At this time, the picture in the light curtain continues to play

【King Gulant—no need to say more about this guy!】

【The ceiling of the Showa combined monster!】

【It’s better that such lecherous things as King Qiangbo don’t appear in front of King Gulant! 】

When everyone saw the appearance of King Gulant.

That bone-deep shock appears again!

Even if I saw this guy in Galaxy’s video last time.

But it has to be said.

That shocking feeling will never go away!

【Tyrant can only be a younger brother in front of King Gulant.】

【It is also the only legendary monster in the entire Showa era that can be ranked alongside the boss-level monsters of the Peace Series! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

They really didn't expect it.

The difference between the bosses from the Showa era and the bosses from the Heisei era is so big!

King Grant is Showa's strongest synthetic monster.

Only then can he be the same as Hei Cheng's boss.

The point is!

King Gulant was instantly killed by the former Galaxy!

So... why does Galaxy have so many side dishes?

【None of the six Ultra brothers had any advantage over King Gurant.】

【This was an unprecedented achievement at the time!】

【When the Tyrant team destroyed the Ultra Brothers, these guys went up one by one to deliver them.】

【I won’t play group battles with you at all!】

【The Hippolytes acted directly as a sneak attack!】

【It's not a head-on battle at all!】

【Only King Gurant】

【This guy is facing the six Ultra brothers in a head-on battle alone.】

【In this case, the Ultra brothers are both fighting.】

【This shows the strength of King Gurant】

【So this guy……】

【You'd better take the ban position for me!】

【correct! King Grant in Galaxy Battle is just a spark doll, not King Grant’s true form.】

【So it doesn’t count!】


Kingdom of Light...

The expressions on the faces of all the Ultra brothers were extremely solemn.

It can be said that King Gurant was in that era.

Definitely their biggest enemy!

One of a kind!

At that time, the Ampera planet was not alive yet.

Most of the other cosmic beings who wanted to cause trouble in the universe were also killed.

There are simply not a few monsters that can face the attacks of the six Ultra brothers at the same time.

The result...

King Gurant appeared!

This guy... beat them hard from the front!

They were even about to be wiped out in a head-on battle.

It's a pity...

In the end, they fell into the hands of Super Taro after the five of them transferred their energy to Taro!

A monster that allows Taro to use Super Taro form.

Not much!

But what they didn't expect was.

This kind of King Gurant can be compared with Hei Cheng's boss.

It seems that Ultraman's strength is getting stronger with each generation!

However, the strength of the Ultra warriors in the Heisei period is the same as that in the Showa period.

Humanity has probably been wiped out long ago!


Armor Warrior World……

"King Gurant……"

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

Xinnan stared blankly at the picture in the light screen.

They first saw King Grant in the Galaxy video.

They were just impressed by the opponent's record of being able to destroy the Ultra Brothers.

Now they know after seeing the specific introduction. How terrifying is this guy's strength!


When Tyrant fought against the Ultra Brothers, he defeated them one by one!

He didn't face all the Ultra Brothers at the same time!

There weren't even Tyro and Leo at the time!

Not to mention the Hippolytes.

That guy's appearance clearly wasn't the type of spaceman who was good at fighting.

In the end, he didn't defeat the Ultra brothers through conspiracy and trickery.

As long as he paid attention in advance, he would still be more or less the same. It can be avoided.

But King Gulant is different!

This guy directly attacked the six Ultra brothers!

Even the Ultra brothers who were beaten in the video had no power to fight back! What

's even more terrifying is.

This way The monster can actually be compared with the final boss of the Heisei era...

No wonder the light curtain directly bans all the bosses of the Heisei era.

As long as there is such a monster as a helper, who can beat him?


Kamen Rider Levi's World... looking at King Grant.

Hero Akaashi suddenly had an idea.

If only he could gain control of King Gulant.

We will definitely be able to implement the strategic human degradation policy!

King Grant is a fusion monster after all!

If there were no intervention from cosmic beings.

It is simply impossible to fuse it.

It's a pity that the light curtain did not say what kind of cosmic being made King Grant.

If only we could know the identity of this cosmic person.

Let's see if there is any way to get the ability to travel through parallel time and space later.

Just go and get King Gurant!

Sakura and the others on the other side.

His eyes were full of surprise!

Such a terrifying monster.

How did the Ultra Brothers defeat them at that time?

This guy seems to have full defense!


It’s so outrageous!

It is estimated that the Ultra brothers still have some methods to suppress the bottom of the box that they have not yet used.

It's a pity that the light curtain doesn't let us see it!


At this time, a jeep suddenly appeared on the light screen.

The one sitting on top was Leo, and the person in front who had been avoiding the jeep pursuit was Severn's son Sero!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

What's the meaning?

Why did Ultraman Leo hit Zero with his jeep?

Could it be that the video has changed?

Why is there no title?

When Saiwen from the Kingdom of Light saw this... his face was filled with black lines.……

【Ahem! Ultraman Leo, a monster on the list!】

【The magician in Leo】

【The cosmic magician——Plese star!】

【Apart from the Mysterious Four, I can't think of any Ultraman with a bracelet that can deal with this guy! 】

After seeing the evaluation of the light curtain.

Everyone came back to their senses from the initial scene.

The face is full of surprise!

To know!

There is no weak person who can be related to the mysterious four!

This guy even said that no one can deal with this guy except the mysterious Siao and the bracelet rack?

How terrifying is the strength!

【This guy's magic is so incomprehensible!】

【Choosing this kind of monster is like fighting a monster like you are a baby.】

【It’s not a one-dimensional existence at all!】

【Who the hell is playing with you?】

【There's only one way for this guy!】


【Must be banned】

【I guess even if the Thunderbolts come over, they may not be able to win a fight with this guy!】

【So you, Leonix, still want to control this guy?】

【It would be nice not to be controlled by the past!】

【In the end, if the King of Ultra, one of the mysterious Four Arcanes, hadn’t taken action,】

【Leo has no possibility of late stage!】


The Kingdom of Light... looked at the appearance of the people from Planet Plese.

Leo's body suddenly trembled!

This guy can be said to be the best opponent among all the opponents Leo has ever fought.

The only person who makes Leo feel desperate!

There are all kinds of methods that you can't even imagine.

That alone can be overwhelming.

Let alone any counterattack.

There is no possibility of counterattack at all!

Even myself... was turned into a paper boat no bigger than a paper boat folded by a child on Earth by the Plese Planet!

If not for the Ultra King's intervention.

I have been on earth for a long time!

This guy really needs to be banned!

But... it seems that it is impossible to subdue this guy now!

Even if he won't be controlled by this guy.

You can’t find anyone either!

After all, the Plese Planet never appeared again!

That’s okay!

Then it’ll be okay!

There is no need to worry that the universe will be threatened by the Plashes!

The other Ultra warriors looked at the Plese star with solemn eyes.

They have all heard of the horror of this guy.

Even in the illustrated book of the Kingdom of Light.

They are all ranked among the top cosmic beings in the universe!

If the Baxters hadn't come up with something like the legendary Hyperjetton.

Let Baxter's ranking rise.

I guess this guy can take the first place! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


That's outrageous!

Said that only the mysterious Siao can deal with this guy.

That’s absolutely right!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World……

"Only the mysterious four and the bracelet frame can deal with it'~?"

"I can understand the four mysterious things"

"Why can Ultraman Jack also deal with it?"

Looking at the evaluation of Planet Plese in the light screen,

Li Haotian looked confused.

The mysterious Siao are the first or incarnations of various universes.

There is no doubt about their power.

How can the bracelet rack be on the list?

"Maybe it's because this guy is a magician"[]

"Can the Ultra Bracelet and Ultraman Jack restrain each other?"

Yang Wenxin thought for a moment.

It seemed that this was the only possibility.

Li Haotian, Wu Gang and Xu Tingfei nodded.

Now there is only this reason.

But even so, you can see how terrifying this guy is!


You need to use the Ultra Bracelet to deal with it.

That is to say, this guy has quite a lot of attack methods! How does this guy practice?


It is so outrageous!

Should they go to a magic academy to learn magic in the future?

Still! Yes!

Light Screen, can you give us a detailed introduction to the abilities of the Plese Planet?

Let us see the existence that can make the mysterious four people deal with it.

How terrifying!


Kamen Rider Emperor World...

Xiao Ming is confused!

Completely confused!


Why are the monsters in your Ultraman world so weirder than the last!

Even the magician has come out now?

It even needs the mysterious Four Ao to deal with it!

So is this guy able to travel through time and space casually?

King of Ultra!

Hope you put this guy to bed once and for all!

Otherwise this guy would see the light curtain.

Find a world of Kamen Rider or Armored Warrior.

It is estimated that no one can stop the other party!

The monster currently displayed in the light curtain.

Basically, Brother Xiao Ming cannot deal with any of them.

The ace card is useless, okay?

Is there any use in being able to grow to a huge size?

All kinds of outrageous methods can't be used at all, right?


Right now!

A detailed introduction to Planet Plese appeared on the light screen!

Make everyone's heart tremble!

【Planet Pleshe - a cosmic being with great strength and a magic wand that can use any magic!】

【Make Leo smaller so that Leo can't confront him head-on】

【In the end, the King of Ultra restored Leo to his original size through his Hammer of the King.】

【And together with the King of Ultra, he destroyed the Plese Planet】

【He was also the first enemy to ask the Ultra King to help the Ultra Warriors. 】

The first enemy that the Ultra King took action against?

Just this card.

The Plescher Stars are full of people!

Also, isn't Ultraman able to change size at will?

Leo finally had the Ultra King take action before he returned to his original size...

I'll go!

This guy can ban the Ultra Warrior's transformation ability?

【Like enlarging/minimizing, fixing the light, shrinking the light……】

【Don’t have too many Plese stars with various abilities!】

【It’s still the kind of skill that leaves Leo with no ability to resist at all.】

【Except for the top Ultimate Arcana who can defeat this guy in two moves】

【It’s true that other ordinary Austrians can’t beat it!】


The Kingdom of Light... see what Light Curtain said about the people from Planet Plese.

All the Ultra warriors nodded.

I quite agree with the words that appeared in the light curtain.

Just being the first Ultra King to take the initiative to help.

This can illustrate the strength of the Plese Stars. really!

Only the Ultimate Arcana can be compared with this guy!


Now the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light have seen quite a few guys that only Ultra Ultra can deal with.

The strength of each one is similar to that of the Plese Stars!

It’s just that these monsters now have more skills!

Even more difficult!


When will the universe really become peaceful and stable?

They Ultra Warriors have worked hard for tens of thousands of years.

There is still no way to make the universe peaceful!

There are even guys like this who are doing things behind their backs.


It’s so uncomfortable! (King of Money)

I hope the universe can become safe soon!

Only in this way can all kinds of creatures survive!


Armored Warrior Nava World...

General Duanmu doesn't want to talk anymore!

Good guy!

Some monsters from the previous Heisei period.

The rule-based abilities are outrageous.

But there are ways to exercise restraint.

After all, these monsters fight based on their own rules-based abilities.

But this guy from Planet Plese is not like that!

This guy is a magician!

The abilities of magicians can be said to be all kinds of strange.

You have no idea what skill this guy is going to use next.

How can you fight such an enemy?

It's almost impossible to beat!

It’s hard to resist!

It’s really a bit hard to bear!

Ma Lingling looked at the Plese star's face full of horror.

This guy won't come to his own world, right?

If they get here... they really have no means of resistance at all!

I didn’t see the light curtain’s introduction to the skills of the Plese Stars.

Did you use the ellipsis directly?

Who knows how many skills this guy has?

He's not a guy that humans can deal with at all, okay?


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World...

Ukisho and the soldiers were all dumbfounded!

There is no way to deal with this guy from Plese Star!

Make a wish after winning the Grand Prix of Desire...

What do you say you wish for?

Unless the goddess is allowed to directly give Plese stars seconds!

Otherwise, there is no point in making a wish!

After banning someone's skill.

There are still many skills waiting for you!

This is a magician!


The world of Ultraman is so outrageous!

Tell me about you.

Just forget it if you are an idealist.

Can understand.

After all, they are a race that fights with all their strength.

Turns out you still have deus ex machina technology.

Now there are things like magicians that can only appear in fantasy worlds...things... how many things do you still have that we don't know!.

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