Right now!

The picture on the light screen changes again!

【Next is our teacher Eddie】

【Ultraman Eddie, three monsters on the list! 】

When everyone saw this, they were all dumbfounded!

After all, in their eyes.

The representative Ultraman of the Showa era are 100% the Ultra Brothers!

The other Ultra Warriors really don’t count!

Ultraman Eddie has only been seen before.

It also appeared in the Ultra Warrior family bucket displayed in front of the light curtain.

I have never seen the battle process of this Ultra Warrior! besides!

The appearance of this Ultra Warrior is also quite recognizable!

The strength seems to be pretty good!

After all, three of the monsters we battle are going to be banned!

None of the monsters that appear in this video are fuel-efficient lights!

【Gajira, Mecca Chiras, Tsilasima】

【The first one is Showa Ye Fu! 】


Everyone is confused!

Showa leaf rot?

How many times has Ye Fu’s name appeared!

They could only briefly know some information about leaf rot.

But the specific information was not revealed at all by Light Curtain!

Another one who can be called a monster from Showa...

He is definitely not a simple character!

【The first is Gazela】

【Monster battles are not like Ultraman fighting monsters.】

【As a huge organism like a monster】

【Because of his huge weight, his movements will definitely not be as flexible as Ultraman's.】

【Not as clever as Ultraman】

【From that position and angle, you can accurately knock out Gazela's amplifier.】

【You can only try your luck like a fool】

【Let's see if we can disable Gazela's rebound device.】

【If you're lucky, snap!】

【This will completely destroy Gazela's rebound ability!】

【But if you are unlucky, you can hit him with a hundredfold increase in damage without destroying Gazela's rebound device.】

【Then what greets you is an attack that has been amplified a hundred times!】

【One punch will give you seconds!】

【So this kind of undead monster is almost immune to physical attacks and energy attacks.】

【It’s better to get banned as soon as possible! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

Completely confused!

Good guy!

What's the meaning?

So Gazela can rebound other people's attacks?

Although the light curtain did not introduce Gajera's abilities in detail.

But just look at the introduction of this content.

They were also able to guess Gazela's abilities!

Since it's called Showa Yefu... so Yefu's specific abilities are similar to Gazela's?

Can 287 reflect other people's attacks? wrong!

It should be said that Ye Fu is stronger!

After all... why isn't Ye Fu called Heisei Gajela?

It can only be said that Ye Fu is more powerful!

I really hope to see all the skills introduction of Ye Fu!

How can it be repaired?

Light Screen, you know something.

Wouldn't it be better for us to see Ye Fu earlier?


The Kingdom of Light... looked at the picture in the light curtain.

Max, the fastest and strongest, had a look of horror in his eyes. to be honest!

From this point of view, Gazela's abilities are really similar to Ye Fu's!

It's just that Ye Fu was attacked by the outside world.

Able to do so at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Evolve instantly!

And there are no limitations of the reflective device, which means there are no weaknesses!

Compared with Yefu, Gazela has a little more limitations.

There is just one more fatal weakness!

I didn’t expect the former Eddie senior.

He actually fought against such a monster!

When he fought against Ye Fu.

You really should take a closer look at how Eddie-senpai should deal with this kind of monster!

It's a pity...

Gazela is really too unpopular.

Even Max.

At that time, no one thought that Ye Fu and Gajela were similar.


But that's all over.

It’s useless to think so much!

Eddie looked at the picture in the light screen and smiled. have to say.

At the beginning, he faced Gazela's rebound ability.

That’s quite a headache!

I let myself feel deflated for a long time!

Fortunately, Gajela's weakness was discovered later.

Otherwise, I really don’t know how I can defeat such a guy!


The world of armored warriors is... confused!

Everyone is confused!

Xinnan and the others never thought of it.

There are actually monsters with such abilities!

Can reflect the opponent's attack.

It can even enhance the attack amplification...

Such a guy.

It’s really hard to fight.

Your attacks have no effect on others.

What about others?

Easily bounces your attacks back.

It even increased its power several times.

This would be like being hit by an attack a hundred times more powerful.

He would probably die instantly!

It can be said that this ability is also very simple.

But it is a very troublesome ability to deal with!

If it weren't for this monster's obvious weakness.

That is if the rebound device can be destroyed.

No matter what kind of Ultra Warrior it is, it's hard to beat this guy!

Such monsters should be banned!

If this kind of monster is not banned.

You can't finish it at all!


It’s so outrageous! fine!

Fortunately, the supernatural beast thing.

These abilities have not yet been discovered.

Otherwise... the future battles will be quite difficult!

I hope Light Curtain can create an inventory of the monsters in their Armored Warriors world.

This way we can at least know some things like the weaknesses of the supernatural beasts.


Kamen Rider Tokio World...

I'm stupid!

Everyone in Tokiwa Village was dumbfounded.


Can you tell me how to deal with such a monster with the power of time?

The lifespan of each monster is unknown.

Even if you have the ability to go back to the past time.

I don’t even know when I will go back!

Why do monsters have such abilities!

More importantly.

This thing is still a manufactured mechanical monster!

What kind of race can produce such a guy?

This rebound technology alone.

As long as it can be loaded on the mask.

Just become invincible!

When humans fight against them, they won't be like mindless mechanical monsters like Gazera.

The battle between humans is a battle of wits and courage!

Want to destroy the rebound device.

It's not that simple!


I'm jealous!

I wish I could get a rebound device too……


The video is played again on the light screen at this time

【mecca chilas……】

【Robot monsters designed and controlled by Bam people】

【If you just look at this】

【Almost everyone will think that this guy is a mechanical monster made by an ordinary space person.】

【But this guy has a pretty buggy ability!】

【Freely travel between the four-dimensional space and the real world! 】

See here.

Everyone is stupid!

Good guy!

Your Ultraman world is really outrageous!

Tell me!

How many monsters are there now that can travel between the real world and other worlds?

Some are even able to survive within the realm of time and space.

Is this kind of monster really something humans can deal with? ah!

It turns out that Ultraman is fighting.

That’s okay! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ultraman's combat power is definitely not comparable to that of humans.

What a ghost!!!!!

Why can you Ultra Warriors easily fight against monsters like this that are not in the real world?~

【This ability alone is enough to make Megakilas invincible.】

【You can see that thing in the fourth-dimensional world, but you can't hit it!】

【If this is in a monster battle】

【The monster trainer and Megachiras enter the fourth dimensional space together】

【Go directly to the opponent's monster trainer to cause trouble】

【Only Bruton can block it!】

【ah! Bruton has been banned】

【That’s okay!】

【Moreover! This guy can also interpret it perfectly】

【What do you mean I can't beat you but you can't beat me either!】

【The main thing is to be meticulous!】

【So let’s ban it!】[]

Everyone nodded when they saw this.

That's right!

Monsters like this should be banned!

That's outrageous!


The Kingdom of Light...

Teacher Eddie is really not particularly impressed by Megakilas.

After all, this guy only has the ability (bibb) to travel through the fourth-dimensional space, which is why he is difficult to deal with.


It’s not like the Kingdom of Light doesn’t have corresponding means of restraint.

The thing about teleporting light in different dimensions is not a decoration.

If you go to the fourth dimensional space, just go.

I'll pull it out for you directly!

What made him frustrated at that time was entirely because the old man from Bam Star destroyed his transformation ability!

As long as you can transform yourself.

I've beaten out the shit from these two guys a long time ago!

Where is the opportunity to destroy the UGM radar base in the past?

So... the most difficult people to deal with are the cosmic people!

Everyone is the sixth child!

He starts playing dirty tricks at every turn!

Absolutely abominable!

By the way...

Megachilas is nothing to the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light.

But when it comes to the battle between monsters... it's really a bit disgusting!

Plus Bruton, the old neighbor from the fourth dimension.

If these two guys want to be stubborn.

There are really not many monsters that can kill them!


The world of Armored Warrior Xingtian... is confused!

Everyone is confused!

Li Haotian really didn't understand.

Why are so many outrageous monsters appearing in the Ultraman world?

To know.

Human technology has reached this point.

Each dimension can only exist in the imagination.

As a result, you Ultraman can even fight in another dimension?

More importantly.

There really is life in other dimensions.

You humans in the Ultraman world are really in trouble!

Now Li Haotian can understand it.

Why can the world of Ultraman produce so many black technology battles?

Can a black technology team not be born?

Tell me what kind of guys you face!

There is no easy opponent.

Even the most common monsters.

They all have unimaginable strange powers and defenses!

This is not something that humans can understand at all!


I hope that everything in the Ultraman world will never come to our world!

Otherwise, there really is nothing that can stop these guys!


The world of Kamen Rider Levis...

Aguilera looked at Megachiras who traveled across dimensions.

His eyes were shining and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Time, space, and dimensions are things that their Kamen Riders cannot imagine. you say!

When will Kamen Rider be able to travel through dimensions? really!

There are time-type Kamen Riders!

But the strength is comparable to those monsters in the Ultraman world that can control time.

There is still a certain gap.

There are only a few Kamen Riders who can become gods.

Can you protect yourself in front of Ultraman?


Akileira now just wants to gain the same power as Ultraman.

There are Kamen Riders who have gained the power of Ultraman.

Can you do it yourself?


At this time, the light curtain screen comes to the last monster of Ultraman Eddie

【Cilasima, this monster was banned for the same reason as King Yama】

【King Yama needs to rely on Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to suppress him】

【Cilasima needs Guanyin Bodhisattva to seal it】

【This reason alone is enough to get Tsirasima banned.】

【Have no idea!】

【Without their nemesis, these two guys would simply be immortal!】

【Tell me how to fight?】

【ban ban! 】

Everyone didn’t know what to say when they saw this.

Good guy.

Monsters can actually be related to the legend of our Dragon Kingdom...

Could it be that there are many monsters in our Dragon Kingdom?


【Speaking of which... Cilasima and King Yama even appear for the same reason!】

【King Yama broke the seal because a rich man committed suicide】

【This is even more true for Tsilasima!】

【It’s all the fault of human beings themselves!】


The Kingdom of Light... looked at the last emotion of the light curtain.

Taylor and Eddie looked at each other...

Hey! no way!

Human beings’ ability to commit suicide is indeed full~!

Ultra warriors who had the same origin as humans hundreds of thousands of years ago felt this deeply.

But it's also because of human beings' ability to seek death.

Only then could their Kingdom of Light be born.

Otherwise, there is still that race that has the courage, even if the parent star explodes.

Being able to create something like plasma sparks.

Human beings seek death not only by greed but also by curiosity.

Curiosity is also an important factor in the development of human beings to this day!

Although it is said that these two monsters were released because of greed... but!

You two monsters are not good monsters and you are right, that’s it!

Dealing with you will also allow more humans to survive.

They don't feel sorry for the monster


The world of Ultraman Tiga...

Dagu, who had just experienced the time of Ida Jingryu, looked at the picture in the light screen.

A long sigh.


The greed deep inside human beings cannot be suppressed.

But some people can control it very well.

Some people just can't.

But you guys are going too far by releasing the monsters, you know?


That thing like Su Nagui has been sealed for how long.

Even Ida Jingryu reminded you.

You must seek death!




Armored Warrior Nava World...

Duanmu General's soldiers were all numb.

Good guy!

The humans in the Ultraman world are indeed talented!

How many monsters have appeared now that humans have created by seeking their own death!

You said you should do less things.

Can there be a lot less monsters?

I really don’t know what these guys are thinking.

As a person who has no worries about food and clothing and whose family conditions are very good.

General Duanmu has no way of understanding the thoughts of those whose hearts are occupied by greed.

I know there are monsters in my world.

That seal has something to do with monsters.

You actually have the ability to lift the seal.

Tell me... no one with any brains can do such a thing!

General Duanmu now wants to go over and see what these guys are thinking in their heads.

What good does it do you to let so many people die!.

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