Chapter 172 Heavenly Court Feast, Xuan Ming, Lord of Hell!

The prehistoric world, after the weird incident of the human race and the dragon race, the entire prehistoric world has been very peaceful.

The human race has developed as always, and the creatures of the prehistoric races have also made considerable progress.

In the Heavenly Court, in the Ling Xiao Palace, Haotian frowned. He squeezed his eyebrows with a bit of contemplation in his eyes.

“I have been monitoring the four seas with the Haotian Mirror for a hundred years, but I haven’t found out where the dragon family is.”

“Could it be that the old dragon that appeared at the beginning is the complete foundation of the dragon clan?”

Haotian whispered, and at the end, he shook his head.

Although before this, he was Hongjun’s boy in Zixiao Palace.

But he also knew that when Emperor Jun wanted to overwhelm the entire dragon clan, there was also a mysterious powerhouse who took action.

Since that person helped the Dragon Clan, it was enough to prove that the Dragon Clan was by no means that simple.

But now, even with the Haotian Mirror that can see the sky in the upper part and the darkness in the lower hole, it is impossible to detect the dragon family’s background.

There was a bad mood in his heart suddenly.

After a long while, Haotian let out a sigh of relief, and he completely gave up investigating the dragon clan’s heritage.

In any case, the Dragon Clan has been appointed to the heavenly position, and one day he will be able to figure out the Dragon Clan’s background.

“Taibaijinxing, come see me soon!”

At this moment, Haotian’s expression had indeed become serious and serious, and he summoned Taibai Jinxing.

It didn’t take long for a figure to walk in from outside the Ling Xiao Hall.

“Chen Tai Bai Jin Xing, I have seen the Great Heavenly Sovereign!”

Taibai Jinxing respectfully saluted Haotian.

“Aiqing doesn’t need to be polite, I’m looking for you this time, but I see something important for you to do!”

Haotian said in a deep voice to Taibai Jinxing.

His words fell, and he reached out and waved at Taibaijinxing, a stream of light sank into Taibaijinxing’s hands.

Taibai Jinxing did not delay, and opened the thing that looked like an invitation that was not in his hands.

When he finished reading the above content, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Haotian.

“Da Tianzun, you want to hold a heavenly feast, and you also want to invite those saints to come?!”

Haotian nodded, a divine light appeared in his eyes.

“Yes, I want to host a heavenly feast!”

“Since the establishment of Heavenly Court, no feast has been held. Now that the Dragon Clan is attached, it has also increased the prestige of Heavenly Court!”

“This is a good time to hold a heavenly feast!”

“On the one hand, I can subdue the hearts of those who return to the heavenly court, and on the other hand, it can also show the sincerity of my heavenly court.”

After hearing Haotian’s words, Taibai Jinxing’s eyes flashed with contemplation.

After a long while, Taibai Jinxing bowed to Haotian.

“Please rest assured, the minister will live up to his trust!”

Haotian nodded in satisfaction, and said to Taibai Jinxing.

“Very good, then go quickly!”

“Be sure to send the invitation card to the saints and the great supernatural powers, so that the entire prehistoric creatures know the prestige of my heavenly court!”

Taibai Jinxing didn’t say much, he just bowed to Haotian, and then walked out of the Ling Xiao Palace.

With the departure of Taibai Venus, the news that the heavenly court was about to host a feast soon spread to the prehistoric state.

Once it was spread, it made the predecessors full of discussion.

They were full of curiosity about the heavenly court, let alone, this time the heavenly court will also hold a feast for the great supernatural powers.

You know, if you want to entertain people with great supernatural powers, don’t say anything else, the grade must be high-end, luxurious, and luxurious.

Not to mention, there is also Renshui Pantao, one of the ten innate spiritual roots, in the heavenly court.

Ordinary people don’t say that the fruit of the best congenital spiritual root has not been eaten, and even ordinary congenital spiritual root fruit is rare.

Their hearts are also very longing for Naren Water Flat Peach.

It’s just a pity that all the excitement and joy are those of the great supernatural powers, and their strength has not reached the standard.

But in this way, a different kind of mind was born in their hearts.

Although he can’t become a great supernatural power, but it may not be impossible to join the heavenly court.

At this moment, the Heavenly Court also began to issue invitations for the feast to the various forces and those with great magical powers.

The person who received the invitation was also full of joy, which at least proved that he was valued by the heavens.

Speaking out in the predicament is also a matter of saving face.

East Kunlun, in Yuxu Palace.

Yuan Shi squeezed the invitation from Heavenly Court, and a playful expression flashed in his eyes.

“Teacher, Heaven has issued an invitation. Are we going to?”

Underneath, among the disciples who were accepted by Yuan Shi, the one standing in the front stood up and asked Yuan Shi respectfully.

The rest of the disciples also just stared at Yuanshi, wanting to know the final result.

After they were accepted by Yuan Shi, they didn’t go anywhere.

Although there is no shortage of things above the East Kunlun, the aura can be called the top of the world.

But they also want to see what the heavenly feast is like.

Hearing the words of his disciple, Yuan Shi looked over.

“Guang Chengzi, why do you think that Heavenly Court Great Tianzun will set a heavenly feast at this moment?”

Dressed in Tsing Yi, Guang Chengzi, with a talented and arrogant temperament, pondered slightly.

“Teacher, the disciple believes that there are two reasons why the man gave a feast in the heaven at this moment!”

“One is to completely subdue the hearts of the Dragon Race and those who return to the Heavenly Court!”

“Second, it is to play the name of Heavenly Court toward the prehistoric creatures and attract more prehistoric creatures to join the Heavenly Court!”

“Hahaha, yes, yes, Guang Chengzi, you have lived up to my expectations!”

Yuan Shi laughed loudly, and the eyes of Guang Chengzi were full of satisfaction.

He is extremely satisfied with his entire big disciple, and his personality is somewhat similar to him.

“Teacher is too good!”

Guang Chengzi bowed to Yuan Shi with a respectful expression.

And the other disciples, except for a few, looked at Guang Chengzi’s eyes, both with envy and jealousy.

However, in front of Yuan Shi, they dare not show anything.

“Well, listening to the feast that day, the most precious thing was nothing more than the flat peaches.”

“But this thing is useless to me. For this heavenly banquet, you, headed by Guang Chengzi, are going to participate!”

“Remember, don’t fall into my reputation as an educator!”

Yuan Shi did not pay attention to the expressions of those disciples, and with a wave of his hand, he settled the matter.

Haotian is nothing more than a jumping ant.

It hasn’t upset him yet, if it upsets him, then just subtract it!

Unsanctified, but ants in the end!

At the same time, whether it is the Shouyang Mountain Bajing Palace, the Biyou Palace on Jinao Island in the East China Sea, or the Mount Sumi in the West.

Laozi, Tongtian, Xiying and others all made this decision together.

They will not participate in this heavenly feast, they will all be replaced by their disciples.

. . . . . . . . . . .

In the Netherworld, Fengxi and two women walked in the underworld.

“Sister Houtu, it seems that the underworld is developing well, and it has changed a lot from me!”

Feng Xi’s eyes were a bit of sigh.

When he left, this mansion was just a concept he proposed.

I didn’t expect that after so many years, the underworld had been completely built!

A group of ghosts and ghosts are escorting and driving the dead souls to ten palaces that are similar to small ones to accept trial!

These ten halls are the location of the ten halls of Yama.

The ten halls of Yama are all served by the Witch Clan Great Witch!

Although both clans suffered heavy losses in the Lich War at the beginning, there were still ten great witches among the witch clans.

When they learned that they came to the underworld to serve as the Ten Temple Yama, and they could save a bit of luck and merit for the Wu Clan, they did not hesitate to come one after another.

“This is all the credit of Brother Fengxi, if it weren’t for the netherworld you proposed, I’m afraid the Netherworld has already been in chaos at this moment.”

Hou Tu glanced at Feng Xi tenderly and spoke to him.

“Sister, why did you call me here?”

“If there is nothing wrong, I will go back to the Pangu Temple!”

At this moment, a cold word came.

The speaker was the woman standing next to Houtu.

Both Houtu and Fengxi looked at her.

Hou Tu hadn’t said anything yet, Feng Xi said at the outset.

“Xuanming Ancestral Witch, I called you this time!”

Hearing Feng Xi’s words, Xuan Ming set his eyes on Feng Xi.

Feng Xi didn’t say much, the seal in his hand changed drastically, and the runes separated from his hand and headed towards the Netherworld in midair.

Those runes touched the sky of the Nether Realm, and suddenly melted.

After that, the sky of the entire Netherworld began to ripple like water.

A trace of breath emerged, and a corner of the flag was looming.

Xuan Ming also felt the slightest breath and saw the flag.

Her expression, which had not changed, was filled with excitement at the moment.

“This…this is…the breath of big brothers!”

“The twelve capital gods evil flag!”

“Is it possible…?”

Xuan Ming felt that his heart, which had been dead since the end of the Lich War, was slowly recovering at this moment.

“Xuanming Ancestral Witch, as you felt, the twelve capital gods’ evil flags were collected by me!”

“After endless years, the rest of the ancestral witches may not be able to return from disaster!”

Xuan Ming’s breathing was short for a few minutes. After a long while, she calmed down and turned her gaze on Feng Xi.

“What do you want me to do?”

“It’s very simple. The underworld is established. All the dead souls need to go through the life and death book to check their merits and demerits before they can enter the six reincarnations!”

“Six Daoists, ascend to heaven, to humanity, asura path; to beast, hell, and hungry ghost!”

“In addition to these six, those who still have serious sins cannot enter the six reincarnations. They need to enter the eighteen layers of hell, go through hardships and wash away all sins before they can reincarnate in the six realms!”

“I need Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch to become the master of the eighteenth layers of hell, and suppress those evil souls with sinful karma!”

A divine light appeared in Feng Xi’s eyes, and he stretched out his hand and waved.

The various situations of the eighteenth hells all surfaced in front of Xuan Ming’s eyes.

Xuan Ming looked at the appearance of the eighteen layers of hell, she licked the corner of her mouth, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

She spoke to Fengxi, “Okay…”

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