from the entire continent of the cream of the crop, and use the shortest possible time for devil training, and then they will be thoroughly cultivated, sublimated, and become The greatest battle strength of Human Race! Martial God Academy has resources and technology that transcend all Academy and even family. After all, it was jointly made by Three Great Influences. It is said that the dean of Martial God Academy is a powerhouse of Heavenly Dao Realm, Martial God Academy Hundreds of tutors, and every influence is no less than Heavenly Venerable Realm!"

Lin Xuan; "……"

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