Chapter 135 Hongjun, I want to abolish Lirenjiao! (New Year’s Eve is here, Happy New Year!)

Rumble! Rumble!

The void was shattering, and the voice of the Tao reverberated as if wailing.

The entire Taikoo Star Territory shivered under the fight of Taiqing Laozi and Fengxi, almost shattered!

The two stood on one side each, with a lot of scars all over their bodies. Their eyes were filled with cold and indifferent colors, and they looked at each other’s eyes without mercy.

Fengxi’s sharp gun burst into black and red light once again, killing intent on his side, seeming to want to fight Laozi again.

The Tai Chi picture in Laozi’s hand also bloomed with two colors of yin and yang, protecting him layer by layer.

A golden bridge emerged from it, wafting light, it was the mighty force that suppressed the world.

At this moment, an enormous coercion suddenly descended on the entire prehistoric land.

Between the heaven and the earth, the purple energy came hundreds of thousands of miles from the east, the sound of the Tao sounded through the entire land, and the auspicious clouds filled the whole heaven and earth.

An old man wearing a purple Taoist robe, without the slightest breath all over his body, appeared in the Primordial Star Territory.

Seeing the appearance of this figure, both Laozi and Fengxi’s expressions changed.

The rest of the saints in their respective dojos also disappeared one after another, appearing in the Primordial Star Territory.

“Meet the teacher, teacher Saint Ann!”

“Meet Hongjun Daozu, Daozu Shengan!”

Laozi and others and Fengxi bowed to this person.

This person is just Hongjun who has been in harmony, if it comes up, this is the first time Hongjun appeared after they were sanctified.

The last time Hou Tu created the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it was nothing more than his voice.

“Meet Hongjun Daozu, Daozu Shengan!”

In the predicament, endless creatures also worshiped Hongjun respectfully.

After Hongjun heard this, his expression did not change at all, but he nodded slightly.

Then, he set his sights on Laozi and Fengxi.

His eyes were cold and merciless, as if there was no emotion.

Such an expression caused a trace of cold sweat on Laozi’s back, even though he had been sanctified, facing Hongjun, there was still no bottom in his heart.


And Fengxi is not much better. After becoming Hunyuan Daluo, he can feel that there is a gap between himself and Laozi.

But if it is against Shang Hongjun, a great ancestor, there is no half-tier chance of winning.

The realm of harmony is still a little higher after all.

After a long while, Hongjun just withdrew his gaze from the two of them.

“Although the Primordial Star Territory is vast and vast, it can’t stand up to such battles!”

“This time, no disputes arise between the monsters, or between you, etc.!”

“If you want to fight in the future, go to the chaos!”

After the words fell, Hongjun stretched out his hand and waved, behind his head, a group of light that seemed to be the purest and whitest of time rose.

There was a party in the light, on which was inscribed the avenue of three thousand laws, which contained the rhyme of infinite Taoism.

This is the way of heaven**!

** emerged, a divine light spread towards the entire Primordial Star Territory.

The stars that were destroyed by Laozi and Fengxi’s fight have gradually recovered, and the space cracks that appeared have disappeared.

Seeing this scene, all the saints present had their eyes slightly shrunk.

It’s easy to restore something, and they can do it easily.

However, what Hongjun is recovering right now is the entire Taikoo Star Region!

How big is the Swire Star Territory?

The vastness of the prehistoric world is, the vastness of the Primordial Star Territory is.

Even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, it takes at least tens of thousands of years to go from one end of the prehistoric land to the other.

These saints looked at Hongjun’s movements, and under the agitation, the breath of the whole body was faintly uncontrollable.

It’s not that they are in a bad mood.

It was thought that after becoming a saint, he and Hongjun were at the same level of existence.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a saint now, looking at Hongjun’s realm, as usual, there is no end at all.

Even more unfathomable than before.

Hongjun didn’t care about their expressions, just spoke lightly.

“This is a calamity, you are not allowed to wait in the middle of it, otherwise…”

The words were not finished, but the warning in it made the hearts of all the saints shocked.

They are not prepared to know the law and break the law. Anyway, they have basically done everything they should do.

The next thing to do is to wait quietly.

As if he knew the minds of a group of saints, Hongjun didn’t say anything, his figure gradually faded, as if he was about to disappear into the wilderness in the next breath.

However, at this moment, Feng Xi suddenly spoke.

“Daozu, please be slow!”


Listening to Fengxi’s words, the expressions of all the saints present changed slightly. They didn’t know what Fengxi called to stop Hongjun to do.

Nu Wa looked towards Feng Xi with a slightly worried look in her eyes, while the other saints frowned.

And the great supernatural powers who are watching here are also a little puzzled.

Hongjun has already said that the matter is over, and now if Fengxi is entangled in endlessly, then she seems a little confused!

“What’s the matter with you?”

Hongjun’s faded figure gradually solidified, and he looked at Feng Xi with the same expression.

“Taiqing Laozi, to teach by Liren, to educate the human race to be holy!”

“Of course, Taiqing Laozi does not have the virtue of cultivating the human race, and ignores the demon race to slaughter the human race, and prevents sister Nuwa from helping the human race.”

“I don’t recognize such a human being! I don’t respect such a human being to teach the leader!”

“For this, I want to teach the dead!”

Rumble! Rumble!

Fengxi fell word by word, and countless thunders appeared out of thin air in the Primordial Star Territory.

It was as if Heaven was angry.

Laozi’s expression turned completely dark, and the killing intent was in Xiang Fengxi’s eyes.

The whole body’s Qi machine instantly became cold, and the snow condensed from black killing intent fell.

“Fengxi, you are looking for death!”

“Even if you are the Holy Father of Human Race, you can’t abolish human education!”

Hearing Laozi’s words, Feng Xi showed a slightly mocking expression on her face.

Looking at this expression, Laozi had a bad feeling in her heart.

“Heh, can you abolish the education of others? Try it, you won’t know!”

“Kongtong seal, don’t show it at this time, but when will you wait!”

Feng Xi’s words spread to the prehistoric in an instant.

Caused an uproar in the predicament.

All beings are all talking about it. They didn’t expect Fengxi to be so bold and daring to abolish Lirenjiao.

This is shaking the foundation of Laozi’s sanctification!

Once the human education is abolished, whether Laozi will be able to secure the position of this saint is still unknown.


Just as Fengxi’s words fell, amidst the wilderness, the sacred mountain named Shouyang suddenly trembled.

The boundless mysterious light bloomed out of Yangshan Mountain, a beam of light connected to the sky, and the supreme aura radiated out.

This change also moved everyone’s eyes to the top of Shouyang Mountain.

“what’s going on?”

“Could it be that the Kongtong seal that Fengxi Tianzun said was not made?”


The eyes of the great supernatural powers were flickering, and they had their own guesses in their hearts.

“Why… I feel that beam of light is destined for me?”

Taiqing Laozi’s eyes were thoughtful.



There was a roar of dragons, and nine golden dragons hovered in the air.

After a strong light flashed, the nine golden dragons disappeared, and what appeared in the air was a big seal.

On the big seal, the nine golden dragons looked different, with their teeth and claws dancing, and their postures flying.

Under the big seal is the word Kongtong!


Feng Xi snorted coldly, and the Kongtong seal hovering in the mid-air of Shouyang Mountain instantly turned into a golden light, heading towards the Primordial Star Territory.

It just broke through the space in an instant, and flew in front of Feng Xi.

“Now, I Fengxi, in the name of the holy father of the human race, abolish the reality of human teaching. From then on, the teaching of human beings will not be taught by the human race!”

“Taiqing Laozi, don’t enjoy my human luck!”

Feng Xi looked cold, stretched out her hand to grasp the seal of Kongtong, and suddenly moved towards the next pressure.

Rumble! Rumble!

Above the Primordial Star Territory, thunder flickered and roared continuously.

This roaring sound not only resounded in the outside world, but also resounded in the hearts of endless creatures.

They really didn’t expect that Fengxi really dared, really dared to abolish Lirenjiao!

“Fengxi, dare!”

Taiqing Laozi looked angry, he stretched out his right hand, and the Taiji diagram revolved, just to move towards Fengxi’s suppression.

But at this moment, in the predicament, within the ancestral land of the human race.

The three ancestors of the Suiren clan and the sages of the human race looked at each other.

They nodded, with a slight smile on their faces.

“The Suiren family agrees with the words of the Holy Father. From then on, the reality of the teachings is abolished, and I will not be able to enjoy the luck of my human race!”

“There are Chaos who agree with the words of the Holy Father. From then on, the reality of human teaching is abolished, and I will not enjoy the luck of my human race!”

“The Zi Yi clan agrees with the words of the Holy Father, and from then on, the abolition of the reality of human education will not enjoy the luck of my human race!”


Human races stood up one after another and said their own words.

The will of all races gathered together at this moment and turned into an irresistible torrent, breaking into the unknown in an instant.

In the Taikoo starry sky, Laozi was about to act on Fengxi, his expression suddenly changed!

I saw that a five-color divine light penetrated the space and sank into his body.

boom! boom! boom!


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