To be together for Mao...

hero saving the beauty Ah, this is fate! They are so talented, they met again, it's really amazing and destined!

What makes everyone even more admired is that An Xin said that the reason why there is no immediate clarification is because Lin Xuan does not want to show up or be noticed by social media, and in this way, Lin Xuan’s image is exactly that This is a great hero who silently pays for fame and fortune!

This is more worthy of everyone’s admiration and appreciation!

For a while, fans asked Lin Xuan's Weibo under Anxin's Weibo, but it's a pity that Lin Xuan doesn't play these things.


"Xuan Xuan."

In the ice country, in a courtyard like a farmyard, a woman in casual clothes is sitting there Looking at the stars, it seems that there are many thoughts, but the mood is not very good!

If Lin Xuan sees it, I can’t help but be amazed!

This fuck...

There are so many beautiful girls in the world?

This girl looks twenty four-five years old, but she has a temperament beyond this age.

Maroon’s bangs hung in front of her eyes, and the big waves of the same color were particularly charming, shaking her head unintentionally, revealing a pair of clear and mysterious dark purple eyes. Yes, her eyes are dark. Purple, this is absolutely rare, but it gives her a mysterious beauty, with a faint glamorous and thin lips, delicate oval face, and long, thick eyelashes slightly curled like mimosa leaves. .

Especially her figure, it can be said to be lordosis and back curl, a devil figure, thank you for seeing blood spurting, even if she wears loose casual clothes and home clothes, if she wears a tight-fitting , Dear, no one can stand it.

At this time, an old man quickly walked out of the room with a mobile phone. His hands trembled a little, not knowing whether he was excited or his body was abnormal.


Just take a look at this woman, you will think she has a story, she is very mysterious, but there is a feeling that strangers should not be near, but this With a grandfather, she feels very well-behaved.

Bai Xuanxuan hurriedly got up and supported the old man who was not very tall and looked old.

"Grandfather, it's cold outside. Your health is not good. Go back to the house and sit."

Bai Xuanxuan lightly supported the old man.

"Xuan Xuan, grandfather has found her benefactor."

The old man said a little excitedly.


Bai Xuanxuan was also very surprised.

Bai Haojun is nodded, holding Bai Xuanxuan's slender jade hand in one hand, and handing the phone tremblingly in the other.

Bai Xuanxuan couldn't help feeling sore when she saw her grandfather's old hands and the uncontrollable trembling, she took a look at her phone.

The screen of the mobile phone is the number one hot search, and the number one hot search now is to clarify with peace of mind.

Bai Xuanxuan then took a closer look at the content.

"So this guy named Lin Xuan was also on the plane at the time. He was the Space Attribute, the one who saved the whole plane, and grandfather you."

Bai Xuanxuan and then Said.

"Yes...Yes!" Bai Haojun nodded excitedly.

At his age, he is particularly concerned about gratitude.

Yes, he was also on the plane at the time, he was alone, without Bai Xuanxuan.

Bai Xuanxuan and he are two people living on each other, Bai Xuanxuan is only one grandfather, so why she puts the Asura Palace and rarely comes forward to manage it, because she spends more time with her grandfather , In Tiandu.

But after the Chinese New Year, she just happened to have important things to come to the ice, and she might be away for more than a month, so she came.

But her grandfather, Bai Haojun, is very reluctant and wants to be with his granddaughter. For a month, he feels flustered. He wants to spend a day on a plane to the ice to accompany him. Granddaughter, even if his granddaughter has something to do during the day, he is very satisfied to have a meal together at night!

As a result, he did not tell Bai Xuanxuan, because he knew that once he told her, she would definitely not agree, because he was not in good health, Bai Xuanxuan worried that he would worry about him, and then he went there by himself Bingdu, then something happened! Then he was rescued by Lin Xuan.

These days, Bai Xuanxuan was also looking for the life saving benefactor who saved her favorite grandfather, but didn't expect to find it on this Internet.

When she learned that her grandfather had an accident, she realized one thing. Compared with her family, what is the so-called career?

Although she has abandoned the grandfather who spends most of her time in Asura Palace, but at that time, she is willing to abandon the entire Asura Palace and hope her grandfather is okay.

"Lin'an City..."

Bai Xuanxuan faintly muttered to oneself.

Lin'an City is where she started from scratch. In Lin'an City, she founded the Asura Palace, which is getting bigger and bigger, and even now the whole China is close to one-tenth of the city. Even the thirty-forty has the shadow of Asura Palace. Now that the Three Great Influences are in power, it is really special for someone to develop his power so much! It is no exaggeration to say that Asura Palace can basically be regarded as the strongest group of small personal powers under China's Three Great Influences.

The combined power of the entire Asura Palace is enough to surpass the Heavenly Capital Eight Great Families. There may be some gaps between the real TLevel 2 powers, but the gap is definitely not big! Even above the Eight Great Families TLevel 3 other forces!

But now she hopes more...No, until now, she hopes her grandfather is in good health!

Lin Xuan saved her grandfather, she must be grateful.

"Grandfather, you take a two-day rest, and I will take you back to Lin'an City to find him in two days."

"Xuan Xuan, grandfather is a drag on you."

Bai Haojun said lightly patted Bai Xuanxuan's hand.

"Grandfather, what are you talking about? You are Xuan Xuan's only relative now. As long as grandfather is in good health, Xuan Xuan is the happiest person in the world. Xuan Xuan will definitely find a way to cure grandfather. Yes, that Lin Xuan saved grandfather. He is the benefactor of our Bai Family. No matter what you give, you must repay her."

"If it wasn't for grandfather to come to you for a while, grandfather would not have trouble. I won’t worry you anymore."

"What did you say grandfather? It's my problem. Xuan Xuan should accompany grandfather more instead of just leaving for a month. We will stay in the future. In Lin'an City, it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you have a grandfather at home."

Bai Haojun sighed.

"Lin'an City, is the root of our Bai Family."

"Alright grandfather, we will go back in two days, it's late, you hurry to rest."

"Well, you should rest earlier!"

After Bai Haojun returned to the house, Bai Xuanxuan's eyes changed, she was not like a good girl at all, she was light purple. The eyes were very mysterious, deep and beautiful, and then she took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Help me look up a person named Lin Xuan in Lin'an. Give you five minutes. I want all his information."

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