Right now!

The picture on the light screen changes!

【Fifth place - The extremely evil Beria! 】

After seeing this person, everyone had a playful smile on their faces.

Can we finally see the scene about bringing up a dutiful son in Ultraman?

【The finale of Ultraman Geed can also be called the Civil War of Delta Claws】

【It is said that on this day, Beria relied on Liyi dressed as a woman to approach Fushii Ide K.】

【The Strum organ was taken out of his body.】

【Beria can finally be resurrected after drinking this green stuff! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

Good guy!

Geed, you have something good!

Beria can be both a father and a mother!

Directly occupied by both men and women!

How on earth was your boy born?

【As for Izuku Fushii, who lost Strum’s organ, his life will not be long.】

【After resurrecting, Belial used the power of Dark Lukiel and Ampera.】

【Became the most evil Belial】

【At the same time, he absorbed the power of the Ultra King in the universe.】

【I can't say whether this form of Beria the Evil is powerful or not.】

【But treating hunchback is quite effective!】

【It stands to reason that after Bea is alive, he should first go to the Kingdom of Light to find trouble with those people.】

【However, he still came to the earth first and performed the classic opera Huxiao Villa with his son Gede! 】

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

What is Huxiao Villa?

It's obviously Wuthering Heights, right?


Speaking of which, Beria is quite interesting.

I really like my son.

He forgot about revenge and went to see his son immediately.

It's a pity that I met a filial son

【After the extremely evil Belial came to Earth, he first fought with Zero】

【Originally, Zero's wireless form could still give him a back-and-forth fight with Beria.】

【But Izuku Fushii, a guy who has been brainwashed by Beria, doesn’t follow martial ethics.】

【Kidnapped the family of Zero's human body】

【As a result, Zero was once deflated!】

【Fortunately, I met Laiye, one of the ceilings of human combat power.】

【Saved Renren's family】

【Geed also appeared on the stage and began to perform the famous scene of father's kindness and 27 sons' filial piety.】

【However, even in the Emperor form, he still can't defeat Beria!】

【Fortunately, at the critical moment, Sero injected the dissolving enzyme into Beria's body.】

【Weakened Belial's power】

【Of course, Zero was also beaten back to the human body.】

【Ultra's father comes to the rescue】

【Opening the barrier restricted Beria's time for twenty hours】

【Geed also got a rare rest time】

【After Ultra's father ran out of energy, Geed appeared again】

【The final showdown with his father Beria】

【Even if Beria is weakened】

【It’s still a bit difficult for Geed to defeat Beria.】

【So Jie De also began not to talk about martial ethics.】

【He also shook out his other forms】

【A righteous gang fight began!】

【A large-scale scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety is staged!】

【After Belial was beaten by a group of sons, he was taken to the dimensional rift by Geed.】

【After a period of tearful memories, the father and son began to talk about the wave.】

【As a result, Geed was obviously on the left, but he actually won the wave.】

【Destroyed Beria!】

【Maybe he was influenced by Dyna when he was resurrected in Beria!】

【As we all know, since ancient times, everyone has lost against Bo on the left, except for that pig Dyna! ]

Seeing this, everyone didn’t know what to say.

Light Screen, you are so malicious towards Dyna!

But... everyone can win against the wave on the right, but you, Dyna, lost.

It seems a bit outrageous indeed!

【This time Beria can finally rest in peace...what a ghost!】

【The time has come for Fushii Ide K to disappear completely.】

【The most difficult part of Geed's final boss is the evil Belial who possesses Dark Lukiel and Amperra, two very terrifying enemies.】

【Moreover, the extremely evil Belial also absorbed the power of the Ultra King, one of the mysterious Four Oddities, from the universe.】

【This is also the reason why even Geed, who possesses the power of the Ultra King in his emperor form, cannot defeat Beria.】

【There is only one other person who has the mysterious power of the Four Mysteries who can defeat him!】

【But fortunately, the protagonist group is quite awesome!】

【Humans made a lytic enzyme that weakened Belial, and Zero helped fight.……】

【The father of Ultra also restrained Beria for twenty hours!】

【In the final analysis, Geed is facing an extremely evil Beria who has only a few health points and no blue.】

【So it can only be ranked fifth!】

【From this point of view, it’s not strange for you, Geed, to have your copy stolen by Zero.】


The Kingdom of Light... looked at the words in the light curtain.

Zero scratched his head in embarrassment.

I didn’t mean to steal the copy of Geed!

Who let the guy Beria appear in the Geed copy?

In addition, he was indeed seriously injured at the time.

I can’t blame myself!

Xiao Lu!

I hope you won't blame me!

If only Xiao Lu knew what Zero was thinking at this time.

It would probably be quite frustrating.

All your favorites have been snatched up.

Is it useful to say this now?

As for the other Ultra brothers, they looked at the fighting power of Beria the Evil.

He also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Beria has been completely praised by Ged!

It will never appear again! etc!

At this time, the people of the Kingdom of Time suddenly noticed.

The light curtain said that Beria was completely free, but it was strange to be followed by another one!

Could it be that Beria is not dead yet?


Beria, how many times have you been resurrected?

It’s not so outrageous!

This unscientific!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World... looked at the picture in the light curtain.

Li Haotian's eyes were full of surprise!

Good guy!

The father and son pair of Geed and Beria are extraordinary!

Belial can change both genders.

He even showed his heart to his subordinates!

Later, he had the power of two quite terrifying enemies from the Kingdom of Light.

The body also absorbed the energy of the Ultra King.

Geed even has the mysterious four forms.

The fighting ability of you father and son is truly terrifying!

Speaking of which... why are you both able to harness the power of the Ultra King?

Absorbing the power of the Ultra King in the universe...

Are the mysterious Four Ultras dead?

How can it be!

The power of the mysterious four is the most advanced thing they have ever seen!

It is impossible for such an existence to disappear!


Kamen Rider Emperor World...

Brother Xiao Ming doesn't want to say anything anymore.

Everything in Ultraman Geed is a bit beyond Xiao Ming's expectations.

The mysterious four powers.

The power of two incredibly terrifying enemies.

Even Ultraman appeared several times!

A battle of this level is truly unimaginable!

Before, they thought that the battle between Geed and Beria was a simple battle between father and son.

It doesn't look like that at all now.

Beria is a very scary guy!

It's not what they imagined before!


At this time, the picture of the light curtain changes again!

【Fourth place - Maga Yamata no Orochi!】

【Jagura pretends to be captured and induces humans to launch missiles】

【Promoted the birth of Maga Yamata no Orochi】

【This guy has terrifying power and will devour everything around him!】

【Even Uub's eight-point light wheel can only be eaten as a biscuit by Maga Yamata no Orochi!】

【When Maga Yamata no Orochi appeared, he carried out crazy destruction to the city.】

【The urban area is a scene of doomsday! 】

When everyone saw the destructive power of Maga Yamata no Orochi, everyone was dumbfounded!

None of the final enemies that appeared before seemed to have caused so much damage to the city!

From this alone, you can see how terrifying the power of Maga Yamata no Orochi is!

【Hong Kai transforms into fighting with him】

【First, he fought in the dark form, but unexpectedly, he was hung up by Maga Yamata no Orochi and beaten violently!】

【Then use Uub's original form】

【As a result, the laser shot out made the opponent drink it up like soup. 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So this guy is the ultimate evolution plus version of Ultraman Taiga!

Can swallow the power of Ultraman's light

【Orb was quickly beaten to the point where he lost all energy.】

【If it doesn’t work once, of course there will be World War II.】

【After a rather handsome transformation, Orb transformed again! 】

Everyone in the victory team looked at Diga flying next to Hong Kai with eyes full of doubts. , this new generation of Ultraman.

If you don't borrow the power of other Ultraman, you won't be able to fight!

【Uub appeared again and used heavy light form and explosive flame form to fight Maga Yamata no Orochi.】

【I don’t know why I didn’t use the blast form】

【On the other side, the second female lead Jagula fell into depression】

【After being encouraged by the female lead Naomi, she decided to go to help Uub】

【What a harem reconciliation of the century!】

【Long live Jagura has officially become the harem sister of the heroine Naomi! 】

After seeing this, everyone in the Zeta World Armory looked at Jagula silently.[]

Let Jagula's mentality collapse instantly!


It’s not that bitch Hong Kai’s harem that I’m particularly interested in!

And my special one is obviously the second male lead!

The most amazing one is the second female lead!

【I think Jakura is just a tsundere, and he won't transform unless someone scolds him. 】

Everyone in the armory nodded silently... which made Jagula's mentality even more broken.

【Then the two worked together to fight the boss】

【On the other side, humans also discovered the weakness of Maga Yamata no Orochi】

【Team Witte concentrated their firepower on the monster's weak point, the jaw.】

【By the way, how many times is this the Witt team's appearance?】

【It seems to be the third time!】

【The defense team with the least sense of existence is you, Team Witt!】

【After being prompted by the SSP team, the two Orbs struck hard.】

【Severely injured Maga Yamata no Orochi's jaw】

【In the end, Jagula single-handedly restrained Maga Yamata-no-Orochi】

【Orb releases a beam of ancestors】

【As for why it is the light of ancestors and ancestors……】

【Uub, don’t you know your special debt king?】

【Isn’t it your boy who started the tradition of borrowing power from the new generation?】

【In the end, Maga Yamata no Orochi was successfully eliminated!】

【Jakula also took the opportunity to leave】

【The difficulty of the ending of the Orb dungeon is mainly due to the fact that Maga Yamata no Orochi is too scary.】

【As soon as it appears, it gives people a terrifying sense of oppression.】

【It also caused the greatest damage to the city.】

【But fortunately, Orb is not fighting alone.】

【The whole world is waiting for him, but the whole world is also helping him】

【Not only did the harem Jagula help, but humans also found the monsters' weaknesses.】

【But even so】

【Maga Yamata no Orochi's sense of oppression is also quite terrifying.】

【Even with everyone's help, this battle is not easy.】


The Kingdom of Light...

Maga Yamata no Orochi is indeed a very scary guy!

After all, all the demon beasts on that earth were sealed by the Kingdom of Light.

Among them is Moge Orochi.

That is the initial form of Maga Yamata no Orochi.

If only the Moge Serpent could evolve successfully at that time.

Things are not easy to handle!

I don't know how big a disaster it will cause.

It may not even be easy for one person to defeat Maga Yamata no Orochi!

But things were resolved perfectly.

Whether it was the Demon King beast they sealed in the past or Uub's battle against Maga Yamata no Orochi later.

At least everything is solved!

It’s just a little hiccup in the middle!

130 Speaking of which, Jagula is quite interesting.

He and Orb have been in love and fighting each other for who knows how many years.

In the end, she ended up becoming Hong Kai's harem.

Poor guy!


The world of Ultraman Zeta... looked at the words in the light screen.

Jagula is so angry!

Very meow!

You little bitch, Light Screen, you know how to mess with me, right?

Um? ? ? ? ?

What I particularly like is Hong Kai’s harem?

Stop being funny!

Totally impossible!

I am willing to help Hongkai.

He couldn't stand the fact that Hong Kai, the guy who had learned fighting skills from him before, was beaten violently!

His Hongkai fighting ability.

And when he first became Ultraman.

They all taught me how to fight.

So it’s all to prevent your reputation from being damaged!

It's definitely not to help Hongkai!

It’s just for myself!

That's right!

That's it!

Also, Naomi is nothing!

It is impossible to compete with myself for the position of the first heroine!

Um? wrong!

Damn it, I'm not the heroine at all!

Also, Light Screen, are you calling me arrogant?

Am I arrogant?

I'm not arrogant at all, okay?

"Do you think I'm arrogant?"

Jagula looked at Yoko and the others with threatening eyes.

Regarding this...

Yoko and the others were not afraid of Jagoura at all. They all nodded, Captain, you are so arrogant! You almost made Jagoura angry to death.

Now I'm going to conquer Xanadu. Is it already this serious?

You just want to make me mad and take my place!

It must be like this!


What good does it do you to make me mad!


The Armored Warrior Nava World...

General Duanmu looked at Maga Yamata no Orochi in the light curtain.

His eyes were full of shock!

Maga Yamata no Orochi is completely the proplusmax version of Ula!

Ula could only simply devour it.

Maga Yamata no Orochi...

Temeow's devouring ability is a very simple mechanism, right!

Those energy attacks on his body look terrifying!

Let a city turn into a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant!

Saw so many monsters.

One that can cause such damage to a city in an instant.

It seems that there is only Maga Yamata no Orochi!


It’s really extraordinary!

No wonder Light Screen counted the non-ban monsters at that time.

The final boss is eliminated by default.

Look at these monsters.

Why not ban?


There is even a guy who possesses some of the power of the mysterious Four Omen!

The devouring ability is the most rubbish!

There are many people who ignore Ultraman's light!


If these monsters appear in your own world... you can definitely play GG!.

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