Chapter 145 Big Array Collision, Broken Primordial Star Domain!

Chaos is based on Wuji, non-polarized Tai Chi, and Tai Chi is divided into two instruments.

The lunar yin and the sun are yin and yang, under the control of the star giants, they are constantly reversing and returning to the most primitive stage.

Although there is only a trace of chaos that evolves out, it also appears to be very powerful.

The sun and moon exuding a trace of chaos was thrown out by the star giant, breaking towards the shadow of the axe cut out by Pangu’s true body.

It seems to use the characteristics of chaos to annihilate everything to completely dissolve those shadows.

Rumble! Rumble!

At this moment, the Sun and Moon collided with the axe shadows thrown by Pan Gu’s true body with chaotic energy, and the roar sounded through the entire Primordial Star Territory.

Even in the predicament, this roar is constantly resounding, and it sounds like a sound in the ears of the endless prehistoric creatures, which is particularly terrifying!

And just as the chaotic energy collided with the shadow of the axe, the endless aftermath was about to raging in all directions.

An axe light suddenly broke through this area, and Pan Gu’s body soared into the sky, smashing through countless stars, condescendingly looking at the star giant.

The vastness of his body became more and more evident.

It’s as if the Pangu once completely recovered.

“Don’t say, you only have a trace of chaos!”

“Even if you are Chaos?”

“Today, I will kill you in this Primordial Star Territory!”


The violent words came from Pangu Zhen’s body. He raised the heavenly axe in both hands, and a cold light appeared on the axe, which was extremely sharp and unparalleled in the world!

It was as if the scene of Pangu opening up the world in the past is reappearing, slashing at the star giant with one axe to create a new world.


“Is this Pangu God?”

“Even if Pangu’s true body today cannot show one ten-thousandth of it, it seems so terrifying!”


In the prehistoric world, countless sentient beings were trembling and trembling, and I don’t know how many people involuntarily yelled out the word Pangu.

Even if they know that Pangu’s body is not the real Pangu.

But at this moment, looking at the incomparable power of Pangu’s real body, they seemed to have seen the Pangu once.

Those who are weak, their minds were completely defeated, one by one fell to the ground, facing Pangu’s true body, and kept kowtow!

“Sun and moon twins, chaos evolve and die!”

Among the star giants, Di Jun has nothing to say, and Taiyin and Sun once again appeared in his hands.

With the reversal of the lunar sun, the Qi of Chaos evolves out, annihilating towards the axe cut out by Pan Gu’s true body.


With a loud noise, I saw that Pangu’s true body that split the axe did not wait for the result, but stepped towards the star giant.

This step, stepped through the void of the Primordial Star Territory, stepped through the universe of Yin and Yang, and stepped through the Three Thousand Avenue!

Under this foot, the entire Primordial Star Territory trembled for it, seemingly unable to withstand the movements of Pangu’s real body.

At this moment, every move of Pangu’s true body seemed to have the power of destroying the world, exaggerating to the extreme!

Seeing this scene, I don’t know how many people stood there, they didn’t know what to say.

This is just the power of Pangu’s true body, and it’s not even a bit short of Pangu in its heyday.

To put it bluntly, Pangu in its heyday can hang hundreds of millions of Pangu’s real bodies today.

But even so, the power displayed by Pangu’s real body seemed terrifying.

Thinking of this, even those great supernatural powers shivered and gasped.

In front of such a Pangu real body, what qualifications do they have to be called a great supernatural power?

They are just ants!

Beyond the wild, chaos.

In the Nuwa Heaven opened up by Nuwa, at the moment when the Lich War began, Feng Xi came here.

He looked at the power displayed by Pangu’s real body, and thought of the arrangement of the Twelve Capital Tianshen Great Formation he had drawn at the beginning, his eyes deepened.

“The current Pangu real body is enough to open up a world. Although it is not up to the level of the prehistoric, but… this is not a full-blown Pangu.”

“Did Pangu, who was in full bloom at the beginning, really died because of incarnation?”


Feng Xi thought a lot at this moment, but everything was pressed in his heart.

Perhaps, it is not the time to understand this, but he believes that after his strength has improved, he will be able to know the truth of all this!

. . . The screen turned back to the Taikoo Star Territory. . .

“Open the world!”

At this moment, Pangu’s voice resounded throughout the prehistoric world, shocking hundreds of millions of prehistoric creatures.

At this moment, endless evil spirits poured into the open axe in his hand like a tide.

With a single axe, it immediately opened up the path of heaven and earth, the endless rhyme of Taoism flowed, and the power was even more terrifying!

“Even if the battle is broken, this emperor will die with you!”

Feeling the power of this axe far surpassing before, a fierce color flashed in Di Jun’s eyes.

The star giant he had transformed into Zhou Tianxing Dou, his whole body was radiating light.

Among these rays of light, the lunar and sun rays are especially extreme.

The brilliance of the two competed. At this moment, the light was shining, exuding an ancient aura, and the chaotic aura derives an unknown amount, which is very shocking.

After that, the entire star giant turned into an ancient big star, and the whole body was filled with traces of chaos, and it slammed into the real body of Pangu.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Endless roar, endless light flooded the entire Primordial Star Territory, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Such a sight is simply too terrifying, and the world-destroying aura makes all the creatures who feel it sweat coldly, and their faces are extremely pale.

In the Primordial Star Territory, countless stars burst, and the sky’s rays of light exploded, rushing in all directions.

Whether it was the big star that Dijun turned into, or the real body of Pangu turned into by Dijiang and others, they all tried their best to win the final victory!

Hum! Hum! Hum!



The endless buzzing sound rang, and the voices of Di Jiang and Di Jun seemed to be heard in the Primordial Star Region filled with light.

When sentient beings look around, what they can see is extremely vague.

They seemed to have seen Pan Gu Zhen’s hand hacking into the ancient big star that Emperor Jun Zhou Tianxing had transformed into with the Heavenly Axe.

As if seeing it again, the ancient big star that Emperor Jun transformed into hit the real body of Pangu.


There was another loud noise, and all the rays of light shrank to the extreme, and in a ten-thousandth of a breath, it spread to the surroundings and swept across the entire prehistoric world.

Everyone’s perception can’t diffuse out, even those saints can’t observe the situation in the Primordial Star Territory.

The current situation is as if everything has returned to its original point, what time and space, what yin and yang chaos, what cause and effect reincarnation, everything does not exist in general.

Only the roaring sound echoed in the hearts of all beings for a long time.

When they were able to see the Primordial Star Territory clearly, all of them opened their mouths wide, startled, and didn’t know what to say.

I saw that in the Primordial Star Territory, a huge black hole resided.

Countless stars were shattered by the previous collision, and most of the Primordial Star Region was shattered.

They could even see that tens of millions of stars were disintegrating, and countless fragments were being swallowed by the black hole.

There are also the fragments after the explosion of millions of stars, all falling from the ancient starry sky towards the wild land.

One by one huge star fragments rubbed against the air and set fire, and the entire prehistoric sky was shrouded by the thousands of flames, just like a doomsday scene.

Just looking up, it makes people palpitate, and can’t help but take a breath!

Seeing this scene, no one can keep calm.

The collision between the two seems to really destroy the entire world.

In the twilight, a group of prehistoric sentient beings seemed to have thought of something, and they swept towards the entire Primordial Star Territory.

Except for the black hole and the disintegrating stars, there was no trace of anyone in the Primordial Star Territory.

Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi did not appear, nor did the ancestral witches such as Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, as if they were all killed in the last confrontation just now!

Above the wild land, even the war between the witches stopped temporarily. They looked up in the direction of the Primordial Starry Sky and waited silently!

“Are they all dead?”

“Such a collision is normal to die, but why do I think they won’t die so easily?”

“I don’t want to experience this kind of battle in this life, and I don’t want to watch it again!”


All the great supernatural powers were silently staring at the place where Di Jun and the others were fighting, and thoughts arose in their hearts.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, a roar of roars sounded from the black hole, and the black hole suddenly showed aura, and only one figure was thrown out of it.

These people are Di Jun and others, whether it is Di Jun or Di Jiang, their clothes are ragged, their injuries are quite serious, and they look very embarrassed.

But it’s just these people!

The three hundred and sixty-five Daluo Xingjun of that monster race, and 129,600 Taiyi auxiliary Xingjun, all died, and none of them survived.

It’s just that neither Di Jun and others nor Di Jiang and others care about this.

The moment they fell out of the black hole, they immediately reacted.

The figure turned into a stream of light, came to the wild land, and once again fought together.

Everyone went crazy, ignoring how serious their injuries were.

At this moment, they are all desperate, either you die or I die.

Everyone’s shot is a killer move, exhausting his last bit of strength.

But Di Jun and the others fought, and on the wild land, the fierce fighting of the Lich Clan was naturally fiercer at this moment.

Their leaders are so desperate, and as fighters, how can they not do their best!

boom! boom! boom!

The self-explosion sounded constantly above the wild land, and the witches or monsters didn’t care about their lives, and they blew themselves by pulling the other side!

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