Chapter 171 Jehovah, Satan, a strange war!

Chaos, I don’t know how much it is in vertical and horizontal directions.

Even if Pangu broke through the chaos and opened up the wild world, the area occupied by the wild is nothing but a shudder in the chaos!

I don’t know how far away from the precipice, there is a huge world that is crossing the chaos.

In that big world, there are mortals with blond hair and blue eyes, and there are also angels and demons!

On this day, in this vast world, the battle hymn of heaven sounded and the gate of hell opened.

Countless angels and demons rushed out of it and started fighting in the whole world!

Sometimes angels are torn apart by demons, and some demons are purified by angels.

And those mortals did not hide.

Their eyes were full of enthusiasm for angels and demons, and they began to fight.

Between the whole world, there was a bloody, it seemed extraordinarily terrifying.

However, it is in such an environment where two human figures stand at the intersection of the Great Thousand World and Chaos!

One of them exudes a bright color, and there is a faint singing of praise.

And the other person was full of pitch black, and there was a demon roar faintly.

“Jehovah, your angel is fighting desperately with my demon warriors for your Lord.”

“You can be worthy, your devout believers?”

There was a bit of playfulness in the words of the lacquered black shadow.

“I am the Lord, and the Lord said: Consecrated to the Lord, this is the supreme glory, and I will enter the kingdom of the Lord after death!”

In that bright figure, a book appeared in his hand, flipping slightly, there was endless light blooming from it, and the sound of hymns sounded.

“Oh, it’s really your hypocritical set!”

“What is it for me to come here?”

The black painter sneered, and there seemed to be cold light in his eyes.

That bright figure, also known as Jehovah, seemed to turn around.

He looked at the endless chaos, as if he felt the breath that made him engraved in his heart.

“Satan, I can feel that we are getting closer!”

“Keep approaching, the world opened up by Pangu!”

The black shadow named Satan became silent when he heard the words of Jehovah.

After a long while, he turned around and looked at the endless chaos.

In the end, his face seemed to become savage, and the color of blood radiated from his eyes.

“Hehe, Pangu was so prestigious at the beginning, I want to achieve the ultimate…It’s a pity that I failed in the end!”

“I lingered for so many years to destroy the world left by Pangu!”

“Everything related to Pangu should be destroyed! Destroyed!!!”

After Satan said it, his whole body surged.

This breath almost spread to the entire world in the blink of an eye.

In that vast world, it was affected by the atmosphere of Satan.

Countless demons have become stronger, and some angels can’t stand the temptation of this breath and become fallen angels!

Among the countless beings, those who praise and worship Satan do not know how much.

At this moment, a bright and broad aura rose up, fighting against Satan’s aura.

Those demons and fallen angels that had just become stronger were instantly purified and annihilated by this breath.

The immeasurable beings began to praise and worship Jehovah again.

“Satan, control your breath!”

“You hate Pangu, and I also hate Pangu, but I have to say that the road Pangu took was not necessarily a great road to heaven.”

“Although the light and dark world where I am waiting is not bad, it must be far behind Pangu’s world creation.”

“How do you and I work together to win Pangu’s last Taoist fruit and achieve the ultimate together…”

In the chaos of the world, the Lord spoke to Satan.

Hearing the words of Jehovah, Satan grinned, and the anger in his eyes had completely dissipated.

Instead, there is a shrewd look.

I saw him speak.

“It turns out that the Lord made this idea for you!”

“We were able to escape Pangu’s attack and come back from the recovery. Presumably, there were many people who had such methods in the first place.”

“You are afraid that you alone will not be able to beat those people and win Pangu’s ultimate Dao fruit!”

Satan’s words are full of confidence!

Sometimes, it is not yourself who knows best, but your enemies know you better!

This is like Satan at this moment.

When Pangu had not yet started the war, he and Jehovah were rivals of the Dark Demon God and the Light Demon God.

Even if he has recovered and returned, his relationship with Jehovah has not changed in the slightest.

Jehovah was not surprised at all, so he nodded.

“Yes, you and I were not the top demon gods at the beginning, and both were able to recover and return.”

“I don’t believe that time, space, destiny, cause and effect, these top demon gods, have completely eliminated the hope of returning.”

“They will definitely return, and they are likely to be stronger than us. If you and I don’t join forces, I’m afraid…”

Jehovah’s words have not yet been exhausted, but Satan has already understood the meaning of his words.

In his mind, some of the top figures he had seen before appeared.

Have you ever seen a demon god, no matter what it is doing, there is a long river around him?

Have you ever seen a demon god, although it seems to be in front of you, but actually don’t know how far away it is from you?

Have you ever seen a demon god, as long as…

Although there were not many such characters at the beginning, they were definitely not uncommon.

Moreover, these pictures are just imagining, they are faintly mysterious, and they seem to be able to recover from memory.

Such a character is totally unknowable, unthinkable, unthinkable!

“Okay, I agree!”

“Pangu-related things will be destroyed, and I will also want his Dao Fruit!”

Satan suddenly showed a smile, and a divine light flashed in his eyes.

After that, Satan did not continue to stay before the Lord, but disappeared.

The Lord, shrouded in light, watched Satan’s departure.

He knew that even though Satan agreed to him, as a demon, is it not normal to go back?

As if a breeze was blowing by, the book in Jehovah’s hand began to turn slowly.

Numerous pictures flickered in the middle, and soon came to the last page.

On that page, the Lord, the Lord of Light, and Satan, the Lord of Darkness, are painted.

It’s just that if you let those angels and demons see it, I’m afraid it will explode on the spot!

All this is only because the Lord of Light and Satan, Lord of Darkness, they…

(Xiaojuan doesn’t count, and then returns to the prehistoric state)

. . . . . . . . . . .

Within the prehistoric land, an army of human races that formed three thousand battle formations appeared on the East China Sea.

The East China Sea was boundless, but the three thousand battle formations released their own coercion, and the East China Sea waters where these human races were located were all still.

Where these three thousand battle formations are and where they are not are really two extremes.

One is surging and the other is still, as if it were a painting.

“Human Shennong came to ask the Dragon Clan for advice, and asked Donghai Dragon King to show up!”

When Shennong came from the station, his words instantly resounded throughout the East China Sea.

Within the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang naturally heard Shennong’s words.

His face turned dark, and Shennong’s words were somewhat rude.

And this menacing appearance made him a little bit confused, and he didn’t know what Shennong thought.

“Brother, what should we do now?”

“Yes, brother, you have to come up with an idea!”

“Five quasi-sages, thousands of Da Luo, I’m afraid that those clan elders may not be able to defeat the human clan if they come out of the mountain?!”

The other Three Seas Dragon Kings were a little anxious at this moment, and they looked at Ao Guang one after another.

Ao Guang kept pacing, his mind was numb.

I don’t know how long it has passed before he made up his mind, only to see him speak.

“Go, let me go and meet Human Race for a while, I already have an idea about this!”

After that, Ao Guang walked out of the Dragon Palace first.

The other Three Sea Dragon Kings couldn’t help but look at each other. They didn’t know what Ao Guang had in mind, and they could only follow Ao Guang with a little expectation.

It’s just that Ao Guang, who looks extremely calm at the moment, has already panicked in his heart.

If he hadn’t been summoned by his ancestors beforehand, I am afraid he didn’t know what to do now.

Ao Guang took a deep breath, and could only pray secretly in his heart, praying that his ancestors did not deceive him.

When Ao Guang appeared in front of Shennong and the others, the entire prehistoric eyes gathered.

Ao Guang looked at the three thousand battle formations of the Human Race and the five quasi-sages beside Shennong, and he felt a sense of powerlessness.

The dragon race has a foundation, but before the karma is eliminated, one point for this foundation will lose one point. If it is not a last resort, it must not be used.

Seeing what Shennong was about to say to him, Ao Guang interrupted Shennong’s words first.

“The co-lord Shennong, your daughter and baby girl almost died. This is the negligence of my dragon clan.”

“This is Ao Xian who insulted the girl, and the co-owner can decide on his own death!”

“It’s just that, please also ask the co-lords to raise their hands high, the dragons can’t afford to fight!”

Ao Guang bowed to Shennong, and he lowered his posture very low.

Those onlookers with great supernatural powers were slightly taken aback.

They don’t know at all, why are they afraid of the Dragon Race, which was so tough when facing the Monster Race, now facing the Human Race?

Not to mention that the dragon clan has its own background, just the four spirits that suppress the four poles of the world, there is the existence of the Eastern Yimu Qinglong.

As long as he is willing to make a move, is it not enough to be comparable to the human race?

“Dragon King, Ao Xian is forgiven for death and life crime. Today I break his cultivation and make him only a mortal dragon in this life, with a lifespan of five hundred years!”

(Cry Liao, a common dragon has a lifespan of five hundred, but the author of my jio’s dog here can’t write it well, how can it have a three-thousand life?!)

“The three thousand miles of the East China Sea near the coast of the East China Sea belong to the human race!”

Ao Guang did not hesitate at all, he nodded.


After that, without waiting for Shennong to start, he was the first to abolish all Ao Xian’s cultivation base.

Without the cultivation base, Ao Xian instantly turned back into his real body. A five-clawed golden dragon, with its originally dazzling scales, was now dimmed.

There was a trace of corruption in Ao Xian’s body.

After doing all this, Ao Guang left here with the remaining Three Sea Dragon King who had not recovered.

And Shennong didn’t seem to be surprised at all, turned around and left with the three thousand human race battlefield.

Behind him, in addition to the five quasi-sages, there was more doubt in the eyes of the others.

who am I? where am I? What am I here for?

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