Chapter 146 Two Deaths and One Injury!

boom! boom! boom!

Above the wild land, there was a bloody storm, and countless Lich II fighters started to blew themselves when they pulled each other.

And Di Jun and the others who survived the collision between the Tianxingdou Array and the Twelve Capital Tianshensha Array that week also launched their final fight on the wild land.


Just listening to the sound of blood spurting out, Fu Xi’s figure flew upside down in an instant.

At this moment, Fuxi’s face was like golden paper, and his breath declined to the extreme.

And not far in front of him, Zu Wu Gonggong, Zhu Rong, and Chi You were slaying savagely towards him.

He was badly injured before, and now he is no match for the three co-workers.

Even if he was given a breath of respite from the star battle of Zhou Tian before, it was not enough for him to recover from his injury.

Looking at the three ancestral witches rushing towards him, Fuxi’s mouth showed a wry smile.

It seemed that everything he did could not be changed in the end.

When he was dying, his sister He Fengxi suddenly appeared in his mind.

. . . . . . . . . .

Chaos, in the Nuwa Palace.

Nu Wa was held by Feng Xi, and Nu Wa was a little angry at this moment.

“Fengxi, that is your eldest brother Fuxi, he is in danger at the moment, why don’t you let me save him!”

“Don’t think that if you become Hunyuan, you can be arrogant in front of your sister!”

“Don’t forget, who brought you back and brought you up!”

Listening to Nüwa’s words, looking at Nüwa who was a little arrogant at the moment, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Feng Xi’s mouth.

“Sister Nuwa, of course I know my eldest brother from Fuxi.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t harm him, on the contrary, I will give him a big chance!”

Nu Wa heard Feng Xi’s words and looked at him seriously.

“You really didn’t lie to me?”

Feng Xi nodded to Nuwa, a smile on her face.

“How could I lie to Sister Nuwa?”

“You are the best sister to me, don’t worry, I always pay attention to Big Brother Fuxi, and will not let him really have an accident.”

Hearing Fengxi’s words, Nuwa nodded, did not say much, quietly watched the scene in the wild.

. . . . . . . . .

“It seems that the monster race is about to lose!”

“Fuxi is seriously injured, and the Wu Clan has an extra ancestral witch, which really affected the entire Lich battle!”

“This is the role of the strong, far more powerful than the role of an army of millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions!”


In the precipice, the great supernatural powers watched the three co-workers rush towards Fuxi, and they all shook their heads.

Obviously, at this moment, Di Jun and others, because of Fuxi’s death, the three Gonggongs joined the battlefield again, and they were exhausted.

There is no chance of a turnaround at all.

Even if it weren’t for the fear that Di Jun and the others would eventually pull them to blew themselves together, Di Jiang and the others would have used their best chance to solve Di Jun and the others.

But even so, they are pressing every step of the way, and they didn’t give Di Jun and the others a chance to breathe.


However, at this moment, shocking changes occurred!

Suddenly, the real fire of the sun burst out of Dijun’s body, with the aura of burning everything, forcing Dijiang and Zhujiuyin away.

His figure turned into an afterimage, like thunder and lightning, shuttled through the space, but in a flash, he came to Zhu Rong.


A cold drink came out of Di Jun’s mouth, and with a bang, a long sword with a heavy resentment appeared in his hand.

Turning the wrist gently, the sword body split the light and shadow, and slashed on Zhu Rong’s real body.

All the vitals on his chest, back, head, and limbs came fiercely!

“Zhu Rong…”

The words in Zhu Rong’s mouth did not fall, the flames that had not yet fully condensed all over his body dissipated, and his whole body was torn apart.

Endless blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground, all his vitality was wiped out at that moment!

Zhu Rong has fallen like this!

This scene really shocked all the great magicians.

Even the saints were astonished.

They set their eyes on the long sword in Di Jun’s hand. It was just a breathing effort, and they understood why Di Jun would slaughter the human race cruelly before.

It turned out to be such a weapon to slaughter the ancestral witch!

It’s really a deep calculation, if you don’t make a move, you will see the difference as soon as you make a move.

It can be said that Di Jun’s hand was to hide these saints from them.

It wasn’t until he took the shot that he could see all this clearly.

. . . . . . . .

On Mount Sumeru in the West.

Even Zhunti was stunned. The picture he had given at the beginning was indeed to completely trigger the contradiction between the witches.

But he did not expect that Di Jun and the others would actually take a different approach, absorb the grievances of those human races, and cast such a fierce soldier with grievances.

“Brother, this Dijun has to say that he is really an enchanting evildoer, a blood training method that actually allows him to find a way to restrain the ancestral witch’s body…”

Zhun said the words are faint, which seems to contain some vague emotions.

Hearing Zhunti’s words and the lead on the side, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

“It’s okay, although it has created a witch-killing weapon, the result is good!”

“The defeat of the Lich Clan is a destiny, and there will be no change!”

Zhunti also nodded, and he agreed with the quoted words.

Suddenly, Zhunti thought of something, he said to the lead.

“Brother, last time I went to the Netherworld to block Houtu, I could feel that the six stages of the Netherworld have a major attraction to the West!”

“Do we need to plan ahead?”

“Presumably when the time comes, the Sanqing will not look at the six reincarnations that can condense merit, and will not be in their hands.”

After receiving a brief pause, he seemed to be thinking about something. After a long while, he closed his eyes.

“I’ll talk about this later, and let’s talk about it after I’ve spent the present!”

“It should be ours, naturally I can’t run…”

Hearing the quoted words, Zhun Ti didn’t say anything more, but his eyes flashed with light, and he didn’t completely give up.

. . . . . . . .

“No! Zhu Rong…”

Not far from Zhu Rong, Gonggong and Chi You, who were only a few hundred meters away, roared in mourning.

The bad news came so quickly, they didn’t have time to react at all.

In just a moment of effort, Zhu Rong completely lost his vitality, and he didn’t even have time to make a scream.

Under that Emperor Jun’s sword, without the power to resist, he was easily beheaded.

“Don’t yell, it’s your turn next moment.”

“This battle, it’s time to end!”

“Gonggong, die!”

They screamed in co-workers, but Di Jun would not stop there.

As soon as the words fell, Di Jun’s figure once again turned into an afterimage, and came to Gonggong’s body in an instant, like a golden thread.

The long sword in his hand was the same as before, slashing towards Gonggong rather fiercely.

“Gonggong Zuwu, be careful!”


But this time, Chi You reacted, and he jumped to Gonggong’s place and pushed him out.

However, he himself had his arms cut off by Emperor Jun’s long sword.

Fortunately, he retired more promptly and saved his life.

“How can this be?!”

There was an ancestral witch yelling, they couldn’t believe that the body of their ancestor witch was so fragile in front of the long sword.

Just now, if Chi You hadn’t reacted in time, I’m afraid Gonggong would have no time to react and would be directly beheaded by Dijun.

And this Emperor Jun broke out in a desperate situation, which is also particularly shocking.

“Di Jun, you damn it!”

Di Jiang roared, and Zhu Rong had been beheaded by Di Jun, but he was already negligent in his fight with Di Jun.

Right now, seeing Di Jun who had severely injured Chi You still refused to give up, he was also extremely angry.

I saw his body trembled ten thousand times in an instant, the power of the vast space surged, and the space in front of him was instantly shattered.

The next moment, with a ten-thousandth of his breath, Di Jiang appeared in front of Di Jun.

The power of the silver white space condensed on his fist, and blasted out with his anger.

“Hahaha, Dijiang, what can you do if you are angry?”

“Today, you are all going to die here!”

“I won the battle of the Lich!”

Emperor Jun laughed loudly, the long sword in his hand burst into light, and it was as if countless people were wailing between the swings.

Swords of light rushed out from it, as if it were real, and slew towards Dijiang.

Di Jun looked murderous at the moment, killing intent in his eyes!

Killing the ancestral witch, destroying the witch clan, and gathering Qi and luck to prove Hun Yuan, this is his great way.

He absolutely does not allow the slightest accident, cut out with a single sword.

Those sword auras were like a river, with a radiant aura, instantly drowning towards the Dijiang River.

As for Di Jiang himself, when the Emperor Jun’s sword was swung, countless wailing sounded in his ears, and his figure was suddenly taken aback, and his eyes were blurred.

“No, big brother, run away!”


At this moment, the candle nine yin drove the law of time, slowing down Emperor Jun’s figure, and blocking himself in front of Emperor Jiang.

But before he rescued Di Jiang, that Di Jun broke the law of time and slashed Zhu Jiuyin with a sword.

It was just the skill of electric light and flint, Di Jiang, who had recovered, had not made the slightest movement, and watched Zhu Jiu Yin’s whole body shattered, his vitality was wiped out, and he died in front of him.

Three ancestral witches, two dead and one seriously injured!

“No! Jiuyin…”

“Big Brother Jiuyin…”

All the ancestral witches cried out in sorrow, and their eyes were full of murderous intent when they looked at Di Jun.

At this time, even a fool knew that the long sword in Di Jun’s hand was weird!

It stands to reason that their voice of the ancestor witch can resist the attack of the high-grade innate spirit treasure, and it is impossible to break the defense so easily.

But at this moment, he was easily cut into his flesh by that long sword, wiping out all vitality.

“Did you find it?”

“This weapon for slaying witches was created by the grievances of hundreds of millions of people. It is extremely sharp and I prepared it specifically for you.”

“How? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?”

Di Jun looked at the ancestral witches and their eyes were placed on the long sword in his hand.

He didn’t conceal the slightest concealment. He raised his hand and held the sword in front of him, and ran his fingers across the sword.

The long sword was as white as snow, without a trace of blood.

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