Right now!

The picture on the light screen changes again!

【Third place - Destrudos - Cerebro! 】

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the name of the Death Dragon Destrudos!

To know!

The Death Dragon Destrudos was transformed from the artificial mecha Zero by merging the power of monsters.

Plus the control of the D4 line and Cerebros.

It must be more terrifying than the man-made mecha Zero that Ultraman Noah destroyed!

The results of it?

The result is that such a monster can only be ranked third?

They feel a little too low!

As for Celebolo... this guy's abilities all focus on resourcefulness.

My own fighting power is equivalent to none!

【What is the ending of Ultraman Zeta?……】

【It's quite a classic defense team who created a father for himself!】

【This kind of thing is really not uncommon in the Ultraman world.】

【It would be a bit strange if the defense team didn't create a father for themselves! 】

Everyone nodded silently when they saw this.

Look at how many monsters are created by humans themselves!

Nothing to say!

【But the one created this time is much stronger than the one in Ultraman Galaxy S!】

【Death Dragon Destrudos】

【It was originally a man-made mecha Zero, but after being controlled by Celebro】

【He absorbed monsters from all over the world and finally became this monster】

【The scariest thing about this guy is the D4 line on his chest】

【The terrifying power can even destroy time and space!】

【The Victrim Cannon in Ultraman Galaxy S is like a younger brother in front of the D4 line! 】

No one is surprised by this!

After all... the Armory is a well-known black technology team!

Te Miao directly controls robots fighting dozens of meters away.

The manufacturing materials can even fight against monsters personally!

This is something that the Defense Team in Ultraman Galaxy S does not have!

【Destrudos's normal attack is also quite terrifying.】

【Like breath and thunder blast】

【Can easily destroy defense teams all over the world!】

【Zeta's first battle with the Death Dragon Destrudos was to protect King Red's egg】

【At this time, Mecha Zero has absorbed quite a few monsters.】

【Having just turned into Destrudos, his strength is quite terrifying!】

【Zeta was injured in the last battle and had to protect King Red's egg.】

【What's more important is that the heroine Yoko was parasitized by Celebolo and was trapped in Destrudos' body.】

【It can be said that all the negative buffs have been filled up!】

【The opponent has rough skin and thick flesh】

【Whether it’s Alpha Armor’s cosmic punch attack or Gamma’s future form’s shaking light attack.】

【There is no way to hurt Destrudos】

【The setting is such that even Beta's stone attack, which Zeta is proud of, cannot damage it at all.】

【Finally, Zeta used Gamma Future Form with Dyna, standing on the right and facing the wave with D4 line! 】

Just see here.

Everyone understood the result.

Good guy!

Beria just met Dyna.

They can all lose to the right wave.

Not to mention your future form of Gamma with the power of Dyna!

100% lose!

The fact is what everyone thought!

【In this battle, Zeta and Yaohui were seriously injured.】

【And Destrudos's destruction continues】

【At the same time, due to Cerebro's instigation】

【Former armory members are under serious suspicion and censorship】

【The armory base is controlled by a group of agents!】

【The armory, one of the highest combat capabilities in the Zeta world, was once in chaos. 】

Everyone didn’t want to talk when they saw this.

Good guy!

So do all the top brass of your Ultraman World Defense Force have their heads covered?

You dare to control the armory where human bodies are located. besides!

There don't seem to be many people who can control those mechas!

You kept members of the Armory from taking action.

Isn't this just cutting off one's arm?

Absolutely amazing!

The top brass of the Earth Defense Force are stunned!

【The situation at this time can be said to be internal and external troubles!】

【But who is our captain of Shecang? He is Jiagulla who has lived for tens of thousands of years!】

【Led the team to take back the armory.】

【Reorganize the mecha and start fighting! 】

Now the people on Earth who are watching the light curtain no longer want to talk.

Why are your defense teams still trying to fight for power at this time?

The earth is about to fall!

It was even an alien captain who led the team to regain the last hope.


They were really convinced!

【After wreaking havoc around the world, Destrudos returns to this book again】

【All three special air planes in the armory were also dispatched!】

【But still can't beat it】

【Destrudos flying in the air】

【The Jinguqiao driven by Yaohui also caught the opponent】

【In the face-to-face situation, Yoko was finally rescued】

【Later, with the help of Yoko, he completed a very exciting transformation in front of everyone.】

【This time, Zeta used the Delta Claw form first to fight Destrudos.】

【After fighting for a while, Destrudos released the D4 ray again】

【Beibei Jian helped Zeta block a D4 attack】

【However, the explosion from D4 still blew Zeta back to its original form.】

【But people's support for Zeta turned into light and flew towards Zeta】

【This time Zeta fights Destrudos in his original form】

【After a hard battle, we entered the wave-matching phase.】

【Zeta shoots out a Z-shaped Zestium beam】

【Finally defeated Destrudos!】

【The death dragon Destrudos represents a kind of death and oppression】

【This is also the origin of the codename Death Dragon.】

【It is a product of the Celebolo Civilization Destruction Game and another classic masterpiece of the Human Defense Force.】

【In the end of Zeta, in addition to the powerful boss, Celebolo also used tricks to cause human beings to fight within themselves.】

【Zeta's decisive battle took place in an atmosphere of internal and external troubles】

【Moreover, Zeta's fighting is not like other Ultraman's.】

【After gaining strength, kill the boss instantly!】

【Flashing red lights, turning people's hope into power and hitting the monster】

【He used all his strength to defeat Destrudos】


The Kingdom of Light...

Ace looked at Zeta beside him.

His eyes were full of relief.

The little guy from before who couldn’t use his legs, feet or light well.

The growth is truly unexpected!

I have to say that the human body chosen by Zeta is quite good.

No Yaohui.

It is impossible for Zeta to grow so much.

He is indeed my brother!

Well done!

And there is this guy Celebolo...

This parasitic race is really difficult to deal with!

Any cosmic creature or monster that can parasitize or turn into a human being.

Basically they are the most difficult type.

It's easy to manage if your brain is not working well.

If you have a better mind.

All can cause human beings to fall into internal strife.

At that time, he was still walking under the identity of Beidou Star Division.

I have not suffered less from these guys!

He even had the Yamanaka team members beat him up.


Zeta is also pitiful.

The culprits behind it all are parasites.

Still the type with a pretty good mind.

When the defense forces disarmed the armory.

This little guy must be feeling quite uncomfortable!

Think of that feeling of not being understood.

Ace let out a long sigh.

As for Zeta... the tail is even raised a bit! snort!

The final enemy I faced was quite terrifying!

Even before turning into a dead dragon.

They all need Ultraman Noah to eliminate them! and!

My fight even started after gaining the power of hope for humanity.

There is no way to kill the Death Dragon Destrudos instantly.

This also shows the power of this guy!

My name, Zeta, will definitely be resounding throughout the world!

It is Zeta's greatest wish to spread his fame.

You can't embarrass your brother, Dharma King Ace!

Although now Ace... is basically linked to Shao Zai's brutality... (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The World of Armored Warriors...

Looking at the picture in the light curtain, Xinnan no longer knew what to say.

Good guy!

Is there no other way for you Ultraman to fight the final boss?

I’ve watched so many final bosses.

He finally discovered it.

Ultraman was able to defeat the final boss in the end, and 90% of the reason seemed to be the blessing of Ultraman's spiritual power!

I know that you Ultraman are products of idealism.

But can you please stop being so outrageous!

The way to defeat monsters is the same.

Basically, the power of human hope acts on Ultraman.

Then Ultraman exploded directly!

Kill the enemy after the explosion.

This is like the defense team making its own father[]

It has become a routine in the Ultraman world! certainly!

The same goes for the second rider in Kamen Rider World who must jump back!


It’s so outrageous!

Is the power of idealism really that terrifying?

They armored warriors don’t seem to have such power!

At this time, Xinnan didn't know Xiangyang yet.

Therefore, there is no specific concept of spiritual power blessing.……


Kamen Rider 01 World……

"The defense team committed suicide to make a father, Ultraman appeared, Ultraman was defeated, and Ultraman received the blessing of human idealism…`…"


"The last two bosses must have been solved this way!"

Some people said that they can guess how the boss will be defeated later.

There are still more ways for their Kamen Riders to defeat the final boss.

Ultraman is like that!

It seems that Tiga was the one who started it!

After all, before Showa The monsters of the period did not seem to be blessed by spiritual power.

It was even said that the final boss of the first generation, Jayton, was killed instantly by humans using technology!

But small probability events are not included in this!Zi did not speak.

If it is really done this way.

There is no way a monster has a final boss!

It's special, just copy the previous method.

How about fighting the final boss right from the start!


At this time, the picture in the light curtain changes again!

【Second place - Rugerset! 】

When everyone saw this monster, they were even more surprised!

Now the white blood cells in the universe can only rank second.

What kind of monster is the first one?

However, this idea was quickly forgotten.

There is also relatively little information about Lugoset.

Of course, we have to take a closer look at the capabilities of this cosmic white blood cell!

As for the first place... wait it will be played soon?

【Lugoset, the white blood cell of the universe】

【Because of the color of the body and the dragon-shaped body, it is called Cailong for short.】

【The mission is to clean up the garbage in the universe】

【Cailong also completed his task perfectly at the beginning.】

【It's a pity that Tregchia tampered with it】

【So view the earth as a hazard in the universe】

【It is necessary to remove the earth as garbage】

【That is destruction in the physical sense!】

【In this regard, they were blocked by the first generation Rob brothers and sisters.】

【Although the first-generation Rob brothers and sisters blocked Lugoset’s attack,】

【But the first generation Rob brothers still died.】

【The surviving sister lives on earth under the pseudonym Mei Jiansha Ji.】

【Time has come for Ultraman Rob's ending】

【Lugoset invades Earth again】

【The mother of the Minato brothers saw the scene of her sons dying in battle in another dimension.】

【So they confiscated their two transformers and placed them with their father. ]

Seeing this, everyone didn’t know what to say.

There is indeed nothing wrong with you loving your son... but damn... what will other humans do if you do this? besides!

The earth is gone.

It seems like your two sons won’t survive either!

Might as well give it a try!

The fate of the Ultraman world... is not fixed!

They still don’t believe in the monster that changes their destiny!

Ultraman can reverse time!

Can't you change the future?

【So this time only the beautiful sword Saki transformed into Queen Gergio to fight against the colorful dragon Rugoset】

【They basically played an entire episode! 】(Excellent)【Queen Gergio's firepower is indeed powerful, but the damage to the colorful dragon is still too much.】

【As for Cailong……】

【Completely unilaterally defeating the beautiful sword Saki's transformation into Queen Gergio】

【In the end, Meijian Saki couldn't bear it anymore.】

【During this period, the Minato brothers finally got the transformer back through talking.……】

Everyone here was completely speechless!


You people in the Ultraman world seem to be even more outrageous than the people in the Armor Warrior world for selling your teammates!

The Armored Warriors sell their teammates openly and honestly.

You are here to be actors!

Being an actor is the most hated thing!


If she had transformed earlier, she would have been able to defeat the opponent with the help of the beautiful sword Shaji transformed into Queen Gergio!


It’s so outrageous!

I have absolutely no idea what the hell you couple are doing!

The earth is gone.

Don’t you all have it in your family?

【After getting the transformers, the Minato brothers quickly transformed into Rosso and Brutal.】

【He stood in front of the beautiful sword Sha Ji and protected her.】

【Then started a confrontation with Cailong】

【Although Duibo successfully blocked the attack of the colorful dragon Lugoset, the explosion still caused the two brothers to be knocked down.】

【The colorful dragon attacks again】

【This time it was Meijian Shaji's turn to help the two brothers block the light.】

【But Queen Gergio, who was already bruised and bruised, could not be Cailong's opponent.】

【His body was penetrated instantly and he sacrificed heroically! 】

Seeing this, everyone can only say it is reasonable!

That's so reasonable!

Want to improve your strength?

Sacrifice your teammates! Boys!

As long as Rosso and Blue show up early.

Maybe by cooperating with Queen Gergio, even if Cailong can't kill Shuai.

But it can consume more energy to some extent!

The two of you were blown down...

It's all because you were too hasty to block the light, right?.

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